WONO - Blockchain P2P marketplace

in #blockchain3 years ago


I found the WONO project some time prior, and I will currently draw it nearer to you in a series. In the initial segment, I give an unpleasant outline and afterward go into the accompanying areas on certain quirks.

In any case, as usual, I might want to bring up that my articles are never and not the slightest bit any monetary counsel. They address exclusively my viewpoint on a project nothing more, and I have read up them widely for my motivation. Likewise with any choice throughout everyday life, everybody needs to self-mindful to hear their own point of view dependent on research. I pass on the counsel on monetary issues to the experts

Notwithstanding, presently back to the WONO project.

Wono is a Blockchain P2P commercial center for sharing administrations and independent work. So, a decentralized gathering place for individuals who deal and exploit such offers. Because of the decentralized angle, all members interface with one another completely with practically no third case.

The two most significant inquiries that I generally pose to myself, while checking out a new blockchain project are the accompanying:

What issue does the project address in our genuine world?
What separates the arrangement from any remaining comparative ones?
All in all, what issue does WONO need to settle in reality?

WONO centers around the boundlessly developing sharing business sector and needs to wipe out the upsetting variables in general, by utilizing blockchain innovation. In the sharing business sector, which is overwhelmed by houses and vehicle sharing, there has been a lot of disharmony since the beginning of the pattern. These incorporate, in addition to other things, the high charges and the absence of trust. A few outrages have just intensified these issues lately, and keeping in mind that I would rather not address them now, anybody intrigued will find numerous models on the Internet rapidly.


I've generally utilized sharing platforms on my outings all over the planet and have had my own encounters that poor person consistently been positive. Be that as it may, another viewpoint persuaded me much more while I concentrated on the WONO project. I have spent numerous years in India, living and working there, and one thing that got my attention there, which totally takes up the possibility of ​​the sharing business sector and its latent capacity. For this situation, according to the viewpoint of a totally normal way. In India you barely see a vehicle driving in the city, with just a couple of individuals are sitting in it furthermore that everybody has seen pictures of Asian public transportation frameworks, loaded with individuals. Presently I would already be able to hear the appropriate response fly through the room:

"Indeed, they have much more individuals, they can not do it some other way!"

Also, I concur, with an extraordinary expansion.

"We in the Western world, really ought not be in any case, on the grounds that, through our mentality to claim and utilize everything just for us, we hurt the planet and along these lines ourselves."

An ever increasing number of individuals get this, and another cognizance is creating to a trade conduct. Concentrates on show an obvious change in individuals' reasoning with regards to property. A critical change will occur over the course of the following not many years, and it will end up being a change in perspective. Individuals will have less and less in their ownership and will partake in the huge advantage from the overall population all things considered.

WONO will be one of the projects that aided shape this pattern. I will clarify in more detail in a later article why they will succeed.


In any case, presently my second significant inquiry:

What recognizes WONO from comparable Blockchain projects?

WONO will furnish clients with something else entirely in managing house and vehicle sharing, yet won't restrict themselves to it alone. Consultant work and different administrations will likewise be conceivable on the P2P platform. Also, all in a completely straightforward and dependable manner, which is one of the principle issues of Craigslist, Airbnb and Uber today. The monsters in the business actually don't comprehend that non-exposure data strategy and one-sided contract terms can't assemble long haul trust in issues between market members. The WONO group has broke down these issues and fostered a nitty gritty fight plan that will permit them to make a platform that is around the world usable and will address the necessities of frustrated individuals.

The arrangement words are called straightforwardness, shared trust, notoriety and variety. For sure, there is additionally greater security and speed in the execution of agreements, be it in the positive or in risky circumstances. The all encompassing methodology recognizes WONO from every one of the contenders I have concentrated up to this point, and only another project approaches what WONO has on the arrangement later on.

A basic component in my devotion to the project is the profoundly experienced WONO group. Barely some other crypto group concocts such an energetic blend of different engineers and specialists, carrying with them every one of the specializations needed to make WONO the best platform on the sharing business sector. I'm anticipating committing myself to the group in a later article.

Assuming you are keen on the WONO project meanwhile, kindly utilize the connections recorded here:

Site: https://wono.io/
Message: https://t.me/wonoworld
Facebook: https://fb.me/wonoworld
Twitter: https://twitter.com/wonoworld
Medium: https://medium.com/@wonoworld
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3398728
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@wonoworld
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/organization/wonoworld/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wonoworld/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/client/wonoworld
Github: https://github.com/wonorepo
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiOBgJO_VZm-rDXLMi6IP2A
Whitepaper: https://wono.io/resources/i18n/en/wp.pdf

A sponsored article written for a bounty reward.”

BountyoOx username: Sandycee

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