One Step Closer to Freedom. (How to End the Wars Using Blockchain)

"Taxation is theft."

You've heard the words a thousand times by now, but what does that mean to you? It’s a catch phrase used for its pure simplicity by anarchists and libertarians to encourage us to examine the systems that control our lives. But asking the average person to examine their own life to depths most find uncomfortable is a tall order. We were taught that taxation is the price we pay for civilized society. We were taught that paying our taxes is our patriotic duty. We were shown how tax dodgers became social pariahs and evasion of paying taxes was punishable with violence and imprisonment. We were taught this in government controlled schools, and in tax-exempt 501c3 churches. The point was driven into our brains culturally, in print and on screen. We were taught this at home by parents who were taught the very same thing, and who never questioned the system that required them to pay tribute of their earnings to the government for the privilege of being productive. Our parents never asked the question and so neither did we. And so here we are.

International banking consortia control the global economy. Like highwaymen, these groups use the petro dollar and the violence apparatus (government) upon which it rests to expand their spheres of influence over nearly every country on earth. They fund both sides of every armed conflict wherever conflict arises in order to emerge victoriously no matter the outcome. They draw small impoverished countries into insurmountable debt and then exploit their people and resources forever. They artificially manipulate interest rates and create false markets through a complicated web of lies and deceit, all propagated by media and the agencies of government whom they control. They print as much currency as they wish, flooding economies with worthless paper to keep their scheme alive, while devaluing the purchasing power of that currency, widening the gap between rich and poor. By keeping the people in an endless cycle of debt slavery the supremacy of the criminal cabal is assured, for there is no way to pay off the debt. It is mathematically impossible, and like taxation, or even centralized government itself, is one of the oldest scams in existence.

Out of the ashes of the 2008 US housing crisis caused by these criminals, a global paradigm shift was born. It was a new technology called "blockchain." This invention sought to solve a problem, and would in essence render previous financial paradigms obsolete which were the foundations of the global banking power structure. Blockchain provided a method for transferring wealth or anything of value from one party to another in a peer to peer distributed network without the use of a trusted 3rd party. This was a truly revolutionary idea; an open sourced, decentralized, trustless trust system using millions of computers working together in harmony to create 100% accuracy and accountability in any marketplace. From this technology, was born Bitcoin.

At times approaching a trillion dollar global market cap just 7 years after the invention of the blockchain, more than 1400 different cryptocurrencies are now in circulation and the price of bitcoin has surged to numbers most thought impossible. It is clear that not only is blockchain technology an industry disruptor, but is the foundation of a global paradigm shift. Blockchain is rendering the archaic central banking systems obsolete, so much so that they are now forced to adopt it in order to hold on to any semblance of relevancy.

Cryptocurrencies are not without weaknesses, nor are they beyond exploitation by powerful interests; and the occasional crash and subsequent bloodbath can and will shake up the marketplace. The free market has solutions for these issues, but I ask you to consider the philosophy behind bitcoin and more to the point; blockchain. Instead of asking how, ask why? Why use Blockchain in commerce? Here is the simple answer.

The bonds of slavery are forged with paper chains. Using blockchain takes the power away from those who have power over you.

The more this technology is adopted and used worldwide by consumers for buying and selling, the fewer dollars are being used. The fewer dollars are being used, the less power the state has to tax you. If they can’t tax you, then they cannot pay the enforcement class (police, military, or otherwise armed government agents) to threaten you into paying for your own enslavement, or to wage wars abroad and at home. Without our financial participation, they cannot support the military, pharmaceutical, and prison industrial complexes which are built on human suffering and subjugation of human rights. As they choose to print more worthless fiat currency, and we choose to stop using it, their influence grows weaker while ours becomes stronger as we each become our own banks and our currency and networks grow in value.

The dollar is a tool of oppression if you choose to see it for what it is. It is used to oppress populations all over the world who stand against the centralized powers that wield it, or who happen to be standing on resources the powers that wield it decide to claim for themselves. What unlawful or immoral war of aggression could be waged without central banks? Trillions of dollars printed by the Federal Reserve are borrowed with interest by the Department of Defense to spread an imperialist violent business agenda, which the people are forced to pay for through taxation. The violence is carried out in our name, paid for with our money, and using our children as weapons of war. The argument has been made in generations past that if the soldiers would just stop fighting, then the wars would end. But I present an even more direct indictment. If the people would stop paying for the wars through taxation then the wars would actually end.

Until recently there was no system of exchange that could replace the current model. We could point our fingers directly at the problem but offer no practical solution or meaningful change other than working to get pro-freedom candidates elected who carried the promise of changing things from the inside of government. The Ron Paul movement created massive awareness of the problem through education and effectively shifted the culture, priming it for the advent of blockchain. The same liberty contingent who were the lifeblood of that awakening were early adopters of bitcoin and saw it as the answer we’d been looking for all along.

We can take to the streets and shout “End the Fed” until our lungs give out. We can bang our hands against the walls of the banks until they bleed, but it will not stop the machine from its warpath. We can petition and wave signs and run for office; these are all noble pursuits. But if we the people actually want to be free of this system, we must withdraw our consent to be governed by withdrawing our participation from their system which enslaves us through taxation and endless debt. This is why we use blockchain. This is why cryptocurrencies and distributed peer to peer networks are the future. Because humanity longs to be free of the shackles of central banks and the havoc they wreak. Starve the beast and take the power out of its hands. It runs on blood money, and is ever thirsty. Each of us has the power to build a future without central banks and violent government, and every blockchain transaction is one step closer to freedom.

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A special shoutout to @dan and @ned and the Steemit devs for creating this blockchain platform.


They still tax out cryptocurrency gains.

Thanks for the shout out brother! I built Bitcoyote to help others and am glad to see it being to good use.

Highly rEsteemed!

A call TWO ARMS ; )


Damn, this song is good!

I need a Blockchain for dummies.

Check out

Great post Jordan :)

That was a great read. The blockchain has truly opened up so many possibilities and opportunities. Thanks for posting Jordan!

The function of taxation and its principle is actually good, but only good as an idea. It will remain that well unless government agencies and world leaders do not use it for their own benefit.

I always feel bad for people who are trying hard to pay their taxes but the rewards are not that evident. Poor electric services, roads are not that great, and schools tht offer mediocre services.

If taxation is the extraction of wealth from people against their will, under threat of force if they do not comply, how is it even in principle a good thing? It's not a moral practice with pragmatic problems- it's a moral blight whose practical issues just expand its degradation of society.

More precisely, Bitcoin! Blockchain is useless without decentralized censorship resistance, open source development and a strong network. But yes, #StopTheWars and #EndTheFed!

Great article, thank you. It all makes sense but I do not understand it all. I just signed up on Stemmit and dtube. Lots of learning curves.

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