SAPIEN NETWORK - Take Back Control Over Your Social Experience
What is Sapien?
Sapien is a highly customizable, democratized social news platform capable of rewarding millions of content creators and curators without any centralized intermediaries. Sapien is powered by an ERC20 compliant cryptocurrency called SPN. The Sapien network will rapidly evolve to include a marketplace, various integrations, and third-party applications.
Buyers & Sellers
Users will be able to purchase and sell physical and virtual goods, services and premium content on the Sapien marketplace using SPN tokens. Reputation scores will be integrated into the marketplace, enabling users to be confident that the vendor they are purchasing from is reliable.
Sapien will charge a 1% transaction fee to buyers and sellers on the Sapien marketplace unless they have a certain threshold of staked SPN. The minimum threshold will initially be set at the equivalent of $20 worth of staked SPN. If a buyer or seller have staked at least $20, then they will pay no transaction fees from their behalf. If either party has less than the minimum threshold staked, they will be charged a 1% transaction fee.
Core Values
- Democracy - Users should have the final say over their communities and should be incentivized to contribute.
- Privacy - Targeted advertising is profitable but inherently flawed because it exploits user data and infringes on user privacy.
- Free Speech - A fundamental principle that should be protected online with disruptive tools.
- Customizability - Each user should be able to tailor a social experience to their liking.
Key Features:
Public/Private Browsing
Seamlessly switch between public and private modes to experience Sapien with your real identity or anonymously.
Subscribe to branches to stay up to date with the latest posts from your friends and people around the world.
Friends, Groups, and Posts
Add friends, create groups, share posts, write comments, and expand your horizons.
Feature-rich Chat
Join text and voice channels with our powerful chat interface, which provides a more dynamic and engaging user experience.
Protect your online privacy. Sapien protects your personal data and offers encrypted chat conversations.
Highly Customizeable
Every individual is unique. Have control over every feature and tailor your own social experience.
Establish a Proof of Value Consensus Protocol
At its core, SPN derives its value from the ability to collaboratively distinguish high-quality content throughout the Sapien Network. The proof of value mechanism will promote quality contributions and reward users accordingly. As the contributions of users are evaluated throughout the network they will accumulate a score that reflects their reputation. This will allow a user’s domain-specific expertise to be reflected within their communities. Within Sapien, reputation will mitigate trolling and reduce the spread of fake news. The reputation system is inherent to the SPN token and thus not restricted to the Sapien platform.
Launch the first Democratized Autonomous Platform
To create a truly autonomous social platform, users must have real power over the direction of the platform. Thus, one of the capabilities of the SPN token will be to give users a voice through our innovative proposal system. This will allow users to participate in organizational decisions, feature developments, and marketplace rewards. SPN stakeholders will be in a unique position to suggest and prioritize milestones on our project roadmap. With the first autonomous social platform, we can cultivate a passionate and engaged community that has the ability to change its values over time. In addition, SPN will enable users to vote on proposals within a branch, facilitating democratic decisions at a community level. Ultimately, this will enable branches to self-moderate, without the need for authoritative moderators that are the norm on similar platforms.
Build a Robust Marketplace and Incentivize User Contributions
Content creators should be rewarded fairly for their time and the original content they add to a platform. Users will be able to tip one another for posts or comments and even receive payouts in SPN from Sapien for posts that have created quantifiable value. By enabling users to pay each other in this manner we believe we will foster an environment that supports quality content and liberates content creators from dependence on ad revenue. A decentralized marketplace is planned in the roadmap to enable SPN holders to purchase exclusive premium content, services, physical merchandise and virtual goods, including themes, integrations, and features. Power Future Applications on the Sapien Network As Blockchain applications become the new standard, Sapien will build out a development platform powered by SPN to offer users a wide variety of app integrations and permit external apps to leverage our user base. We intend SPN to function as a unified currency for all in app purchases on integrated apps. New applications will be able to integrate with SPN easily through the Sapien API allowing users to exchange and make purchases with SPN. The unified market created by SPN will tether virtual items purchased inside integrated applications to the real world value of SPN creating a new dimension of interactions between users on applications integrated with SPN. Lastly, our goal is to establish a global reputation network on all SPN integrated platforms to fight fake news everywhere.
• Administrative: To ensure day-to-day operations run smoothly as the project grows.
• R&D: Development for SPN, including core team and community developers. Funds will be liquidated as our company milestones are met.
• Marketing: We will encourage organic community growth and launch an incentivized referral program. Thus, we have a much smaller marketing budget than other similarly situated companies. Traditional media channels and Sapien will be used to reach our user base.
• Legal: Compliance with the SEC and other regulatory entities will be a top priority for our token. Our budget is allocated to cover existing and any new regulatory laws applicable to SPN.
• Security Audits: A separate budget has been allocated for continually auditing any new smart contracts our team develops, both for the SPN token and the Sapien platform.
• 45% of SPN created during our token sale will be reserved for contributors who send ETH to the smart contract address.
• 20% of SPN will be locked in a smart contract for the founders and team, subject to a 6-month cliff and 24 month vesting period.
• 30% will go to our platform reserve which will be distributed to augment platform growth, distributed via Sapien, or burned to control inflation.
• Up to 5% will be reserved for our bounty program, contingent on the total number of participants in the campaign.
2015 Idea behind Sapien conceived and development begins
2016 Closed alpha is launched, written with full-stack javascript
2017 Q1 Private beta launched with integrated chat and voice channels
2017 Q2 Transition from an end-to-end encrypted platform to Blockchain application
2017 Q3 Complete SPN white paper and begin Ethereum smart contract development
2017 Q4 Launch testnet faucet and showcase token in Sapien
2018 Q1 Token Sale Phase #1 and implement payouts for creators and curators
2018 Q2 Increase brand awareness and begin porting Sapien platform to a DApp
2018 Q3 Incentivize network effects and revamp UI/UX for crypto novices
2018 Q4 Ramp up marketing efforts; acquire 10k new users per month
2019 Q1 Build infrastructure for Democratized Autonomous Platform
2019 Q2 Roll out decentralized marketplace , premium content and features
2019 Q3 Open developer platform to third-party applications and integrations
2019 Q4 Optimize platform to scale and add 1M new users per month
2020 Q2 Tokenize user data and extend token use to other websites
2020 Q4 Add 10 million new users per month
More Info About Sapien Network:
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