CCA (COMPOSITE CYLINDERS ADVANCED). Innovation in type 4 industrial cylinders for CNG, LPG and industrial gases. (ICO).
Nowadays, we all know the importance and usefulness of CNG (compressed natural gas), LPG (Liquefied petroleum gas) and industrial gases, as well as the fact that it is often tedious to transport, use and store them in a safe place since more than 80% of the containers where these gases are stored for distribution and marketing are metal cylinders prone to corrosion, and that they are heavy and unsafe to transport. That is why CCA is launching a proposal to the market to replace these with lighter type 4 cylinders, free of corrosion, with greater durability over time and that in addition to these obvious advantages would also be easier and safer to transport.
The main idea is to replace with traditional cylinders that exist in the market that are made of heavy metals, for these type 4 made of modern composite materials such as fiberglass, carbon fiber, among others, which in the long term are more efficient and durable, anti-explosion and environmentally friendly... and personally, I think the latter is the most important thing, because the planet demands us care and we must listen to their call.
It is great to be able to think that in the not too distant future (the future is really just around the corner) we can properly use and merge technology with the energy that the earth gives us, in this case gases, since in this modern society it is unthinkable to do without either of these two, and it is wonderful to know about these proposals that not only seek human, economic and industrial benefit, but also seek to benefit the environment.
Modern environmental protection and conservation requirements and efficient gas storage methods make Type 4 composite cylinders the most popular on the market. This is due to the obvious advantages they offer: lightness, economic maintenance, safety and operating efficiency.
CCA is giving us the opportunity to be part of this project, which will be executed in the Czech Republic, where the infrastructure and engineering processes will be carried out to have the necessary equipment and space for the production of the product. They are launching a token to raise the necessary funds to carry out the project. The main objective is to raise 5 million dollars for the production of these modern and innovative type 4 cylinders for CNG, LPG and industrial gases, high technology compounds and then launch them onto the market.
About the token
Initially, the sale of tokens will be at half the current market value. In addition, the price of the option will grow steadily, and the construction and start-up of production will be carried out at the expense of the funds raised.
On the other hand, the buyback tokens will start later, after the fundraising for the project has been completed. In the event that the company leaves the IPO, it will offer participants the option to exchange their tokens for shares in the company. In addition, it is estimated that 30% of the income from the sale of the cylinders will be transferred through the monthly repurchase of tokens. After repurchase, the chips are "burned" (out of circulation). This repurchase is made through a smart contract that stipulates the following:
- With the funds that are destined to the redemption of the tokens are in Ether cryptogram (ETH), the currency is bought in the stock exchange with the current exchange rate. It is used because it is the main currency of the Ethereum network, in which intelligent contracts operate;
- All the Ether received is sent to an intelligent contract for the exchange of tokens;
- Smart contracts accept tokens for exchange. Any number of tokens can be accepted. If the token owner changes his mind, he can pick up the token in the section redeeming the smart contract until a certain point in time when the transaction is closed;
- When the transaction is closed, all the tokens of the smart contract are exchanged for Ether. The owners of the tokens receive Ether in proportion to the shares of the tokens sent and not withdrawn from the contract.
It is estimated that the average annual income is 11,125 thousand USD. This gives an average monthly income of 927 thousand USD. On the other hand, the EBITDA margin is 35%. Soft cap - 5 million. USD. And the total volume of tokens is 100 million.
The number of tokens sold during the pre-sale is 20,000 units. The price at which the tokens are offered is 50% of the nominal value and is equal to 0.025 (USD per token) = 5 000 000/100 000 000 000 000 * 0.5.
The sale of Token 1Q 2018 During the pre-sales, buyers will be offered to buy tokens for the amount of 60,000 thousand pieces. at a price of 1 tab = 0.075 USD with a total value of 4,500,000 USD.
When it reached 5 million. USD which is the minimum amount of money for the launch of the project. These facilities will be equipped with a production line, commissioning work will be carried out and the production of Type IV cylinders will be launched.
The buyback procedure will begin in the first quarter of 2019 after several months of successful plant operation.
Sites of interest:
Official website:
By Bitcointalk user: Szulczuk
Myetherwallet: 0xe83f7Fb167A0FaBc775eCDdfB41F0852c6DBE7b0
by Szulczuk