in #blockchain5 years ago (edited)

Browsing the Internet comes with some level of security as enshrined in the https interface. There is also the scalability and the robustness of many Internet-based platforms. Therefore, it wouldn’t be out of place to posit that the Internet is one of the best things that happened to the world in the wake of the 21st century.

With many new things come changes, and strategic developments. The cyberspace has undergone many changes in recent years. We have had the integration of many online platforms, such as social media and Search Engines. Likewise, the Internet has successfully created and bolstered the steady growth of over-the-air communications. Now, it is time to touch an integral and important aspect of the Internet – the Internet Protocol (IP).


The Internet Protocol (IP) is a group of dedicated networks aimed at bolstering the efficiency of the Internet. Among many features that come with the Internet Protocol are speed, security, and transparency. In the absence of those features (as has been the case in recent years), it is now evident that our cyberspace is now open to hackers and many other cybercriminals. Aside from the security lapses, we also have to face the challenge of communicating across the borders without being faced by threats of someone spying on us.

All those challenges and many others became imperative considering the lapses in the conventional Internet Protocol, as chaired by TCP/IP.


It is time to look at other mediums for making use of Internet Protocols (IPs). That medium, as identified by the Tachyon blockchain is to integrate a blockchain-based and decentralized Internet Protocol. In this case, the platform (Tachyon) has created a dedicated blockchain-based Internet Protocol designed to make Internet-based communications secure, faster, and stable. That said, we would now look at the different properties that can unite to make the quest for decentralized Internet Protocol via the Tachyon Protocol possible.


The Tachyon Protocol is here to take away the 36-year streak recorded by TCP/IP. By leveraging the blockchain technology and many other networks working on a decentralized structure, the Tachyon Protocol would now provide us with one of the best Internet communications of all times. Besides, the protocol can combine the duo of encryption techniques and decentralized tools to achieve that aim.

It is important to point out that the Tachyon Protocol works with many other tools, which would be detailed below:

Tachyon SDK

The role of the Tachyon SDK is to make the integration and deployment of many programming languages easier. The need arose in consideration of the fact that blockchain systems have complex programming languages. By making use of Tachyon SDK, it would easier to provide customized modules and a standard API through which it would be faster to make the integration and deployment of the Tachyon Protocol.

Tachyon Booster UDP (TBU)

Making use of Tachyon Booster UDP (TBU) makes it easier to reconstruct the modules of operation of the TCP/IP Internet Protocol. In the stead, TBU would usher in transmission acceleration of up to 1000, just as it can bolster real-time optimized routing. With TBU, Internet surfers can also be confident of enjoying up to 90% success on their surfing, even when the network is complex.

Advanced and Secured VPN

Gone are those days when your data is compromised when making use of traditional Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). Instead of continuing with that (which is not healthy anyway), the Tachyon Protocol went on to forge alliance with X-VPN. It is the outcome of the collaboration that sees to the provision of cybersecurity and many other security and privacy features.

As an industry leader as Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are concerned, X-VPN carved a name for itself providing secure and faster VPN services to over 50 million users around the world. It is also in line with its aims of promoting anonymity of VPN users that X-VPN went on to develop Automatic Distributed Scheduling System that connects over 5,000 nodes around the world. It also took the notch higher by creating a unique asymmetric end-to-end encryption algorithm that masks the identity of the users.

Tachyon Anti-Analysis

Do you feel someone is watching or spying on you as you surf the web? In the centralized system, you would be looking at using VPN instead to take off the preying eyes. That doesn’t in any way imply that you are no longer under scrutiny of suspicious eyes because your data isn’t secured with the VPN provider.

It is for that reason that the Tachyon Protocol came up with the Tachyon Anti-Analysis feature, which is designed to counter all efforts aimed at monitoring the traffic and browsing history of its users. More so, Tachyon Anti-Analysis is working relentlessly to implement the Multi-Relaying and Multi-Path Routing tools as ways of increasing the difficulties cybercriminals would experience anytime they work towards intercepting the network.


The Point-to-Point Protocol perspective and component of the Tachyon Protocol is a dedicated medium for the users to be confident of communicating among themselves. It would interest you to know that the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) in question is modeled to work in the same format as the blockchain-administered Peer-to-Peer (P2P) communication.

The development of PPP is based on an IP Network Layer that can provide end-to-end communications, as well as providing the needed topologies for smooth communications/connections on a fully connected network.


The Application Layer component of the Tachyon Protocol is there to bolster the interpretation and usage of relevant data. Ideally, it works in unison with the Transport Layer – the UDP Protocol in order to bolster the reliability of the UDP Protocol.

It is in the light of it that the Application Layer component would make use of Bandwidth Auto-Scaling to boost the speed of the network. The UDP delivery service would be working hard towards reducing redundancy of packet data, while ensuring that bandwidth management and reliability of the network is improved. The last but not the least is the reduction of packet data loss by making use of the Forward Error Connection.

4: Tachyon Security Protocol

Security is one feature you always crave to see on any platform you intend using. That is because of the relevant security apparatuses sends signals that your usage of such a platform is numbered and it would only be a matter of a slip before your data gets into the wrong hands.

The Tachyon Protocol made spirited efforts to ensure that the security of the platform and that of the users is top-notch. In this case, the Protocol came up with the Tachyon Security Protocol (TSP), which is a decentralized security apparatus that uses Protocol Simulation and End-to-End Encryption to reduce the chances of hacks and security breaches. Each of them has a dedicated use case. On the one hand, we have the Protocol Simulation feature in filtering and circumventing firewalls on the network. On the other hand, we have the End-to-End Encryption tool stepping up to fish out man-in-the-middle attacks, just as it prevents network sniffing.


The Tachyon Protocol now has some specifications that work in unison to ensure the success of the project. Below are some of them:

Business Nodes

As you may have known, nodes are integral parts of blockchain-based systems. It is the work of those nodes to ensure that communications are initiated and completed in good time.

Now, we have the Business Node of the Tachyon Protocol. It oversees the purchase of bandwidth to power businesses that are hinged on it. It is also in the job description of the Business Node to use those bandwidths to bolster the development and powering of many blockchain-related business components, such as Decentralized Applications (DApps) and the blockchain technology.

Client Node

The Client Node is the least node functioning via the Tachyon Protocol. In this case, it is designed to initiate connections among consumer-level devices, including computers, smartphones, and routers. Client Nodes also work with many Operating Systems (OS), such as Mac/Windows/Linux, Android, and iOS.

Provider Node

The Provider Node is the last but not the least. In its instance, it has the primary work of relaying or moving traffic from one enterprise-level device to the other. The supported enterprise-level devices are Linux, Mac, and Windows.

It also supports many consumer-level devices, including routers and computers.


There is no better time to have a system/network that sees to the promotion of real-time communications over the Internet. As we have seen the lapses in the conventional Internet Protocols (IPs), it is now understandable how the Tachyon Protocol can bring the change we seek. Wouldn’t you be pleased to make use of this protocol when accessing the Internet?

With the Tachyon Protocol at your disposal, you have the assurances of faster, secure, and stable Internet-based communications. The next time you want to surf the Internet, be sure that the Tachyon Protocol is the Internet Protocol (IP) powering such an Internet browser.

Website: https://tachyon.eco/
Whitepaper: https://tachyon.eco/TachyonWhitePaper.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/tachyoneco
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tachyon_eco
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tachyon-protocol

Bitcointalk Username: Ifychuks
Bitcointalk Profile URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2397927

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