BTCjam is closing!
It is very sad that this is happening. I was/am an early adopter and I though it was going to strive (honestly). But apparently not and I blame only one thing as part of the learning process for crypto culture. When you are launching a business... pilot it first (it's even free). Don't go live the first moment you find something.
On top of that you even have the best framework to do it... Blockchain!
Here is the email I have received.
A sad moment for some, but an essencial learning experience for others. I am sure BTCjam team will still be around and disrupt some other things on the same market segment.
Thanks for that. I will surely trial.
I've had a very positive experience. As an investor. Haven't tried the other side.
Very sad news. I too was an early adopter. They were one of the fastest growing Fintech businesses (never mind Bitcoin businesses) in 2015. Being forced out of the US market seems to have been the main cause, but I wouldn't be surprised if the Bitcoin fee situation didn't also contribute. It's so much more costly and awkward to make a repayment now, especially for someone in the developed world.
Still getting payouts though. People are somehow afraid.