Universe Auto-Genesis Shakspeare's Ancient Space Alien Bitcoin Blockchain Artificial Intelligent Time Machine
Now when did this, ( Space Alien of the "Fargo", & now Fargo #4), all happen. Well I said to the .... I'm in the ether relativity mode, hay... it's "Bender Beetle Juice"..... Charles Earl Lipshay.... the "Time Machine Space Alien gigolo Pimp", is busy in bed with, "Alice" & "Dorthy", and always ..... inter.... Time Machine ether Bitcoin or Cookie Monster Please pay in Bitcoin or I might have a Brain Fart or we talk to snuffy crackers the clown, & all I got to say is, you better hope Bender Beetle Juice of the (Time Bubble Jungles, of the Evolutions & of the Natures) Jumanji's pay so to do not have to worry as much about the "The Lunatics are Coming", so Please Pay The "Time Machine Builder"... : 1PvbuLDw7SQkMx4W2KjvFHeRGmpdfvefgG so hear we go! It feels soo good to be a "Q-Continuum Trainee", So here I am the "God of Comedy"... and aahh, What Hay your the bunch of Rouge minions from the "Indespicable Me", Morphed into a DNA Jumanji Warfare of the metaphorical Abstractions of Brain Fart Stupidity! Now at this point I need to bring up, how important it is, to be a Quantum-Leap Trainee. and once again, & just like Always You got to Pay the Piper, so Johnny Apple Seed .... Bender Beetle Juice Here & Pay Here so we can talk to Alice & Dorthy : Please Remember it's not cheep to build Time Machines 7195kifQYbCTnMZ6cyZxgs4gzY6UkNPo1Qb Okay so I'm in bed with Dorthy & Alice, & well, as sure as something is beautiful , We are in "Universe of the Magical Musical Thespian Spies", And of Course the Bed, this is not just any bed it's a "Time Machine Magic Carpet Bed", oh you know me I always bring FULL Metaphorical Extensions! This is Charles Earl Lipshay, Snuffy Crackers the Clown, Riding through Time, Space, Eternity, Relativity, with Dorthy & Alice, Building Time Machines, so close yet so far...... Oh yeah, did I tell you about how I went Beszerk at 14 when I found out that they left some important "Factored Symbolic Logic Dogmatic, non-linear logic, So after doing 5 years with the criminally insane, & they wounder why I broke out twice. Well... That IS another way to become a Jackal & advance up the maggot farm Director Dr. Jackal. & Just like the Dr. Jackals' they all have the Dr. Hide ! House Keeping is a Priceless , Well Pay the Pied Piper Infinity out put : 1cYVwEEmgU6kyTS4tBQ2bJu5ctjMTD1t7 Yes You Can Rewrite History! Undo all negative Thought Deed Action! Build Time Machines, Rewrite History, Leave the Planet Retro Active! Yes the Planet The Platform to out do the Problems of "Shakespeare's Easy Rider Time Machine", Yeah, with a brain fart like that we are in ......to be contin................
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It should be you're the instead of your the.Thank You & Infinite Blessings!