IAME - Anonmyzing the Sharing of Personal Information
Have you ever felt that there should be a system through which we can control the amount of information that we need to share to verify our identity? Have you ever wondered what could go wrong if your personal information becomes vulnerable?
To solve this, IAME is working on a system that will completely change the above-mentioned problems.
IAME is a Mauritius based company which has gained a lot of experience in the field of identity verification and data security. They're working on IAME Identification network will solve a lot of security problems.
Through the IAME Identification network, which will solve the problem by fragmenting the identification process. The personal information will be divided into several pieces and these data will be individually identified by several third parties which are not associated with anyone. This information will be useless to malicious parties.
About IAME Identification Platform:
As mentioned before, the identification will be carried out by dividing the data into several pieces and then getting it verified by third-party sources. For e.g., If "Sam" is a name, so S, A, M will be verified individually which will potentially become useless for malicious purposes. The identification network would consist of following:-
A) A client
The client will be responsible to provide the data for validation. Here the data is encrypted into validation packets to be sent to allocation server.
B) An Allocation Server
The allocation server will send these validations packets to third-party validators.
C) A Validation Server
The result will be returned back to the validation server. Here, the validations will further be evaluated.
D) A writable blockchain
Once the above-mentioned process is completed, the validations will be paired on the writable blockchain. The results will be hashed so that it can be accessed without compromising the unique identification data.
Tokens and ICO Details:
IAM Tokens will be used throughout the platform for smooth functionality. These tokens will be used as a validation tokens for confirming the request of validation packets. The third party validators who are included in the process will be paid a share of what client pays for validating the data. This rewards will be paid in IAM Tokens. The use of the tokens throughout the platform will increase the demand for the tokens which will result in the increase of the value of IAM Tokens.
To make this idea possible, IAME is planning to raise funds through ICO. This ICO will be held from 4th July to 24th August. IAM Tokens will be based Ethereum's ERC20 platform. Out of all IAM Tokens, 50% will be available for sale in ICO and Pre-ICO. ETH can be used to purchase the IAM tokens during the public sales.
There will be some kind of bonus available to investors for investing in the pre-ICO period.
Investors investing in the Pre-ICO phase will be receiving 20,000 IAM Tokens for 1 ETH compared to those investing in the ICO phase will be getting 10,000 IAM Tokens. There will be a hard and soft cap during the ICO at 25,000,000 USD and 1,000,000 USD respectively.
Concluding Remarks:
IAME is being backed by some really good people. The project is expected to do well considering the amount of the experience the team brings onboard for this project. I would rate this ICO highly and would be very interested to see how they actually pull things up.
For More Details Visit:
Website: https://iame.io/
Whitepaper: https://iame.io/res/180301-IAME-White-Paper-en.pdf
Blog By: LanirmKnayam
BTT Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1308391
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