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RE: Banks Are Inviting The Trojan Horse In...And It Will Destroy Them

in #blockchain6 years ago

The blockchain will be looked at in hindsight as the greatest invention humanity has ever seen. We live in a very corrupt world, and the blockchain seeks to shed transparency on that corruption and become resistant to it.

When I was a kid my dad would watch Star Trek: The Next Generation. In this sci-fi utopia, money doesn't exist, and they never explain how society operates. How could they, I thought, because that is impossible.

The blockchain is showing us that not only is a world without money possible, it's probable. Even cryptocurrency will be outdated by the blockchain in the future. All that will remain are our decentralized reputations across multiple chains. This is a truly mind blowing revelation if you can actually believe that it will happen.


In Star trek,it's a honor to do something in your life.They have replicators,and unlimited energy.

Right, so what is the population of Earth? How do you stop overpopulation when everything is free? When you see that Captain Picard has a huge plot of land (that he almost never uses) how does society decide that he gets that and someone else doesn't? There is no money to determine these things. Blockchain reputations make a lot of sense in these contexts.

The blockchain is showing us that not only is a world without money possible, it's probable. Even cryptocurrency will be outdated by the blockchain in the future. All that will remain are our decentralized reputations across multiple chains.


Fascinating. I've never seen this said before. Have you written anything about it?

Yep, two months ago.

I think the blockchain's ability to gauge reputation and trust is far more valuable than its ability to track money.

That's a fucking crazy thought; I can't wait to read that.

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