My Blockchain Cuties

Hi guys,
I've been playing Blockchain Cuties.

What is Blockchain Cuties?
Blockchain cuties is a game where you breed cute animals, and send them on adventures and boss raids (the outcome of which is determined via a mix of randomisation - like dice rolls essentially but computerised - and the individual stats of the individual cuties involved in any fights or raids). The system runs on cryptocurrency and you pay other players with cryptocurrency in order to buy cuties from them or breed your cutie with their cutie and you also pay transaction fees for breeding both with other people's but also breeding your own cuties within the game, and people also pay you in cryptocurrency in order to buy cuties from your or breed with your cutie.

The cuties all have their own genome and the genome includes dominant genes and two sets of recessive genes (which could become dominant in an offspring of this cutie).

The genome is made up of letters and numbers and these provide information. For example, here is the genome of one of my cuties: 0000000619a5003200700eb3ef538772531532202fe25058923234206107c12b

The first number after all those zeros (which refer to different traits) is a six. This indicate the cutie has a hair type of 6. This page here shows how to analyse the genomes:

Certain genes within the genome are connected to attributes, which you can see in a cutie's profile.
You can see attributes and stats on this profile of one of my cuties, Meowler.


I use an excel spreadsheet for analysing the genomes of my cuties and other people's cuties that are either for sale or up for siring (so you can breed your cuties with them and get a new cutie which is the child of their cutie and your cutie).

The gameplay involves a mix of breeding, trading with other players, sending your cuties on adventures and raids to level them up and hopefully gain equipment or other loot and analysing and planning if you are trying to achieve a specific goal like creating a tribute cutie.

Tribute cuties are special cuties and can be created by breeding other cuties or by breeding with the tribute cuties. Some of the tribute cuties are not yet in the game and have to be "found" through breeding but others have been found in the past (but could still be created again through breeding normal cuties). Creating these generally involves trying to get the right mix of genes to create them by analysing their looks and finding the genes that match that look.

You can see more about tribute cuties here:
This page doesn't appear to always be up to date (I know Jiff has been found this month but it says "Not Found" on the wiki) so it is wise to double check if things have already been found it you want to make a cutie that hasn't been found, but it is a good showcase of the various tribute cuties.

So what cuties do I have?

At the time of writing, I have 20 cuties.

First up is Raid Ready. This one had this name when I got it because it is ready to do raids within the game and I didn't change it because it sounds okay for a singular cutie, but if I got more that had been named that way I would change their names. In order to be able to do raids, a cutie must be within generation 0 - 2 and must be level 5 or higher. Raid Ready is currently my only one that is a high enough level, but the others are catching up.

raid ready snip.PNG

Next up is Oink. This is one that I bought from another player, and renamed.

oink snip.PNG

Next up is my intro cutie. This is the very first cutie you get in Blockchain cuties and you get it without paying for anything.

intro cutie snip.PNG

Next up is Cutie 90673 (yes, I should give them a better name). This one is one I have up for sire for other people to breed their cuties with it. This is one I bought also, quite early on in my playing.

cutie 90673 snip.PNG

Next is Elvis Purrsley. I bought Elvis Purrsley from another player.

elvis purrsley snip.PNG

Next up is New Pig (3F). Like Cutie 90673, New Pig (3F) is one of the first cuties I bought from another player. New Pig (3F) is the name the cutie came with, and you can see that the 3F refers to 3 of the fire element (as shown on the bottom of the picture below).

new pig 3f snip.PNG

Next up is Sooty, one of the babies I created. Sooty is the child of another person's cutie and New Pig (3F). Sooty also has a child that belongs to another player as I put Sooty up for siring and another player chose to breed their cutie with Sooty.

sooty snip.PNG

Next up is Meowler, who was in this post earlier. Meowler is a cutie that I bought from another player, and I have bred Meowler to create cuties for my own collection of cuties quite a bit.

meowler normal snip.PNG

Now we get to Lisa Purrsley, who is the child of Elvis Purrsley and another player's cutie. I have Lisa up for sale at the moment.

lisa purrsley snip.PNG

Next up is Cutie 95066, who is the child of Elvis Purrsley and New Pig (3F).

cutie 95066 snip.PNG

After Cutie 95066, we now have reached Spots. Spots is a cutie that I bought from another player.

spots snip.PNG

Now we come to Blue Lightning, a child of Meowler and Elvis Purrsley.

blue lightning snip.PNG

Ameowthest comes next with her purple eyes. Ameowthest is a child of Meowler and New Pig (3F).

ameowthest snip.PNG

Next up is Scout, a child of Meowler and Spots.

scout snip.PNG

Then comes Purrfect, a child of Meowler and Raid Ready.

purrfect snip.PNG

Next up is Sweetie, another child of Meowler and Raid Ready.

sweetie snip.PNG

Now, here's Greg. Greg is a child of Sweetie and Cutie 95066.

greg snip.PNG

Another one that I have decided to put up for sale is up next. We have Angry Pig 4E. The 4E means 4 Earth Element (the one that looks like a leaf).

angry pig 4e.PNG

Next up is Samael, who is yet another child of Raid Ready and Meowler. The two single fang looking teeth are common to a few of my cuties but I feel they stand out more on Samael than on the others.

samael snip.PNG

AND Finally, we have Bryer. Bryer is the child of Oink and New Pig (3F).

bryer snip.PNG

You can check out my cuties in more depth here, on my profile:

Cryptocurrency hiccups

I used Ethereum on Blockchain Cuties as it is the biggest out of all of the cryptocurrencies on there. This was great to begin with, but then I encountered issues with transactions not going through and transaction fees increasing. What I was not aware of was that Ethereum has scaling issues that newer technologies (including cryptocurrencies that are also used on Blockchain cuties) do not. With small transactions like you see on these sorts of games, the transaction fees increasing reaches the point of not being worth it (sometimes it is eight times the value of the actual transaction in the case of breeding!).

Supposedly the people responsible for Ethereum are looking at ways to improve scalability (related to how transactions are "checked" etc) while also not sacrificing too much security, but the date for improvement I've most recently seen is somewhere around the new year. I hope the solution comes sooner than that but we will see.

I have just recently added a Tron wallet to my account as well and may be using this at times. Tron is supposedly much more suited to this sort of thing, but we will see. The cuties I have now are pretty much locked into Ethereum as they are essentially Ethereum tokens, but I can start adding Tron cuties into my same account as well and do the same thing I did with Ethereum.

I'm considering using Ethereum that I have to get the next Blockchain Cuties season pass, but I'm not certain yet.


Thank you for reading my post and checking out my cuties. I have had a lot of fun with Blockchain Cuties so far and I enjoy analysing and puzzling through their genomes as well as enjoying the humour in their critical fails while in fights on adventures.

too cute an opponent.PNG

If anyone has any suggestions on what I should call the few cuties who don't have proper names yet, I'd be glad to hear suggestions and also if anyone has experience with the season pass I'd be happy to hear your experiences with that too.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it.


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Thanks for reading!

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I really enjoyed this through survey of the game. It was actually a precursor to this kind of game that got me interested in Ethereum development at first.

Thank you. What game had you played that was a precusor to this style of game?

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