Sprint #12 Backlog
The material you are about to read is dedicated to the work of Giant in the next sprint of two weeks (19 November - 2 December 2018). The Giant team will also continue to pursue its long-term tasks created to bring you a safe decentralized blockchain environment. You can also see what previous sprint achievements have played a role in the formation of this new set of goals.
Technologies Development
Dmitry and Alexei are making great efforts to bring the Giant smart contracts system closer to release. At the moment of writing, Alexei consults with Dmitry on the critical issue of different versions of smart contracts and how the end user is engaging with them. Another crucial task of Alexei is to research the mechanism of fees, smart contracts validation, testing and readability checks.
We’re welcoming aboard a new member of the team - Denis Seliverstov. After the initial adaptation, he will help Ablai with the Giant.Exchange front-end matters. This will additionally increase the efficiency and accelerate the pace of Giant.Exchange development. As a reminder, Giant.Exchange is only the first decentralized application on the Giant blockchain aimed to demonstrate its capabilities.
As for the Giant website, Almas works with Maria to fix the remaining bugs on the Giant website and to analyze the data processing efficiency. The integration of new pages and the improving of existing ones is also their joint task.
Social Media & Business Contacts
Pavel has received a lot of interesting offerings after the Giant team has attended Blockchain Life 2018 in St Petersburg. The Giant team is going to use the offline communication achievements to further raise the public awareness about the nature of its blockchain, cryptocurrency and decentralized apps.
Establishing new partnership agreements and researching the new ways of social media promotion are two main tasks that he will continue to solve throughout this sprint in cooperation with Mikhail.
While all this is happening, Nikolay is ready to provide help with the content creation for Discord and other main platforms and social media of Giant. While it always has something to offer to its community, formulating statements correctly can prove tricky sometimes. This is why the cooperation of Nikolay, Pavel and Mikhail on Giant texts and messages can be called one of the most important in the sphere of Giant marketing.
As you might have noticed in the paragraphs above, now we can create more detailed backlogs for new sprints and tell about the actual persons engaging with each other and solving practical issues instead if the more general approach we used before.