The REAL coinmarketcap | Steem at the top
Steem has the most daily transactions of any blockchain. And is only using 0.13% of it's capacity. This should be the real coinmarketcap
Steem has the most daily transactions of any blockchain. And is only using 0.13% of it's capacity. This should be the real coinmarketcap
When I first joined “steemit” twenty months ago; my initial thoughts were “this is going to be a groundbreaking social platform”. Obviously, my assumptions were correct!!
Thanks for the update, onwards and upwards!!
Well this is my first day and my second post! I'm sure you are right i see so many people talking about Steem. Took a little while to get approved but i think its well worth it.
Keep it up!! 😏
Up! 👆
To the top!!
Steem/bitcoin flippening
Hopefully steem prices will grow very quickly.
This really is incredible growth for such a different platform of crypto I truly hope we see a lot more of this in the future!!
STEEM is currently in the running to be added to BTCChina, one of China's top digital exchanges.

I really need to get into this more!
Imagine when we all see steem on top of Market cap just like this chart <3
Steem is on top of this list for a long time and it shows how much potential this token already has.
You invest on a crypto and earn daily using your investment, how great that sounds? Oh yeah its called Steem :)
lol that would be insane $400+ steem of it gets close to Bitcoins market cap. Not that I'm complaining or anything haha. I've never used blocktivity before though. I'm going to check it out though. Thanks Trevon.
400$ + is insane ofcourse but Ethereum was a 1$ coin one day for example... Im not saying Steem can beat BTC but it can go higher than what it is today. That could make us all so happy ;)
Yeah thats true, next year we will look back at these year prices and say whoa!
yea,i wish that too for steem
You got a 5.31% upvote from @minnowvotes courtesy of @farseer!
I really need to get into this minnow thing lol
Hi @trevonjb I sent you a message in the steemit chat that I think will really interest you.
If you're going to use bots, make sure you put your bid into a bot that has room for it. Otherwise you screw up the ROI and cost people SBD or STEEM.
yeah you right. It was a mistake. I'm sorry 😌
No problem. Apparently other people bid knowing they will lose ROI and don't care because they're looking at it as cost of promotion but I think others do care. The bots should stop bids once the vote value has been fully purchased. That way it never goes negative in value. lol
It's great to see Steem handle so many transactions. It's definitely ahead technologically compared to a lot of cryptos. From what I read before, it can handle around 100,000 transactions per second which is quite impressive considering the peak transaction for the U.S. stock market is around 25,000 transactions per second.
Usage of the blockchain is going steadily up.we made a new record for "transactions per day".if Steems user base grow tenfold Steem will be the most high-loaded blockchain far ahead from Ethereum and a bit ahead but unreachable from Bitcoin.
I agree with you!
It's possible for Eth and BTC to make up some ground based on upgrades. However, it usually difficult to change/enhance things after everything is up and running .Steem is already made to handle a lot of transactions.
Im gonna comment just because you have a cool name lol epic. #lol

That will definitely help. I'm actually pretty sure a large part of the SBD pump was from Steem and SBD being listed on several of the Korean Exchanges.
This is huge!
sin duda alguna esto es una locura
It's not enough to say that "Steem is the most used blockchain".I want to see it in the top 10 ranking at coinmaketcap & in top 500 most used website in the world by alexa at the end of this year.
Sin dudas que va a entrar en el top ten, steem esta que avanza de una manera muy saludable.
Steem should definitely be #1 on market cap based on the number of transactions it can do. I think Steem and EOS are excellent investments to make even at these prices going forward.
Agreed most definitely.
Im an idiot, I should have kept being active on Steem back in August when I started this account. I needed a kick in the ass from you to get back on here and realize what potential Steem really has.
Not sure if you are looking for any Alts, because I know that you got rid of most of yours that don't actually do anything. But Smartcash just release a profit calculator for their MasterNodes that go live at the end of the month. There could be some potential for some decent passive income if you are interested man.
holdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd on steeeeeeeeeeeeeeemmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
steem is the future @trevonjb
Steem va a llegar a escalar grandes montañas de eso no hay duda.