My 2018: Achievements and Failures - A year full of love, life lessons and adventures

in #blocktradescontest6 years ago (edited)


OMG - Another year has almost passed, incredible!! How fast does time fly ha??

I remember, last year at this time I just came back to Europe, "back home" from my world travels, ready to settle down in Paris... afraid of the cold, the European mentality, back to the serious part of the world and life after enjoying the Mexican Caribbean for 3 years and traveling around Latin America for another 8 month.

(there are no better words for the feeling I had coming back than this video haha)

..and now I'm still here.. well in Munich and everything turned out way differently as I thought it would.

So let's start to look back at this year and look at the Achievements and Failures even though for me there is no failure without achievement, because every failure makes you grow as a person. I really took some time this week to think about my year since I saw @anomadsoul s contest on Thursday and I think the easiest way to write this post is to structure it in different topics - here are the results:

I came back to Europe and lived in Paris for 8 month



I know for many of you that is nothing special, but for me it was a really big step to come back living in Europe after living in the Caribbean for 3 years. Not only the cold, or the people, but also the whole system is just different here. It is a really big difference coming from a little chilly beach town in Mexico to this big french capital Paris, where everybody is focused on their careers, money, fashion etc. and the values and priorities of the people are different.

Plus I didn't speak a word french, when I went there, which didn't make it easier to start a life haha.I just went there totally naive, thinking I could do some volunteering at a hostel to stay for free in exchange, just as I did on my travels, or working at the bar etc... but I got turned down pretty quick.

The work clima is different in France, I was surprised that when I asked for a job like this they wanted to see a french CV and do a job interview in french, even though they knew I wanted this job to learn it and that I speak English, German and Spanish fluently already, I worked at hostels and bars before and studied tourism.. well.. let's just say that wasn't enough.

Of course there was a reason why I went to Paris and still stayed, after knowing all this. My original plan had been traveling through Asia, but I canceled it because of love. I fell in love with Cécile in Colombia and wanted to see where it was going by coming to Paris. I mean I always wanted to learn french, so I said to myself why not try...


The city is actually pretty nice. I loved to walk around (avoiding the metro haha), to see street art, enjoy the architecture, taste the food and feel the vibe. I mean, this was the view from my window ;) - I really can't complain.


I started to take french classes, did sports again, started running and doing work outs and explored the city a lot. I managed to get a deal with a french family where I spoke German to the youngest kid for 15 hrs a week and in exchange I could stay and eat there, so things went well.



And of course I was in the city when France won the world cup this year, which was pretty special too!! We had a great party on the streets :)





So the achievement is that now I speak French level B2, got to know the city, managed to make some friends around there and got kind of a job at least to cover some costs, while I was going to school and posting on steemit.

The failure is, that even without paying rent, I spent a lot of money living in Paris. And I didn't go to Asia in the end.

I got fit again and lost 10 kilos

Oh yes, 10 kilos.. sounds like if I was fat before haha, well looking at the pics back then .. yeah.. maybe a little. As you know I am a yoga teacher, so normally I am fit. I was pretty good in shape before I left to Mexico.. but then I didn't do much.



The laziness of the Caribbean I guess haha. No, also the 90 percent humidity, the 3 jobs I was working, and the partying while working as a bartender didn't help a lot. So yes, when I was back in Paris, with time, I finally started to get back on track ;)

I cooked really healthy and went running at the Parc des Buttes-Chaumont twice a week with a friend of mine, that loved to chase me around :D




I used my free time to participate at several yoga weeks in the Austrian Alps, Italy and Greece doing 5 hours of Yoga a day and eating healthy (and delicious) food.




And of course I enjoyed the winter time, going home for snowboarding weekends to have something good out of the cold :)


After a few month I even joined the Color Run along the river Seine with some friends, which was a lot of fun.




And now, almost 1 year after, almost all my cloth are too big, I lost in total about 8 kilos (got 2 back because of muscles), and I am fit again. It just feels good to be able to do a totally controlled handstand again wherever I want to or go for a run without giving up after 5 minutes ;)


Travels: I jumped out a plane, climbed a volcano, did my PADI diving license and learned how to do kite surfing

Of course I wasn't gonna stay a whole year in Europe without escaping haha so around May I decided to leave for one month to visit friends in Mexico, travel to Guatemala and enjoy some sun and beach in Belize.

I posted about most of that journey already so you know that in Mexico I did skydiving, went on an ultra light plane and tried wake boarding for the first time.




After that I met Cécile in Guatemala and we traveled around for a bit. Of course we had to climb the volcano Acatenango. One of the biggest challenges in my short life so far!!

But it was totally worth it and an unforgettable experience!




Later in Belize I finally dared to do my first dive!! I know incredible.. I was living in the Caribbean for so long and never did my diving license or even tried to go in. Yes, well, I am a chicken sometimes haha and I have great respect of the ocean and also I am a bit afraid of fish and sharks :D - So that's maybe why.

But when we went to Belize and we went to the blue hole, Cecile was diving and I just went snorkeling, I got a bit jealous, so she pushed me and I tried it the next day.

I am not gonna lie... I had real trouble to do all the exercises below the water. Breathing, changing the west etc. was ok, but taking of the mask and put it on again with water getting into my eyes and nose and I didn't see anything, its just all dark around you .. ayayay.. took me like half an hour to do that one without panicking haha.

But in the end I did it!! - And I am glad I did, even though we had some really scary dives with a lot of sharks around us etc... but more about that soon in the travel series haha I don't want to spoil too much! - but we had a real good time and I am glad I did it. Definitely want to go diving on my next trip in Thailand!!



and also this summer I finally found the time to do some kite surfing!! Yes, I went to the south of France and tried it in Hyeres, a little town just at the beach. I learned how to wake board, switching sides, jumping etc., learned how to manage the kite and then slowly learned how to do both at the same time: kite surfing!! It is exhausting!!! But soooo much fun!! definitely doing that again!! I am even thinking of getting my own kite soon!




So I decided to come back to Europe but somehow still made it possible to travel around a lot and have some adventure time, trying out new things! - Big Achievement :)

I finally managed to attend Steemfest



The year before I already was sooo close to just fly to Lisboa and attend the steemfest, but decided last minute not to go, and to attend a friends reunion in Argentina instead, which was also fun, but I felt like I missed out big time. So this time I was glad to be here in Europe anyways and it was easy for me to go to Krakow - there was no way I would miss it!!

Just as at any Steemit Meetup I've been so far it is incredible how reachable and open everybody is and how nice and fun ;) @roelandp just made a great job putting this event together with all its different activities and conferences. I had so much fun, met so many people, I feel like I didn't sleep at all this week and it was still so worth it!!




Also being 5th at the Poker tournament as only girl and after being chip leader at the final table was a little achievement for me ;)

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Once again thanks to all my new friends and all those great personalities for spending time with me at Steemfest and have such a blast together :) - I am already looking forward to see some of you guys in Thailand and others hopefully next year at steemfest 4 :)

Just to name a few of them: @abh12345 @cervantes @tincho @gargon @nanzo-scoop @gtg / @gandalf @martibis @luzcypher @neopch @llfarms @gillianpearce @alexvan @twinner @therealwolf @guyfawkes4-20 @gexi @louis88 @rivalzzz @bitrocker2020 @brickster @vieanna @daveonarrival @ura-soul @surfyogi @surfermarly @felander @toocurious @lichtcatchtoby @nissla @lukestokes @el-cr @travelfeed @detlev @mammasitta @teamsteem @manncpt @jeffjagoe @coruscate @tarazkp @suesa @fabianklauder @arcange @gmuxx @for91days @knozaki2015 @anahilarski @hilarski @jaki01 @theaustrianguy @blocktrades @nomadicsoul @aggroed @sndbox @karinxxl @greencross @bugavi @handmade @celestal @tasteem @roxane @tarazkp @joythewanderer @prc @blewitt @soyrosa @goodwithtravels @guchtere @liliana.duarte @rmach @rhondak @michelios @schererf @revisesociology @artbunny @world-travel-pro @honeydue @mynewlife @roelandp @cleanplanet @ytrphoto @cryptoctopus @firepower @leotrap @kevinwong @coruscate @nomadicsoul and @travellit

Well looking back at all of this you could think I had just a great year! No failures at all except that I spent a lot of money traveling and living in Paris without a real job and not going to do my Asia trip... but as life reminds us over and over again:

Nothing is for certain!!.. that is maybe also one of the big truths and my big failure I had to realize this year..

The relationship with Cécile didn't work out.. c'est la vie, how they say in french... And yes my heart is a little bit broken.. but life goes on right? I didn't want to give up, I fought and I lost.

Also my parents got separated a few month ago and my home will be sold, which is kind of tough too.. if a place where you made so many memories will be gone, and the family you grew up in doesn't exist like that anymore. It kind of pulls the rug out from under my feet but also gives me a lot of opportunities.

So after the break up I came back to Germany to work a bit and safe some money, but also to be there for my family until things get a bit more smooth and everybody calms down..

So now everything is open again for 2019!!

I just know I will be in Thailand for new years meeting @daveonarrival @martibis maybe @teamsteem @nomadicsoul @travellit @bitrocker2020 @cervantes @connecteconomy and even @redpalestino, which I heard is also not that far away from Phuket ;)

And after that the cards will be shuffled all new and I'll see where life takes me! Some maybe think that is scary, but for me it is really exciting! And I am looking forward to it :) So again failure turns into achievement haha!!

Thanks @anomadsoul for pulling of this contest again this year! It keeps us motivated to post and also brings the community together. Thanks @blocktrades for sponsoring this contest.

Click the map to discover my other adventures!



Aww! Such a great post! We didn’t know where were you before steemfest as we just met you there no we are all caught up on your last year! Heheh 😏

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Well you can check the map ;) Have you decided on Phuket yet? We just booked our hostel yesterday. We gonna stay at the sleeping box from the 30th till the 2nd of January. And move towards the Islands and then BKK again after. Then Chiang Mai and Pai and on the 17th I have to fly back from BKK.

Well I cant image how hard it is, when the parents breaking up or ending an relationship, but always keep your head up, because there will be better times. For example I dont really want to be in the riots of "Gelbwesten" in France right now.
It was nice getting you better know at and and before steemfest. Hope we will see each other soon :)

Well I can see why they are going on the streets in France.. Things are really way worse than here in Germany. If I would still live there I would think about joining in haha. But yeah.. pick your battles haha. Yes it is not easy, but as I said, it opens new opportunities and ways to move on with our lives. I think it just needs some time until everything is back to normal. I also wish you good luck. I can see you are doing great work at the @globalschool. I really appreciate that. Steem on my friend. Pleasure to meet you. Im sure we see each other soon next year. Liz

Muy frio

Scheisse 🙈😂

The face of dispair flying back 'home' to the cold.

Well done for getting back into shape, better to stay there than lose it again - gets harder each year!

Feels like this post took an age to put together - when you post, you post big!

Enjoy the sunshine again in a week or so, not jealous at all 😛 (Current freeZing my ass off in the UK!)

Vamos a la playa!

Haha right? There are just no better words to describe what I felt coming home than this video hahahaha.. Hell yeah I keep in shape. I just came back from running ;) Have to look good at the beach hahha. And yes, I try just to make quality posts. Sorry, I know some people get annoyed cause there are too long to read. Thats why normally I keep the text short and put more pics and videos instead. Did you notice I mentioned you first at my new awesome people in life?? Thats because you are special ;) Thanks I am sooo looking forward to the beach and the party and the sun and the others!!! It will be totally boring ;) no reason to be jealous :D Im sure you will be hearing about it. Keep it up! Just 3 more month and spring is coming :D

I thought I was first in alphabetical order? 😛😬. Thanks! ☺️☺️

Beach holidays are great motivation to get moving, I used to work extra hard before them so I had less guilt drinking beers in the afternoon.

I like the long posts as long as it's not too wordy - breaking it up with picture and videos 👍🏽

-1 today in England, Spring has better be coming!

Yeah, same in Germany... it is snowing!! and freezing!! I never feel guilty lying at the beach with a beer in my hands ;)

I never feel guilty lying at the beach with a beer in my hands ;)

Actually, neither have I. Even when I took a huge bank loan out to do it years ago.

Soon snow will be replaced by sand, ahhhhh!

Oh yes, soon!!! Soo counting the days right now hahah

what a such a cool year full of experiences. You are a strong woman @lizanomadsoul, life continues and I am sure you will find that half orange that will be for you.

How cool you lived in Paris for that long. I went to Lyon to live there for 2 months to learn French, my current level is A1 to A2 but if you put me in any city in France I will survive.

I have to say you are a great example for those that are struggling losing weight. Congrats on that!

Here a picture of us to always remember:


Take care young lady, stay strong!

Hey there!! What a great pic! I love it, thanks :) Yeah, what doesnt kill you makes you stronger right? Cool, how is Lyon?? Im thinking of going to the south of France next to get fluent in French. I am B2 now, but Im still struggeling .. I talk more fragnol than french hahaha its too similar sometimes, like because of spanish I understand a lot, but when I want to speak I cant find the words :D Good thing that 90 percent of the time its enough to just use the spanish word and pronounce it french ;) Yes, I got fit again!! Next step, quit smoking hahaha .. but step by step right? Its a shame you cant make it to Thailand this year! But Im sure we are gonna meet again! We need a rematch :) You too, take care! And again congrats on the baby!! Thats so cool! Give @evecab a big hug from me.

Wow! What a year ! What an amazing lady you are ! ♥️♥️♥️ U !!!

Yes, indeed! Knowing her you can call you lucky!

And that coming from you!!! haha, I guess you are a good role model ;) Loved meeting you! I hope everything is fine in vienna. Maybe next year I swing by for a few days. Take care love, I send you a big hug.

You are always more than welcome!!! 3 huge hugs back to you and keep on rocking the next year! I know you can do it

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WOW, you have such an exciting year behind you and, more important, many exciting years ahead of you! I admire you for all your energy and despite personal setbacks, your strength to look ahead. I know when relationships break down, it hurts, it hurts a lot, I know from own experience. At the end of the day you might realize that it just shouldn't be like that and "letting go" is the better option.

In any case, I thank you very much for letting me accompany you a little bit on your wonderful way of life. You can be sure of my support in the years to come!

Yes it did hurt a lot.. and I am bad in letting go haha, but thats just a new life lesson I guess. Well thank you for your company! Likewise! You can also always count on me :) Thanks for your nice comment.

What a year!!!! I really recognize the French way of life (especially the Parisian) by reading the beginning of your article.. I don't know if I can be proud of it! Haha. I wish you the best for 2019 :)

I heard its just like this in Paris though haha I still might go back to France but to the South, to finish learning the language :) What do you think? are people nicer in Nice? :D I wish you all the best too! Have a good time in Austria.

Soweit ich das beurteilen kann, hattest du ein sehr abwechslungsreiches Jahr! In der Schlussabrechnung zählen die glücklichen Momente sowie die eingesammelten Erfahrungen (die guten genau so wie die schlechten!).

Auf jeden Fall war dein Leben voll von innerem Reichtum, egal wo sich der Kontostand und der Steemkurs gerade befinden!

Ich sehe viel Leichtigkeit, Freiheitsdrang und Ausstrahlung in deiner Persönlichkeit. Bewahre dir das unbedingt in der Zukunft!

Einen herzlichen Gruß von einer digitalen Nomadin an eine Schwester im Geiste!



Hallo Diana, danke für deinen lieben Kommentar :) Erst einmal, ja ich fühle mich geehrt @mammasitta zu meinen Freunden zählen zu dürfen haha. Ich dachte eigentlich erst als ich den Aufruf von @anomadsoul gelesen habe, dass mein Jahr nicht so gut verlaufen ist... aber nachdem ich länger darüber nachgedacht habe und diese Liste zusammengestellt hab, bzw. Fotos gesucht und den Post geschrieben habe, ist es doch gar nicht soo schlecht gelaufen.. Ja gut, finanziell kann es immer passieren das es mal besser und mal schlechter läuft.. und das Steem im Keller ist ist auch nicht soo gut.. aber immerhin konnte ich mir die Reise letztes Jahr noch davon finanzieren und ich bin mir sicher dass es bald wieder aufwärts geht :) Leichtigkeit war dieses Jahr schwieriger als sonst, kommt aber langsam wieder.. musste mich halt erst einmal wieder an die Umgebung anpassen. Freiheitsdrang gehört dazu wenn man Nomade ist ;) Das kennst du sicher. und Ausstrahlung hab ich schon öfter gehört haha danke dir! Nehm ich alles als Kompliment und klar versuch ich das auch zu bewahren. Ich freue mich trotzdem schon auf das neue Jahr, kann gleichzeitig immer noch nicht glauben, dass 2018 schon bald wieder rum ist. Ich wünsche dir auch alles Gute und Grüsse zurück an meine Schwester im Geiste :) Namaste, Liz

Wow what an amazing year full of achievements...of course managing so many stuff is incredible and being sporty and yoga fit is best thing you can have.....steem on

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, I first thought that my year was pretty though and not the best, but looking back like this made me realize that it was pretty awesome! I don't regret any second of it and I had a lot of fun, made many experiences and met a lot of new cool people! Let's see what happens 2019!

Life is not about is about living every moment.👍

Posted using Partiko Android

Exactly, no regrets!

You packed a lot into that one year!
Shit happens, but then shift happens, too and everything looks brighter again. Life is so volatile!! 😄 But at least it’s never boring ;)
Nice getting to know you better!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yes, thats also what I always think. At least it never gets boring ;) Hope to see you in Thailand! Are you at least staying in Chiang Mai for a bit? I think I will be there around the 12th of January. Frank said he wount be there :( Cheers, Liz

I will be in Chiang Mai until February at least, probably longer. However I just booked a 1-week trip to Penang from January 9 ;) Not sure how long you're planning to stay, but hopefully I'll see you when I get back.

Oh no! So you are just away when Im there! I wount be arriving before the 10th and I have to be back in BKK on the 16th cause my flight is on the 17th.. hmm maybe we meet in BKK then when you come back on the 16th? or you meet us at some Island before. Sure you dont wanna be in Phuket on New Years? Too crazy? lol

Oh no, ha ha! That is really unfortunate. I'm back in Chiang Mai in the evening of the 15th, so maybe we still make it!! :) Or maybe breakfast on the 16th before you leave!

Ok, I will keep that in mind and we see :)

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