SPHERE, the first decentralized Social Network to use blockchain technology, is the world's largest of its kind. ICO.

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)


Nowadays there are infinities of social networks available for everyone, even countries have created exclusive social networks for their citizens, although this has been of great advantage for everyone, as networks connect us among people from all over the world, family and friends who are far away, there is a subject that is disturbing and has gone unnoticed by many, this is the privacy of the user. 

They have never wondered why, when they surf their social networks, advertising campaigns appear out of nowhere, which happen to coincide with something they had already seen or searched for online; well, yes, it is not a coincidence and neither do the networks read their minds. It turns out that there is a business implicit in all this of social networks, because the owners of these networks make business and a lot of money selling our search patterns to companies looking to advertise their products and services on these networks. If, as you're imagining, they sell our privacy, that's why these network services are free to those of us who subscribe as users.

I, as you have thought, always wondered what was the business there, and how the creators of those big social networks made money if we didn't pay anything to use them, because the business was never us. Users are not the customers, we are the product.

This is why I want to talk to you about SPHERE, an innovative social network that through the application of Blockchain technology created a decentralized network that protects the information and privacy of its users in blocks, and will not trade with it without their authorization. In addition, SPHERE's plan is to pay its users for the use and sale of their information to large companies that wish to conduct advertising campaigns aimed at potential consumers, and this is possible through the use of these databases that have social networks, but unlike other SPHERE networks, it gives you the freedom to decide whether or not to receive advertising on your networks, and if you do so, they will do so with your consent and include you in the group that receives benefits for these transactions.

There are many advantages that SPHERE offers its users, it is a transparent and sincere proposal that will make you feel safe when using its platform, and beyond the economic benefit you can get for it, I think that the feeling of empowerment that gives its users is unmatched, because we go from being a product, a statistic or a figure, which is what we have been so far to use other social networks, to be part of the project, to have the ability to 

I invite you to be part of it, to decide for your information. Let's work side by side with SPHERE and break the social networking schemes we have known so far. Don't let them keep making fortunes at your expense, join the digital revolution today!

Advantages of SPHERE. Why use SPHERE to advertise your Products and Services?

Currently, marketing techniques potentially reduce profits, causing the brand to incur very high marketing costs, making them lose money. This is because the information packages they acquire from social networking services, because many times, the information they include about potential customers ends up being not as accurate and does not give the expected results. 

The advertising industry is known to boast a fairly high market value, estimated at about $550 billion in some accounts, which points to a clear breakdown of the system. This is because the advertising technique currently applied is obsolete, and completely closed to improvement and innovation in the industry. 

It is unnecessary for companies to continue digging in the water, focusing all their efforts on information dissemination techniques and procedures that are more than ineffective, that only serve to increase the costs of selling products, and all this by simply accessing databases of "potential" customers who simply end up hiding or ignoring advertising. Statistically almost half of all "views, clicks" or other indicators of the campaigns viewed never reach a potential consumer. However, companies continue to choose to squander funds that could be allocated to more efficient projects, to means of marketing rather than this old-fashioned and unwanted form of advertising. The whole process undermines the experience between customers and companies.

The only party that benefits from this type of advertising experience is the advertisers themselves (the authors of these Social Networks) who charge companies very high amounts for the privilege of possibly reaching consumers. In direct response to this ever-expanding problem, SPHERE plans to reduce the need for such intermediaries, while at the same time increasing the ability of companies to reach their desired target audience directly.

It is generally known that failed advertising can be the beginning of the end of any company. SPHERE aims to change that and redefine how social media interacts within our lives, ending the large collection of centralized servers that are vulnerable to hacking, and where large amounts of sensitive data from thousands of users are stored for companies to use as they see fit. Instead, SPHERE implements a more transparent, honest and open blocking format that allows each user to hold the network accountable for the personal data stored there. This innovative social network is based on the principles of privacy and security as an indisputable right, giving every user unprecedented protection and security and allowing you to connect with everyone you know safely and securely.

SPHERE is much more than just a Social Network that comes together in the growing line of social networks available. It is the beginning of a digital revolution. So if you're ready to be part of something special and ready to regain power, join us, join SPHERE!

Through the use of SPHERE, all parties benefit, as this network with its innovative system allows companies to address consumers directly, and consumers receive increased privacy, since their browsing habits are no longer sold to the highest bidder under the deity of potentially obtaining benefits for such information. Companies benefit from knowing that their marketing campaigns are really reaching their target audience more effectively, reducing marketing and sales costs.

One major advantage is that SPHERE has plans to create a functional advertising portal, which will allow users to create advertising pieces to be displayed on the SPHERE news channel. This completely changes the established paradigms of network advertising by making it accessible to everyone.

What is SAT? What are the benefits for SPHERE users?

SAT is the digital currency that has been designed for use within SPHERE, a secure social media platform that offers an integrated, decentralized marketplace complete with its own advertising platform, whose chips can additionally benefit consumers through the innovative incentive program that uses them. You have also been created to simplify all transactions in the social network system.

Its main feature is that the Token is made in such a way that it provides the owner with the same security and transparency as SPHERE, making it a Token that provides greater confidence in its use within the system.

SAT and SPHERE offer anonymous transactions worldwide, as they do not require transactions with banking institutions or identification verification. Everything is done through digital money.


The social platform includes excellent e-commerce features, allowing users to create products that fans and friends can view and buy using their SAT and without any middleman, offering themselves the option of customizing the privacy of the ad.

The SAT token will make it easy to pay for advertising space on the SPHERE network, where there will be options per click and per print, and costs will be automatically deducted from advertisers' web wallets.

Generally speaking, it is clear that the purpose of SPHERE is to allow its users to sell their data on their own terms and in the quantities they wish. Through the growth strategies they have planned, they hope to have the capacity for rapid growth by encouraging users to submit their data. SPHERE is working hard to demonstrate that social networks can be much better than what we know, are creating the most reliable and secure network in the world and want to stimulate further growth with a referral program to encourage existing users to invite their friends.

Sphere already has a 100% functional platform that can be downloaded on any Android device through Google Play and in Web version. They have also developed their beta version to include the community of IOS device users, who can download it from the Apple App Store. 

ICO Details.  

SAT Crowdsale 

Name of token: Social Activity Token 

Symbol: SAT Token 

Standard: ERC20 Standard 

Decimals: 8 

Role of Token: Utility Token. Use for purchase goods and services on social media platform 

Total supply: 1,000,000,000 SAT 

Available token for sale: 650,000,000 (65% of supply) 

Emission: All unsold and unallocated tokens will be destroyed, and additional release of tokens will not be possible

 Period of Sale: 12 February 2018 UTC 21:00 to 9 April 2018 UTC 21:00 

Cost of 1 SAT: $0.14 Softcap/Minimum 

Goal: $1.5 million – softcap goal reached Hardcap/Maximum 

Goal: $40 million Accepted currencies: Ethereum, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Fiat 

Distribution of Founds  

Application Development: 60%  

Marketing & Promotion: 15%  

Company: 15%  

Legal: 5%  

Security: 5%  





Sites of Interest

Web Site https://sphere.social/
White Paperhttps://sphere.social/wpcontent/uploads/2017/12/Sphere_Whitepaper_v1.7.4.pdf
Twitter https://twitter.com/SphereOfficial1
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SphereSocialNetwork
ANN https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2437581
Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/SphereSocial
Instagram https://www.reddit.com/r/SphereSocial
Medium https://medium.com/@sphereofficial
Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/sphereofficial/
Telegram https://t.me/sphere_official1
Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sphere.social
IOS App https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sphere/id1286518526?ls=1&mt=8 

By Bitcointalk user: Szulczuk 

Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1875528 

Myetherwallet: 0xe83f7Fb167A0FaBc775eCDdfB41F0852c6DBE7b0 

by Szulczuk  


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