Bitcoin and not only: what kind of cryptocurrency will women receive🎁 on March 8️⃣
On the eve of March 8️⃣, a small study was conducted among the Russian-speaking users of the network. The goal was to find out whether anyone was going to give cryptocurrencies to women on March 8️⃣ and which one could be called the most suitable for a gift. Over 4,500 people took part in the survey.
The results showed that not everyone believes that cryptocurrency is a good gift for a modern woman. Only 13% of respondents agreed with this. The rest, 4 000 people, are of the opinion that you should not present coins. The most popular cryptocurrency, which can be presented to the woman on the International Women’s Day, is Bitcoin. 25% of respondents voted for it. 11% of respondents would prefer to choose an Etherium as a gift, 4% — Ripple, 2% from Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin. However, the best gift on March 8️⃣ are classical flowers, 33% of respondents voted for this variant. On the second place there are gadgets (in particular, iPhone), they were called a successful gift by 14% of respondents. Cryptocurrencies are the third most popular, they have 6%, and for ordinary rubles 5% of participants have voted. Some people (8%) had the opinion that it is better for women not to give anything for this holiday.
If you do not want to spend money on tokens, then you can take part in the lottery. Unilot is a decentralized platform with a blockchain-lottery, gambling, betting and sweepstakes. The Unilot MVP platform uses a special application on Android and iOS. The application is a fully functioning lottery, built on blockchain-technologies, which guarantees the anonymity and transparency of the drawings in it.
Today, there are several types of drawings for real ETH — Daily, Weekly, Bonus. Participants of the Daily and Weekly drawings, automatically become contenders for the prize of 100 000 UNIT tokens, which drawing will be held on March 22. The chance to win in the blockchain- lottery is 20 to 1. Participants, who have not won anything automatically become contenders for the Bonus Jackpot, which runs monthly. The first stage of closed testing was conducted from February 5 to March 5.
The winner was announced also on March 5 and he received 100,000 tokens. To become a member of closed testing and download the application, you just need to send message from the email to [email protected] , in which you must specify the type of operating system — iOS or Android.
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