Blocklancer - reliable freelancing

In this post I will talk about a project I wrote 2 months ago. I was writing about project „Blocklancer“, and most of you prolly did not read it since it was on other language then english.
So I've deciced to make one more blog about it in more common language to introduce you or remind you about their revolution because their ICO starts in few days and we all will benefit from it.

You probably heard about Crypto world and many of its great idea like Ethereum or Bitcoin as currencies. Only as currencies they opened a lot of new possibilities. Blockchain discovery is not far from time when Tesla discovered electricity. Entire new platforms, never possibile operations or improved security systems.

Team of people are working on a project for freelancing platform with improvments based on Blockchain tehnologys. Freelancing is a network where you can find work or hobby from your cozy home and get payed for it.
Don't know if you worked on any of those platforms before, I did and it was pain in the a**.

First you need to find a project that you can do with your set of skills, then you have to bid on it and pray to lord to get it. When you finaly get a project and you didn't cancel it when you read their untold requests, you start to work on it. When you finish it, you send it to employer, he evaluates it and accept it or decline it. So even if you make the project there is still a chance you wont be payed. Blocklancer is developing solutions for this kind of work. With their decentralized platform based on Ethereum Blockchain they would reduce the amount of scam projects and secure the payment to all freelancers.

Blocklancer improvements:

When the project is done or the milestone is reached and everything went well, platform will make payments. If there is some trouble with one or both sides, issue will be listed on the tribunal and any member of Blocklancer can vote on who is right and who is wrong.

There wont be one person to decide about your fate on blocklancer. They invented new system called „Tokenholder Tribunal“ where any account holding Blocklancer tokens will be able to upvote on a case. Hundreds of people will have their say, which is great since you can't buy your way out of it.

Blockchain tehnology allows you to see any transaction ever made. Nothing is hidden or deleted. Blocklancer applied this system to freelancing also. If you worked on a project, its on blockchain. Owner of the project can't just come and delete it after he received a solution. It happened in freelancing a lot, but no more.

Blocklancer will take only 3% of contracted work, which makes it few times lower then on any other freelancing platform. Finaly you will earn some real and reliable money in freelancing.

Most of us is trying to earn some extra money since our regular jobs aren't enough, or some people need freelancing to earn their entire monthly income so when you get scammed or struggle to get into a project it is hard and demoralizing. Visit Blocklancer official site and read their whitepaper, their roadmap or join their team.

Their ICO starts on January 16th, 2018, so if you had experience on freelancing like I did and you want this new system to go live or you see something in their platform, invest in their ICO. If it is successfull you could even earn some money on their tokens or simply be a judge in the Tribunal.


looks like it may help me.

Yea, seems pretty good. Rly want them to do it

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