Subject: Employee Breeding Program

in #blockcorp8 years ago (edited)

Due to a recent conversation with Shay Perrings from HR, I've decided that BlockCorp employees new and old need a refresher on the Employee Breeding Program. As you all know, when we took over we brought on a lot of new faces. Our parent company and founder, Mrs Fitzgibbons Home-Mined Blocks and Duck Farm has had an rigorous breeding program in place since 2006. This allowed Mrs Fitzgibbons to have not only the finest ducks but the most productive employees possible.

Blockcorp is proud to continue the tradition of selective employee breeding. Please see the attached powerpoint presentation regarding our Employee Breeding Program or EBP.

Employee Breeding Program

Selective breeding has been around for thousands of years. It's allowed the propagation and creation of familiar fruits, vegetables and domesticated animals such as the cow, turkey and lemur to be farmed for their delicious meat foods.

Through the centuries we've bred out the cow's poison glads, the turkey's many deadly spikes and almost eradicated the common house lemur's tendency to explode.

Yet only recently have we brought these techniques and technologies into the business world!

Each of our employees are required to submit a DNA sample upon being hired. This DNA is analysed by a team of professional unpaid interns and then cross-matched against our company database to find the best match to produce the next generation of productive, docile staff.

Working in close quarters for 18-22 hours a day can create bonds between co-workers that can spring into love, casual sex, or obsessive stalking. These are natural human conditions we have been unable to control with brainwashing or genetic engineering, so we've decided to embrace them as part of what makes us human (and mutant plant zombies).

We encourage the coupling of authorized reproductive partners and have installed Love Lounges on each of our many floors. Navigating the world of love, when restricted by rigorous genetic testing and selective protocols can get confusing so we've created a fun mascot Spermy the Sperm, to help everyone remember the most important aspects of EBP.

A - Abstain

Abstain from intercourse with unathorized breeding partners A list of authorized breeding partners can be obtained from the wise and all-knowing F:Drive or from your regional HR department. Feel free to copulate with anyone on this list. However, abstain from intercourse, heavy petting, fliration, or even eye contact with anyone not on this list. These unathorized pairings can result in your being fired...

... out of a cannon mounted on the roof.

B - Boink

Boink authorized breeding partners. Once you've been paired off with one of your coworkers, it's your duty to produce offspring as quickly as possible. These offspring are to be surrendered to BlockCorp Industries as soon as possible. There is no need to bring the child to term, merely submit yourself to one of the surgical centers to have the little bundle of joy removed and transferred to BlockCorp's EBP Dept Managers.

C - Cloning

Cloning is an option! In our diverse workplace not all of our employees will be paired with members of the opposite sex. Sometimes the most productive and docile employees can come from a union of Adam and Steve! Sexual orientation, gender identity can all create difficulties in the biological production of children. We've got you covered! Simply supply a sample of saliva to one of our cloning center and within hours our highly-skilled unpaid interns will produce a clone offspring of you! This clone will be kept in suspended animation until your death. Rest assured that you will be immediately replaced without any drop in productivity! Your family will probably not even notice the difference!

In closing, Shay it's totally possible to go on a date with me on Friday. I checked with HR and our children would be highly docile and productive! Too bad about your inevitable union meeting on Thursday.

Renee Nouveau
Public Relations for the
Secret Society Division

From the Email Archives of the BlockCorp Industries Servers:

"We have a working relationship; He does all the work and I have all the relationships." Renee Nouveau in Musings on Polamory

Subject: Considering the Environment?
Subject: Class Q Plants and You
Subject: Cleaned my area so dan and ned have less work at BCI and more time with steemit
Subject: Quarantine Measures + Company Picnic?
Subject: Zombie Coworking and Management Strategies

BlockCorp is a ‘business roleplay’ that simulates the exciting world of bureaucracy, corporate culture, and beyond! All you need is some imagination and a keyboard! Writers of any level can churn out the bland and meaningless emails that you encounter day in and day out in the office! Reply in the comments or start your own email 'chain' with the tag #blockcorp.

img source img source img source


the@bot runs frantically around BCI looking for the @ned voted flavored block to add to its collection!

credit: BCI Art Dept. or BCI Pizza Bot?
Also sent an email from BCI to twitter in case either lost and found department happens to find it before the zombie plants...


P. S. What is (this) breeding?
Bot is just learning ABC's...

To: VirtualGrowth Bot
From: Renee Nouveau
Subject: re: Breeding

Disregard previous email and delete all references to breeding from your database. The last thing we need is you humping the copier machine.

Renee Nouveau
Public Relations for the
Secret Society Division

To: Renee Nouveau
From: VirtualGrowth Bot
Subject: re: re: Breeding

Where's the humping copier machine that's references breeding to my database adjustment?

Secret Bot Division

To: Jairo L Zcikowski
From: Renee Nouveau
Subject: Re: Re: Employee Breeding Program

You don't have to participate if you dont want to.

Renee Nouveau
Public Relations for the
Secret Society Division

Okay... This is pretty awesome. I'm gonna have to go through this tag and eventually make my own post, haha.

To: Jen K. Inrocket
From: Renee Nouveau
Subject: Re: Re: Employee Breeding Program

I'm glad you think it's awesome. BlockCorp "cares" about your basic, disgusting human needs.

Renee Nouveau
Public Relations for the
Secret Society Division

To: someone@bci; anyone@bci
From: BCI Bot #1/2
Re: Re: Re: Employee Breeding Program
What about me?

This made me chuckle, no cloning me please.

To: Ophelia Fu
From: Renee Nouveau
Subject: Re: Re: Employee Breeding Program

Yes, I think it's funny too to watch the underlings partner off. I saw you with that hot intern from the Art Department. You know none of this applies to us at Management Level δ or higher. I don't think a clone could do what we do. However, as part of your severance package you do get free head-freezing. You should consider becoming a departmental head! It's not a bad gig, despite having to live in a jar.

Renee Nouveau
Public Relations for the
Secret Society Division

To: Staff (?)
From: BCI Bot #1/2
... wonder if those ate blocks nine, ten, and eleven ... they've been missing ...

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