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RE: Acceptable Workplace Nicknames [Block Corp | Business Office Roleplay]
I would like to provide the additional nickname "LickStick" please submit it to the auditing authorities for review.
--Signed Raymon Johnstone
To: Mr. Johnstone
From: Renee Nouveau
Subject: Re: Re: Workplace Nicknames
Dear Mr. Johnstone,
Are you adding Lickstick to the approved nicknames or the inappropriate names? Mrs. Lickstick in Accounting might be upset to find out how much her name offends you.

Renee Nouveau
Public Relations for the
Secret Society Division
To: Mrs. Nouveau
From: Mr. Johnstone
Subject: Re:Re:Re:Workplace Nicknames
I am asking to have the nickname added to the approved nicknames list. As for Mrs. Lickstick if this comes across your desk know that I dearly appreciate your name.
--Regards Raymon Johnstone

Information Non Technology Branch
To: Mr. Johnstone
From: Renee Nouveau
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Workplace Nicknames
Dear Mr. {Name Redacted}
I've added Lickstick to the approved name list...but we've had some complaints about Johnstone being overtly sexual in nature and your name has been redacted and added to the not-approved nickname list.
Try, perhaps? Jimrock, or Tomhardstuff?

Renee Nouveau
Public Relations for the
Secret Society Division
To: Mrs. Nouveau
From: Mr. Johnstone
Subject: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Workplace Nicknames
My name has been added to the inappropriate list!? By who? Ill have their job. Move that name back to the approved list please.
--Kind Regards Raymon Johnstone

Information Non Technology Branch