We are almost there :) 5g | A.I| Blockchain

Future of Blockchain & A I technology highly depends on the network. Those who have the vision of this coming change in future economics and technology are well aware of the hurdles in the mass adaptation of these techs.
If we think that technology has changed a lot in reference to human society, behaviour and economics then we should sit tight as we are going to be on a roller coaster of technical developments.

We remember that the first social shift happened with the discovery of fire then the invention of the wheel transformed the whole human civilization. It must have been a shock initially and many of them would have protested the use of fire but eventually, it got adopted. It set course for the future inventions and opened the doors for faster transportation through the next invention of the wheel. These two inventions made the journey possible for mankind to witness another shift in the way we live.
Now is the era where we see an absolute kind of technology which will help us accelerate to the new dimensions of life. How beautiful it is if it is just a mere co-incidence where three major breakthroughs in tech have happened almost at the same time. 5g, AI and Blockchain together have an immense potential to bring a positive change, in the way we look at the future.
We have already discussed briefly, the role of 5g when it comes to the Blockchain. Now how will it bring the change in the access and our approach to Artificial intelligence? What will happen when all three techs ie 5g | A.I | Blockchain will come together? For the answer, we will just try to have a sneak peek in the future.

The kind of impact it will have on our social infrastructure is going to be dramatic. It is not only about the infrastructure but also it will affect our beliefs and traditions. It will change the present day to day solutions we have when it comes to living. For example, the first thing it is going to change is our transport mobility. Different companies are already trying to build Blockchain network solutions to various hindrances.
The potential Blockchain, 5g and AI have will help us in the medical field. Doctors will be able to [erform surgeries from distant locations with the help of 5g and A I. Blockchain can be used to track the medical history of the deceased. I understand my Bitcoin go hand in hand.

Time-lapse and response to the command is the key when it comes to network. Resolving blocks and the time it takes is the key hindrance in the absolute adaptation of Blockchain and crypto. 5g brings is this solution. 5g is a software-defined network. The response time of the 5g network is 50 times more efficient than that of the 4g network. The response time of the 5g network is less than 1 mile second whereas 4g network takes approximately 50-mile seconds to respond command. This might help access to Blocks easier and 50 times faster. Imagine when transactions over blockchain will start happening at such lightning speed!
We are standing at the verge of Economical & social paradigm shift. We should stand tall and prepared to embrace it.
Disclaimer: Above mentioned details are based on my own research and opinion, I do not encourage anybody to make their decisions based on this post. Every individual should do their own research before investing in any cryptocurrency or public sale.

I agree with you, @honeychum, AI & 5G together are going to make miracles in the future ahead of us.
We are the only generation, who have witnessed the technology growing at rapid speed. It's just about the time when we are going to witness the biggest or, could be the last invention of human history.
Never say Never! Humans are curious species. We will never stop unless wiped out. I see positivity and better scenario around in future. AI has the potential to bring us those fictions into reality.
China HUAWEI is the best!中国华为是最棒的!
5g and the blockchain seems like a match made in heaven. I can't wait for the technology to truly mature. Thanks for sharing.
I agree. It has the potential to make unbelievable happen.
Question is five 5G safe science is still studying its effects on animals and humans , and is it possible to keep Ai under control ? As it progresses and becomes more intelegent there becomes the question if it will not try to side step humanity or do its agenda like the old saying goes you can only give a fire so much fuel until it engolfs you so could be the case with ai , while i would agree the potenial for good is there so too is the potential for bad , but say ai never becomes self aware ,and 5G is ok for our health they both could be easily weaponized Ai could run soldier bots , 5G could be used to cover the world in a constant live feed of survalence from spy satilites you wont be able too sun bathe nude in your walled yards anymore cause some one would always be watching , anything a person did out side could be recorded your movements and routines could be recorded for thieves or stalkers , a lot things could happen as a resalt of these things we as humanity must move carefully into this new tech age and make sure safe gaurds are in place
I agree buddy.
Nice one!
Thanks :)
Don‘t you worry about health problems?
I think the big amount of radiation is just not healthy for our cells, but I’m open for an discussion.
Posted using Partiko iOS
If there is evil, there is some good.
Amazing article!
China HUAWEI is the best!中国华为是最棒的!
nice post