PokerSports is a platform that offers a variety of different fantasy sports games that are tailored to each one of our user's personal interests. Our games require skill, strategy and social interaction to give our users an experience never seen before in this industry. Through the integration of the iGaming and eSports markets, we are looking to revolutionize the way fantasy sports are played today.
With the introduction of the PokerSports Token (XPST), PokerSports users from all over the world will be able to use a unique decentralized digital currency to play all available games, making for quick and easy transactions under a trustless system.
Community-driven platform that offers revolutionary fantasy sports contests while addressing many of the issues the industry is currently dealing with and expanding it to different mediums.
Instant Transfers
User withdrawals for standard Fantasy Sports companies can take up to 2 weeks to process. XPST allows instant deposits and withdrawals which allows users complete control of their funds.
Best Fantasy Sports Games
Our games integrate iGaming platforms with Fantasy Sports to create competitive social environments.
Ethereum Blockchain Technology
XPST is an ERC-20 Token created on top of the Ethereum blockchain network. The tokens can be transferred and traded for other cryptocurrencies.
Win Prizes For Your Favorite Sports
Join contest and compete against others for XPST! Play against friends or compete competitively in our CFS eSports Leagues.
Worldwide Platform
PokerSports provides worldwide service across all products with the use of a decentralized currency, XPST.
Lowest Rake Fees
PokerSports has the Lowest Rake Fee in Fantasy Sports at 4%. XPST has eliminated high transfer fees allowing users to win more.
PokerSports will be considered the casino of fantasy sports. We plan to create more than 20-plus integrated fantasy sports platforms. XPST is one of the frst gaming tokens based on the Ethereum blockchain, and users will be able to purchase XPST, which can then be used to enter contests in any PokerSports game. 96% of XPST used in our contest will be distributed to the winners; 4% will be used to continuously manage and improve our contests (as compared to roughly 8-10% from large Fantasy Sports companies such as Draftkings). In addition, users will have the ability to utilize XPST through PokerSports’ partnerships that use our technology. One of the main problems with current fantasy sports platforms is that the funds aren’t easily with drawable. On top of that, large withdrawal fees most likely follow. The most important thing to Poker Sports is the users. We want users to have full control over their funds, which is why users will be able to instantaneously transfer their XPST to other wallets and trade them for other cryptocurrencies if they no longer want to play PokerSports games. This process of redistribution of XPST on digital asset platforms not only encourages new players to play, but also allows users to potentially monetize their funds outside of PokerSports.
The token sale will help revolutionize the way the world plays fantasy sports. The funds raised will pri marily be used to market FantasyStud, The CFS eSports League and fund the development of upcom ing games. The funds raised from pre-sales will be used as following:
Soft Cap 600 ETH
Pre-Sale Funding Goal 2,000 ETH
How To Buy XPST you must:
- Buy Ethereum from any digital exchange
- Purchase XPST by sending Ethereum to our PokerSports’ wallet address
- Create a MetaMask wallet (Recommended) or any ERC20 compatible wallet
- Provide PokerSports' your MetaMask or ERC20 compatible wallet address
- You will receive your XPST within two weeks of the sale’s conclusion
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