The first mention of the game "lottery"
Scientists identify several theories of the origin of the game. 💡 Some connect the appearance of the first rallies with Ancient Greece, others with Ancient China or Rome.
📖 Documentary evidence has survived that during the reign of the Chinese Han Dynasty in 100 BC a lottery was held that resembled the modern Keno game. It is mentioned that part of the proceeds was used to build the Great Wall of China.
The Roman rulers Nero and Augustus often arranged lotteries during the holidays, where slaves and property were played. A lottery was held for ordinary citizens of Rome.
Where did the name of the game come from?
There are also several interpretation options:
1 - From the Frankish hlot - lots;
2 - From the English lot - share;
3 - From the Italian lotto - fate.
Mass distribution
- The birth date of the game in Europe is February 1466. At that time, a rally in honor of the artist Jan Van Eyck, organized by his wife, took place in Bruges. The funds went to charity.
- The lottery was widespread, and already in 1520, the king of France issued a decree on holding a state lottery in the 5 largest cities. And then Italy, Holland, etc.
- In 1612, the first American lottery was organized, and only in 1971 the state itself began to organize draws.
- In Russia, the watchmaker J. Gassenus first organized the rally during the time of Peter I. And Catherine II introduced the state lottery in 1782.
- ❗️ In 1918, the Soviet government banned the organization of lotteries, and after 3 years again allowed. In addition, in 1970, the Sportloto lottery appeared, based on the game “Keno”.
The history of the lottery is rich in events: appearance, mass character, prohibition, permission, state organization, again mass character, online lottery, the emergence of blockchain, etc.
And today there are many who seek to connect the lottery with the blockchain🔗, to present a safe and transparent game⬆️
The Winstars team successfully copes with this and introduced EtherWinX300 smart contract lottery ✔️ ✔️
And soon a new lottery with a HUGE jackpot will be launched!
Stay tuned!