in #blockchain7 years ago


I am used to hearing varied opinions on the subject of natural versus artificial. In these discussions, the similarities are brought up as well as the differences. On one hand, people say artificial intelligence is the bane of our existence. On the other hand, others claim artificial intelligence should be hailed for its benefits and improvement of our lives. For me the answer is simple; AI may very soon become the air we breathe. I ask you; what do you think?

The world has come a long way since AI gained ground in science and technology. With every new technology, AI demonstrates its tenacity in dwelling amongst us, interpreting our daily routine and making our lives easier.

Artificial Intelligence is the logical reasoning applied to a machine or a device. If I may put it simply, it is the intelligence of a machine; its ability to perceive the changes in its environment, and adjust aptly to maximize its success at a goal. Oftentimes, people think of robots when AI is mentioned, but really, AI is everywhere. Applications such as Apple's Siri, automated driving, facial, voice and fingerprint recognition technologies are all classical examples of AI.

Despite its usefulness in our lives, the development of AI presents a crucial challenge for developers. Production of applications that make use of AI bring to the fore special problems which makes development and implementation difficult. The first is Data Processing. For an application to intelligently complete a task, it will require human feedback. These are generated in the form of enormous amounts of raw data which will be processed by the application itself to deduce emerging patterns.

Since such large amounts of data are hard to come by, it stalls the progress of development of the application. Again, Diverging Tasks is another challenge of AI development. In AI development, complex algorithms need to interact with other AIs outside their domain. This allows the algorithm to identify weaknesses and to strengthen its complexities. Finally, another problem is the issue of Computational Costs. AI algorithms require technical infrastructure necessary for processing large amounts of data for functionality.

Armed with a fair idea of how hard AI development can be, a question arises; what if there was a system capable of making AI development easier and faster for developers and consumers?



This is a platform which makes it easy for developers to test their AI, put it out on the market for trading, and allows it to interact with other AIs to optimize its performance. This system is decentralized—meaning it is not in the control of one person or a select few, uses blockchain technology and requires no intermediary by making use of smart contracts. It requires no entry fees and has a low barrier of entry, thereby facilitating the growth of the AI industry since more people can utilize it. EFFECT.AI works on the folowing phases:

1.Mechanical Turk.

This is more or less a powerhouse of human intelligence. It gives AI developers access to human workforce in order to train their algorithms. With this phase, the developer can give out a set of tasks to be performed, and anyone can perform these tasks, and be paid upon completion of the task. These task-performers, known as workers are paid using the NEP-5 token.

2. Smart Market.

Like all aspects of the system, this marketplace is decentralized, operating on blockchain technology. It is an open market, allowing people to trade AI services. Another amazing feature of this marketplace is that, algorithms can interact with other algorithms to trade services. Developers can rent or sell their AI, making use if the Effect token for easy payment. Each algorithm has its own wallet to make transactions easier.

3. Effect Power.

This is a decentralized computational platform which will run deep-learning framework. It will allow algorithms distribute computational power throughout the system, and to prevent any of the algorithms from developing a weak point. Its compute engine operates like that of popular networks like Caffe and MXNet.

EFFECT.AI will establish accessibility, accuracy, performance and interoperability. With a well abled team of experts and technocrats, the system seeks to deliver AI to our doorstep. For our benefits.


To further our understanding of how EFFECT.AI works, let's consider this scenario:

Akosua has developed an application that uses voice-recognition technology in identification and monetary transactions. After a few years of development, Akosua is ready to test her algorithm.

She chances upon EFFECT.AI and decides to give it a try. Using the mechanical turk, Akosua will test her algorithm, making use of smart contracts and NEP-5 tokens to pay her worker, the individual who decides to perform her task. Exposing her algorithm to such an ocean of workforce, Akosua gains enough raw data which her AI can use to maximize its services.

Akosua will then proceed to the smart market where she can sell or rent her algorithm to consumers and make money from it. Since the algorithm will have its own wallet, Akosua will be able to make easier transactions.

Akosua is then faced with the dilemma of how to make her AI fully functional for her consumers. She utilizes the Effect Power by allowing her AI to interact with other AIs to prevent weak points in her creation, and enable large data processing and storage.

Akosua hasn't only made life easier with her AI, she has been able to test it, and ensure that her creation is at its maximum capacity to deliver accurate results.

The world cannot afford to do away with Artificial Intelligence. We can only embrace it. To those who say it is the bane of our existence, I dissent. AI is the future, and EFFECT.AI is the conduit.

This article is a submission for a contest by @originalworks. For more information, visit the official website of Effect.AI.




This post has been submitted for the OriginalWorks Sponsored contest!
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Thank U for this essential information. @komaat.

Hi again

I decided to check your profile just to realize that we seem to share a number of interests :)
In particular that we both share a similar passion towards cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology :)

Keep up with great content. Will follow you from now on.

Cheers, Piotr

Great piece of work.
I've heard about effect.ie and I would also love to hear what do you think about DBC (Deepbrain Chain) and Singularity. How those two look comparing to effect.ie in your opinion?

Im personally quite bullish on DBC (mostly because DBC is related to NEO) and I hope to hear what do you think about this coin.

I will be following you closely.

One more time: great piece of work

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