About the project
The project itself is a new web platform called - DataBloc, which is needed to connect corporate clients with service providers at the highest level that are safe and reliable, using modern blockchain technology.
DataBloc is a kind of StoneFusion software extension in Silicon Valley. To ensure all the security, reliability and transparency of the system are needed, smart contracts based on the blockchain Ethereum will be created, whose main function is to transfer data from one client to another client.
The problems and dangers that revolve around all this data are called the same data leakage or theft. After all, agree that in life there is a type of data that is personal or encrypted and in any case should not be compromised and certainly does not fall into the wrong hands. But unfortunately, the reality is that every year tens of millions of people are victims of cyber fraud and consequently lose their data. According to statistics, cyber crime causes damage worth more than $ 5 trillion per year. Which is naturally a very big problem.
Surprisingly, the reason for all this is centralization of most storage systems. In addition, many small businesses don't even have the right security system for hackers. That is, every smart hacker can enter the company's system and retrieve all the necessary data without a hitch. Unfortunately, because of such negligence, not only customers entrust their data to such companies, but also the company itself, because this situation in many cases gets them out of business and fails, and in the future bankruptcy may occur.
Somehow protecting themselves and their data, many experts day and night are working on creating unique security projects, the main task of which is to protect all types of data reliably. And today we will talk about one of these projects.
Advantages and features
In addition to smart contracts, StoneFusion also uses sophisticated "elastic" data hashing algorithms to provide a high level of protection. This elasticity is able to provide a more reliable data transmission system, and provides a smooth storage method, using additional blocks in the blockchain network. Complete all of these coding algorithms (reed-Solomon Erasure), which accompany all types of data on all nodes and protect them from hacking.
The convenience of StoneFusion also directly depends on its technical characteristics, so that it can easily be compatible with any wallet or hardware that stores sufficient amounts of data. At the same time, StoneFusion can interact directly with other infrastructure, cloud storage and other backup systems.
On the DataBloc platform, with team efforts, the Batu service token (symbol BATU) was created. This will be an important tool for interaction on the DataBloc platform. With that, in general, the presentation of future access to the company's products and services will occur. The defining property of STONE tokens is that they are not intended for investment. Tokens are accounting units for networks. The bigger the network grows, the greater the utility and need for tokens. While payments will be received in national currency with a BATU discount will be given, stimulating regular customers
and seller. The STONE Token will be used for transactions on the platform. In addition, BATU tokens will pay royalties in real time through smart contracts, creating complete transparency between DataBloc, bank owners and service providers. For service providers will receive 80% of the income received after the sale of their services. The remaining 20% is divided into DataBloc services and RBC tokens.
The second Royalty Bloc Token (symbol RBC) will receive 10% RBC from revenue on the DataBloc platform. RBC tokens will be sold as security, not as utilities, and will not be advertised or sold to the public.
Tokens will be distributed as follows:
60% sale
15% DataBloc Backup
5% Community
Advisor and 10% partner
10% DataBloc Team
The number of tokens sold is 200,000,000
Price per 0.5 USD token
Soft Cap 10,000,000 USD
Hard Cap 100,000,000 US dollars
Funds collected from the sale of distributed tokens are as follows:
Stimulation funds for motivation 75%
8% product update
15% Sales and Marketing
2% Network Management
DataBloc saves 75% of the capital obtained from sales for stimulated adaptation. This is done to increase the customer base. Service providers and their customers will be well motivated to join the DataBloc platform.
In conclusion, I would like to say that such a project has every opportunity to succeed in the crypto community and bring benefits to its investors in the near future. The professional team, which stands in its place of origin, development plans, ideology, and clear relevance make DataBloc a sophisticated platform that helps the cryptocurrency scope make a breakthrough in the future.
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ETH: 0x5Da79C72A3325b214FFee140C66b444d571F17a1