Projects of Hackaton - Episode I: Organizi.Me
Hello everyone, I would like to share my participation in the "2nd Hackathon Ciab Febraban". The Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban) annually organizes the Congress of Information Technology for Financial Institutions (Ciab) and part of the event is a hackaton to create new fintechs or to promote interesting projects for institutional banks and finance.
My team created a project called "Organizi.Me" and I think we did well, but we were not chosen, unfortunaly.
Part of the project, in fact the part that really speaks in Blockchain (or DLT) was the development of an application for funding, which can be consulted at:
The idea is relatively simple, the small entrepreneur who would like to have his business expanded, makes a request for a loan, but directed to all participating banks. If any bank is interested after a small entrepreneur's credit assessment, it can respond to this request with an offer, which may or may not be accepted by the small entrepreneur.
That's it, thanks for reading and see you soon !
ps: i am the guy in this photo¬if_id=1528797936896101¬if_t=photo_reply