Open Collectors Network
Open Collectors Network
Open Collectors Network is the primary principle stage for a solitary sort of token that everybody can easily exchange, make, tweak, connect and showcase singular markers. Another element is the making of the primary stage to make and exchange unchangeable images. The stage enables you to make one of a kind tokens, associate with them, and exchange. A portion of the accessible symbols that can be sold on the stage are CryptoPunks, CryptoKittens and Decentraland. What is to be sold, in any case, any token that speaks to something uncommon and one of a kind can be a great auto, a big name, or only an idea.The stage gathers your own data. Your record is nearby and truly speaks to your ether wallet. None of the tokens made and sold on the money are traded. Regardless of what your level of pay or dialect abilities is on the piece, a stage is made for everybody.
Open Collectors Network is a stage that means to give clients a capacity and collaborating administration with non-fungible tokens, which utilizes Blockchain innovation as the reason for its advancement. Open Collectors Network gives a stage that clients can without much of a stretch, securely and more quick witted.
The Open Collectors Network has an objective, whereby organizations can change over their advantages for Blockchain, utilizing the Open Collectors Network Platform. With free client bolster, the Open Collectors Network offers help, which will give clients intimations to the advantages of utilizing the Open Collectors Network. In this way Individuals or organizations can tokenize an esteem that they consider to be beneficial for their clients, and numerous different advantages are picked up by clients. Open Collectors Network will run utilizing a decentralized framework, which will be extremely secure and straightforward for clients. Any utilization of the Open Collectors Network administration will be through a token named ECTO, which can be exchanged on trades. This token is outlined utilizing Ethereum Blockchain innovation and savvy contract frameworks.
What different zones will the stage cover?
The market of virtual products for content makers. The buy of computerized resources with the motivation behind utilizing them in the diversion or in the amusement advancement process by utilizing the ERC721 standard. This implies the market offers devices for amusement engineers to offer their items or utilize these items to additionally build up the diversion.
The market of computerized media and rights: It ought to be noticed that any advanced media can be spoken to here. It can be a picture, a music, a book or something different. Computerized rights related with owning advanced media can be purchased and sold through a stage. The last has the benefit of going around sell off houses with advanced rights and fundamentally decreases exchange costs and related expenses. Little resources, for example, a brand name or logo, can be straightforwardly put away in the private cabin, while bigger ones can be put away anyplace in the cloud and just the hash of their esteems put away in the enroll. This will give the best offer for the two gatherings: shoddy/quick stockpiling and full announcing.
Business area: any consultant or business can without much of a stretch distinguish their customized items (for instance, an auto, an item or painstaking work).
Closeout houses: keeping up their qualities in an open database to build trust between their client base.
Client distinguishing proof. The stage is gone for helping accomplices through Know Your Client, where subsequent to confirming the client on the blockroom, you can see the novel token that he made. To check character they can utilize Metamask to sign an exchange affirming that he possesses the token with the greater part of his data and the site can be twofold checked with our API. The same can be connected to more typical instances of entering the site and it will work simply like signing in with Facebook or Google, aside from that it will be decentralized and you will claim your certifications, however not a pariah.
Token Billing and Distribution
After some time, with the expanding estimation of milestones, they can be exchanged different structures in open and nearby markets: settled value, numerous sale writes and different tokens.
This stage gives business highlights, for example, discovering tokens, speaking with token proprietors (limits apply), best tokens, markers, history, requests, and that's only the tip of the iceberg.
The principle favorable position of utilizing the book for this reason for existing is that it keeps the book that it possesses the property, so it is the expanding trust when obtaining such stock, so it is simply the verification of the creativity. Also, the stage will house the main securities exchange that you can make and trade obscure (interesting) gauges.
Token Distribution
Development: 37% - 5550
Partnership: 30% - 4500
Marketing: 20% - 3000
Legal and Activities: 10% -1500
Unforeseeable: 3-450%
Token prices vary according to the duration of the sale:
Market: 1ETH = [TBA] ECTO
Market: 1ETH = [TBA] ECTO
Market: 1ETH = [TBA] ECTO
Week = [TBA] ECTO
Token Bullion
For sale: 65% 97,500,000
Consultation: 1% 15,000,000 (6-12 months collectively released)
Founder: 10% - 15,000,000 (12 months held)
Company: 13% - 19.500.000 used)
Bounty:% 2- 3,000,000
Token Information
ETH Soft Cap Market: 3,500 ETH Hard Cap Market: 15,000 ETH Number of Marks: 150,000,000 ECTO (100,500,000 public, 2% gift + 65% sales). Token: ECTO
Token Type: ERC20
Public Sale Structure
Symbol : ECTO
Total Supply (unsold will be burned) : 150,000,000 ECTO
Sale Supply (65%) : 97,500,000 ECTO
Exchange rate : 0.000166 eth
Accepted : ETH
Min buy : 0.1 ETH
Soft cap (bonuses included) : Soft cap (bonuses included)
Hard cap (bonuses included) : 15000 ETH
Private Sale Structure
October 2017
ERC721 Standard Analysis, Collected Token Mechanics And Usage Examples Analysis, Marketing Strategy Draft, Smart Contracts Draft
December 2017
ERC721 Standard Application, ECTO Symbol Smart Contracts, Trade Smart Contracts (demo)
January 2018
Platform Intelligence Agreements Ended and End-to-End Tests Contracted in Team Expansion, Smart Contracts Integration, Metamask Integration, White Paper, Ropsten Token Sales Mechanical Equipment
March 2018
Distributed Symbol Sales Contracts on the Home Network, Prototype Design Revision, Improvements
For more information please visit:
Author TheJohnMatch
The Tree of Life, or Etz haChayim (עץ החיים) has upvoted you with divine emanations of G-ds creation itself ex nihilo. We reveal Light by transforming our Desire to Receive for Ourselves to a Desire to Receive for Others. I am part of the Curators Guild (Sephiroth), through which Ein Sof (The Infinite) reveals Itself!