Blockchain, the deadliest five questionssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #blockchain7 years ago

What is the most recent concept? There is no doubt "blockchain." Eat a meal, five tables have four tables are talking to you blockchain.

However, most people are curious and even envious of the "blockchain" and they are mostly in a forced phase of seeking solutions.

Recently focused on the study, but also ask a few people in the circle, limited to personal understanding, to share this information with you, if you encounter a master correct face, also very grateful.

An unexpected revolution

Beginning in 2018, the blockchain quickly became hot with an unconscious mind and became the first "outlet", of course, in quotes.

"Twenty years later, people are going to talk about Bitcoin in the same way they talk about the Internet today, and 100% of the deals are done on the blockchain."

Similar optimistic projections like the virus spread in the investment community, popular, creating a unexpected carnival.

Some even commented: "Blockchain is the ninth largest miracle in the world." There is currently no such technology as the blockchain that will give such a vast possibility of change in the future.

The capital market is obviously unwilling to be lonely.

Kodak, a silent film maker for many years, recently announced the release of Kodak Coin, which has seen a rise of 245.16% since 2018; Zhongrui Stocks Thunderbolt, Ninth City, Renren, Zhongwang Online and so on are also involved in the blockchain business And rose.

There was even a piece of news in the Hong Kong stock market that people laughed and laughed: A company called "Pingshan Tea" announced its change of name to the blockchain group, which rose by 23% in the context of the A-share blockchain concept.

However, this hurricane capital boom is not groundless.

According to the blockchain utility roadmap released by McKinsey, 2017-2020 will be the formative phase of the blockchain technology infrastructure. The current world's major investment banks, technology companies have accelerated its layout in the blockchain.

The mainstream view is that the core of the blockchain economy is not technology, but the reconstruction of business logic.

Therefore, this is not only a technological revolution, but also a cognitive revolution.

Blockchain is not a new concept

The concept of the blockchain dates back to late 2008. The mysterious person named "Nakamoto" published a paper "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System," for the first time The concept of blockchain.

January 3, 2009, the first block of the block chain has been born, this block is called the "founding block."

Bitcoin was the first thing that came into play with the advent of blockchain technology, and bitcoin became the rage of the world in the years to come. In 2017, its crazy market has made blockchain technology known to all.

The essence of the blockchain: everyone is a "database"

The blockchain is essentially a distributed public ledger that links each block into a chain. We can define it as a system that allows an interconnected set of computers to securely maintain a common book, each computer being a database (server) with no third-party servers in between.

Therefore, the blockchain is not a specific piece of software, as the expression "database" means, is a technology-specific design idea.

Like the relationship between the TCP / IP protocol and ordinary people, ordinary people do not need to know what is the underlying TCP / IP protocol on the Internet, just enjoy the services provided by the Internet.

Ordinary people and the blockchain basically nothing, unless it is ready to engage in business in this area.

Blockchain 3 major characteristics

Compared with the traditional centralized program, blockchain technology has the following three characteristics:

The core idea of ​​the blockchain is to decentralize

In the blockchain system, the rights and obligations between arbitrary nodes are equal, and all the nodes have the ability to vote with computing power, so as to ensure that the result of recognition is the result accepted by more than half of nodes. Even if a serious hacker attacks, as long as the number of hacker-controlled nodes does not exceed half the total number of global nodes, the system will still be able to operate normally, the data will not be tampered with.

The biggest subversive blockchain lies in the establishment of credit

In theory, the blockchain technology can make WeChat payment and Alipay no longer exist. The Economist gave a figurative metaphor of the blockchain: in short, it is "a machine that creates trust." Blockchain allows people to collaborate with one another without mutual trust and without the need to neutralize central institutions. Fight against counterfeit money and financial fraud in the future are not needed.

Collective maintenance of the blockchain can reduce costs

Under the centralized network system, the maintenance and management of the system depend on the operation, maintenance and operation of platforms such as data centers. The cost can not be omitted. The node of the blockchain can be participated by anyone. Each node participates in the record and at the same time verifies the correctness of the records of other nodes, improves the maintenance efficiency and reduces the cost.

In a word, blockchain touches money, trust and power, the fundamental basis for these human beings to survive.

Its development has gone through three stages

  1. Gestation period: From 2009 to 2012, the economic pattern is mainly bitcoin and its industrial ecology.

  2. Germination period: from 2012 to 2015, the blockchain economy spread to the financial sector as blockchains entered the public eye as bitcoin, new-born wallet payments and remittance companies emerged. The bottom of the block chain technological innovation. Blockchain technology from the bitcoin system stripped out.

  3. Development period: 2016 began to explore the industry application, there have been a large number of blockchain startups. The fiery ICO in 2017 has given blockchain unprecedented attention.

"Blockchain 2.0 era" is coming

The application service layer is the driving force for the sustainable development of the blockchain. It is divided into three phases: 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0.

Programmable Currency: Blockchain 1.0 Applications

Programmable currency, digital currency represented by bitcoin, but it is not the legal tender of any country, nor is it guaranteed by the government authorities.

Programmable Finance: Blockchain 2.0 Applications

Blockchain 2.0 applications have joined the notion of "smart contracts" (using program algorithms instead of human execution contracts). This allows the blockchain to expand from the initial monetary system to the registration and transfer of equities, claims and equity, the trading and enforcement of securities and financial contracts, and even the financial sector such as betting and security.

Programmable Society: Blockchain 3.0 Applications

Blockchain is the core of the value internet, enabling the identification, measurement, and storage of proprietary information and bytes that represent value on every Internet. Instead of documenting transactions in the financial industry, it can record almost anything valuable that can be expressed in code. Its application can be extended to any areas of demand, and then to the community as a whole.

Blockchain applications have now started to outperform bitcoin (blockchain 1.0), into the blockchain 1.5 era, and transition to the financial sector (blockchain 2.0).

In the next 3-5 years, the blockchain may surpass the financial sector and enter the field of social notary and intelligence (blockchain 3.0), including identity certification, notary, arbitration, auditing, domain name, logistics, medical, mail, visa, Voting and other fields, the scope of application expanded to the entire community, blockchain technology may become a kind of "all things connected" the bottom of the agreement.

Disadvantages of blockchain

In fact, blockchain as an emerging technology, although the value of existence, but also showed some disadvantages.

One is inefficiency

Data is written to the blockchain, waiting at least 10 minutes for all nodes to synchronize the data, which requires more time. Take Bitcoin for example. The current transaction effectiveness is affected by network traffic. Bitcoin transaction takes about 10 minutes each time, and six hours to confirm. Therefore blockchain transaction data is delayed.

In an exclusive interview in early 2016, central bank Governor Zhou Xiaochuan said that up to now, the blockchain has taken up too much resources, either in terms of computing resources or storage resources, and can not handle the current scale of transactions.

The second is the issue of energy consumption

The production of blocks requires miners to countless meaningless calculations, which is very energy-intensive. According to the predictions provided by POWER-COMPARE, a UK-based power information network, according to the current rate of increase in consumption of bitcoin mining and trading power, the consumption of bitcoin by 2020 will be equal to the current global electricity consumption.

The third is privacy protection
In the chain of public chain block, each participant can get a complete data backup, all the transaction data is open and transparent. If you want to know some business organizations account and transaction information, you can know all his wealth, as well as important assets and trade secrets, privacy protection difficult.

The fourth is the game problem

Going to the center of the blockchain, the autonomy of the characteristics of the national regulatory concept. In the case of regulatory inaccessibility, market-driven charecteristics have led to the application of blockchain technology to the illegal sector, providing shelter for the black industry.

Investment blockchain 5 "Tai Hang"

In the blockchain investment road, you will encounter five large pit, step on each pit may make you lose everything. Island Jun feel it necessary to cool down everyone, we encourage new things, but also hope that we can be rational.

The first question: chaos cast ICO

Late in the bull market, all kinds of monsters and zombies sing me strike me debut. We all know very well that the people who launched the ICO saw the wonderful quan method. So, how the progress of the project is not important, there is no practical value is not important, the most important marketing speculation, as long as the token on-line trading after Panxian on the line.

1, do not understand do not vote

For the secondary market (exchange), short-term and long-term can do. For the primary market (ICO), I will stick to the long line. Once you decide to hold on for a long time, the vision of a project you look at will be different. If you do not understand the project and do not want to hold it for more than a year, then do not participate.

2, do not worry, good show behind

The blockchain investment market now looks like the Internet bubble of 1999, with the exception of Amazon, Google, Facebook, the domestic BAT and other top Internet companies. Waiting for this round of ICO bubble burst, the real value of the blockchain project will gradually emerge, in order to seize the future blockchain Unicorn business or organization, to give yourself some bullets it.

The second question: what currency to buy

As long as which currency is up, which one I buy, this is the mentality of the vast majority of participants in the blockchain investment market. So, what currency began to rise, quickly rushed to buy, which currency fell, quickly tossing to find another rising currency, the currency in the end what is the use, who cares?

1, do not understand do not buy

What is behind the token? What problems can be solved with this blockchain? What is the role of tokens in the blockchain system ... You have to look at many factors to get a rough idea of ​​the value of a token. If you do not want to dig in before you buy a token, then your investment or speculation is purely on luck, but who can always be lucky?

2, only buy real digital blockcoin support for the use of the chain

Because of the nature of the blockchain market, valuable digital tokens can skyrocket. However, if the value of the currency drops, the probability of it will rise back and the quality of the project will be held on a long-term basis. The value of the token will also grow. The vast majority of garbage coins, only one climax, then gradually zero.

The third question: Into the cottage exchange

For investors, the exchange risks mainly in three areas: the exchange of theft (or guard against theft); Exchange volume winding path; exchange control disk. This is not to blame which futures exchange for cheating, but to state the fact that they are currently unable to justify themselves and that there is a loophole in the current futures exchange mechanism in that they have the opportunity to cheat without any trace or trace.

No matter how well done, centralized exchanges can not prove innocent. For investors, at this stage can only choose a reliable first-line exchange, although the decentralized exchange has been (bit BTS), but I feel a bit complicated to use, look forward to the future more reliable and easy to go Centralized exchange.

Fourth question: listen to "brick house"

Most people do not have self-learning ability, there is always a large group of waiting for pointing sheep, the bull market is always rich in various brick home, the reason lies in this. Investors just admitted to income tax is inevitable, the loss of hundreds of block fee is a trivial matter, follow the brick chaos operation, was infused toxic concept that really misleading.

1, learn professional knowledge

Even though the current blockchain investment market is mostly "speculation," you also have to exercise your ability to identify yourself in this chaotic market. Only understanding the underlying expertise allows you to identify truly valuable information, ideas, and projects.

2, with a longer period of time to judge a person

Why is IQ tax so good? Because many people's beliefs come faster and faster. If you can be a man for a week, think about yourself is not too foolish. To lengthen the time period to judge a person will save you a lot of IQ tax.

3, no matter when, make their own decisions

Other people's information and advice are only for reference, to identify and think about their own decision-making. Always waiting for someone to tell you how to invest, what is the difference with the manipulated puppet. Investors do not learn without thinking, can only be repeatedly harvested.

Fifth question: under emotional control

1, chase sell to drop

Investment is to buy low and sell high, but in reality the overwhelming majority of people will chase sell. At any time, you will always be manipulated by the market mood, once the mood is manipulated, you will not be able to stare more stare, a stare disk is easy to frequent trading, a deal may encounter treads or plunges.

2, complain every day

Many people believe this is a casino, but do not want to gamble. Jump up cheered, complaining or curse. In the face of market volatility, many people become emotional slaves.

1, the investment as a practice
Do not be emotionally controlled, it is easy to say difficult, it is a long-term practice of the process. Follow Charlie Munger and other masters of the footsteps, continuous learning interdisciplinary knowledge, master multiple mental models, improve their mental strength.
2, pay attention to work or life
When you want to stare or complain, ask yourself: Stare and complain about the market? Will double your earnings? Will make their own personal ability to enhance it? If you can not answer the question, you are advised to borrow Al Pacino's word from The Godfather: If it is useless, we will not do it.

Finally, there are some issues that must be clarified.


Coins mentioned in post:

CoinPrice (USD)📉 24h📈 7d
BATBasic Attention Token0.603$-6.27%20.3%

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 60216.66
ETH 2326.87
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.48