TAPMYDATA-Data Monetization and Security On The Revolutionary Method for Global Data Monetization and Security On The Blockchain

in #blockchain4 years ago (edited)


In the new worldwide economy, information is currently the gold mine,this is apparent in the development of top web-based media Giants like Facebook, TikToK, Twitter, etc. You give that information with ease, at that point these associations go all out to sell it at significant expense. On the off chance that you feel awful about this, it is past the point where it is possible to act now, all the better you could do is to quit interfacing through these stages. Keep in mind, you marked an endeavor in type of terms and conditions or organization strategy. They permit you to utilize their applications for nothing as a trade-off for a goldmine that exist inside you. In present day world, when something is given to you for nothing, what is sold is likely your character. So on the off chance that your personality is the genuine you, at that point you are totally sold out.

You Ever Heard Of Big Data Economy?


Information Economy

Now is the ideal opportunity, association and individual information have genuine worth that range from a couple of pennies to a few billions of dollars, the more these information are combined, synergized and refined to explicit interest, the more its worth increments. Despite how much benefit these associations make from your information, for example, age, identity, race, pastime, proficient foundation, training, conjugal status, life occasions, etc.

The clients who are naturally the Creator and providers of these information receive nothing consequently, they are the essential sources, yet not seen as partners that merit any portion of the organization benefits.

It is more awful when they understand that they have no influence over who utilize their information, how it is utilized and what it is utilized for. They don't know about how long the information purchasers will devour these information, and to cover it all, they have no capacity to pull out information from buyers. Unfortunately, this is the new reality.

TAPMYDATA has assembled a decentralized answer for this worldwide test, the blockchain arrangement permits clients to store organized information in a made sure about manner that is all around dispersed on the most hearty organization, with occasion to change over information into non-fungible tokens that could be sold in open market, information adaptation improved with TAP token. The cryptocurrency organization intends to turn into a one-stop commercial center where people, explores and organizations can approach the most proficient information without conflicting with boundaries set by the proprietors.

This is certainly going to remove three complete dinners from the center men in the information business, the individuals who remove clients control and sell their information for childish additions will have no put on Tapmydata stage; this is a progressive idea.

How Can This Work?



Clients will have the option to present their own information through the portable application (accessible on Playstore and apple store), it very well may be business or individual information. These data is hashed, scrambled and put away safely in a decentralized organization. The arrangement is free to every individual who want supreme information control, and they will decide use terms. The USP (Unique Selling Point) of this venture is information control, security and conceivable adaptation of individual and association information.

Observe, clients may choose to give out information for nothing to help social turn of events, they could permit non-for-benefit or government association to utilize their information for nothing in the midst of public and provincial crises, cataclysmic events or for philanthropic work and other legitimate venture that expects admittance to information on TAPMYDATA.

These activities is exploiting decentralized financing and simple tokenization on the Ethereum blockchain to make a NFT commercial center. Each non-fungible token is an exceptional portrayal of clients information. Basically, you are your NFT and your NFT is you, it is yours.


Clients will have the occasion to separate static informational indexes from organizations and non-revenue driven associations. These are two clients in the commercial center, providers of information and purchasers, anybody can switch between these relying upon needs.

Information Consumer

A common information purchasers are inn proprietors, with this arrangement, customers can registration without dread, and appreciate all the lodging have to bring to the table. Their contact subtleties will be imparted to wellbeing division all things considered. With an innovation as straightforward as QR code, inn the executives can affirm if guests are experiencing manifestations of COVID 19 or not, they can have fleeting data about participation, and give security tips to clients through cell phones. Isn't this a helpful arrangement?

End of danger and extortion is conceivable on the grounds that no one would have the option to block contact data and different things like registration history as it will get erased consequently following 21 days of use. Association can do review trail and fares important information for NHS if there is need, this will permit legitimate following and anticipation of COVID 19 spread inside a particular area.




You are welcome to the reality where you can accomplish more and become more with your information, a stage where association won't run against GDPR and comparative laws as they burn-through information. With first rate encryption, information wellbeing is made conceivable in a world that is brimming with information burglaries.

It is your Data, own it, give it as you wish, use it and flourish.

For more information, go to-

Website: https://tapmydata.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tapmydata
Telegram: http://telegram.tapmydata.com/
Discord: http://discord.tapmydata.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tapmydata
Whitepaper: https://docs.tapmydata.com/

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