RE: Subject: Computer with Squishy Bits?? [Blockcorp Roleplay]
To: Renee Nouveau
From: GiftedGaia
Subject Re: Support Ticket #68983 Squishy Computer?
Hi Renee,
I'm sending this note in response to your email Support Ticket #68983 dated August 28, 2017 at 10am pt. It has come to my attention that you've stated the following:
"I was on my way to a Departmental Head meeting so I didn't have much time to investigate further."
Please note that 'time management' in pursuit of maximum workload efficiency should be utilized in a concise and fluid manner. Despite having a pre-planned appointment with the Department Head, the company handbook clearly stresses the importance for our employees to display a "Priorities over Performance" mindset when operating on-the-clock, in an official corporate capacity.
This occurrence has been documented, and will be placed into your personal file for the sake of posterity. Future occurrences may prompt further action, including yet not withstanding: more emails, and additional TPS reports.
We wish you well in pursuit of a solution to the current situation concerning your meatbox.
Human Resources / Protector of the Realm
Online Operations, LLC
To: GiftedGaia
From: Renee Nouveau
Subject: Re: Re: Support Ticket #68983 Squishy Computer?
Departmental Head Meetings take precedence over my other tasks. Someone needs to change the bio-nutrient gel in their tanks. We can't have another indecent of head-rot before the big trade show.

Renee Nouveau
Public Relations for the
Secret Society Division