Unstoppable Blockchain Domains Tutorial

in #blockchain4 years ago (edited)

Learn about how to create unique and readable crypto wallet addresses as well as uncensorable website domains with Unstoppable Domains.


You might have seen some ads going around promoting unstoppable domains, but what is it exactly? Here we take a quick look at what is, if it has merit, and how you can use it.
Unstoppable Domains has two primary purposes, one - to provide you with a blockchain domain. Unlike traditional website domains, no third party can ever take these domains away from you and there are no reoccurring fees, just a one-time purchase payment.
The second purpose is to function as a cryptocurrency wallet. Instead of using a long series of letters and numbers, you can have an easy to remember wallet. You can send directly to your domain, for example,"mywallet.crypto." This is an excellent way of making the sending process more user friendly and significantly reducing the chance of sending to the wrong address.
In summary, it grants you an uncensorable domain and an easy to use and readable wallet address.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Creating an Account
  3. Selecting a Domain
    3.1. .Crypto or .Zil
  4. Buying Your Domain
  5. MetaMask
  6. Connecting Wallet
  7. Claim Your Domains
  8. Adding to Your Domain
  9. Using Domain for Websites
    9.1. Be Aware
  10. Selling Unstoppable Domain
  11. Summary

#Creating an Account

Before we begin looking at how to create and claim domains/wallets, we need to register on Unstoppable Domains.
Click the image above or the button below to register on Unstoppable Domains.

Visit Unstoppable Domains - Click here!

#Selecting a Domain

Search for the domain name you would prefer, you will notice that you will be able to select from .crypto extension and .zil extensions.

The pricing for the .crypto will also be higher, this is the most desired domain extension. Pricing will also increase if you have a very short domain-name as this will have premium pricing which can vary from $200 to $800 depending on how exclusive it is.

Numerous premium domain names have not been released yet to the public, but you can add them on your watchlist to monitor when they become available.
Domains can also have status as taken and protected. If they are protected, a company or business has exercised its right to make its brand-name unavailable.
.Crypto or .Zil

After you have chosen your desired domain name, you will need to figure out which one of the two domain extensions you want to select.
The major difference is that the .crypto domains are built on widely popular Ethereum blockchain while .Zil domains are built on the lesser-known Zilliqa blockchain. The functionality of these two domain extensions is primarily the same.
Support for .crypto extensions is easier to find, for example, Opera for Android can read .crypto domains but not .Zil domains.

Personally, I would go for .crypto, as it is more widely understood what it is, while the same can not be said for .Zil, granted you would have to pay $20 more at the basic domain name level.

Visit Unstoppable Domains - Click here!

#Buying Your Domain
Once you have found the perfect domain, click add to card and then checkout.
During the checkout process, you will have the ability to choose from four different payment options.

Credit Card
Crypto.com App (10% discount)

Users paying through the Crypto.Com app will receive a 10% discount upon checkout.

Visit Unstoppable Domains - Click here!


Metamask is one of the more popular wallet choices, it is an ethereum wallet that is perfect for .crypto domains as they are on the ethereum blockchain. Metamask supports most browsers.
Please remember to refresh the unstoppable-domains page after adding metamask as an extension.

Download MetaMask Here : https://metamask.io/

#Connecting Wallet

When connecting your wallet, you will receive the option to choose between three different methods of connecting.

If you are using a MetaMask wallet, choose "Web3" and a MetaMask window will automatically pop-up to start the connection process.
Use Walletconnect if you are using a mobile cryptocurrency wallet.
If you are using MyEtherWallet, use MewConnect.

Once you have started to connect, you will receive an email to verify that the correct account owner is attempting to add a wallet. Lastly, you will be asked to confirm an online signature to ensure the wallet is yours. This whole process is very easy and takes around 45 seconds to complete.

Visit Unstoppable Domains - Click here!

#Claim Your Domains

Click the menu and go to your domains, once you are there you will find an overview of all your purchased domains.

Select your desired domain and then simply click 'claim'.
Before your domain is claimed, you will need to verify your actions through an email sent to your account address.
Once you have verified the 'claim' process will begin and will take between 10 to 20 minutes to complete. In the meantime, you will see it displaying the status 'pending claim' next to your domain.

#Adding Wallet-Addresses to Your Domain

This will allow you to set up your domain for payments, in other words, other people will simply send their payment to 'yourdomain.crypto.'
In order to do this, head over to your domain overview again and click 'manage.'

Paste in your desired wallet addresses in the specified fields, if you are missing a coin, click on 'select an additional currency,' which will allow you to use your domain for payments using various other altcoins.
Once you hit save you will need to verify through your wallet, if your using MetaMask then select WEB3, and you will sign the changes through your wallet.
Now you're all set to quickly receive payments from everyone around the world with the cryptocurrency addresses you selected.

Visit Unstoppable Domains - Click here!

#Using Domain for Websites

To use your domain for websites, you will need to go to your desired domain and click manage and then the website tab.

Paste in your IPFS hash and click save changes.
You could also use the domain to redirect to traditional domains, such as .com/.net/.io.

You will be able to create templates directly on unstoppable domains to get a personalized website up and running quickly.

Viewing Websites

In order to view .zil and .crypto domains as regular websites, we need to use an extension called 'Unstoppable Chrome Extension' or use Opera browser on Android.
You can also download a browser called 'Unstoppable Blockchain Browser,' I find the extension to be the most convenient solution.

Download Chrome Extension Here : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/metamask/nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn?utm_source=chrome-ntp-icon

#Be Aware

If you have a website business that relies on a lot of traffic or organic search results from search engines, than I would definitely not use blockchain domains. They will not be available to the majority of people and will not be well received within search engines.
For personal pages made for niche crypto communities, than this would work completely fine.

#Selling Unstoppable Domain

If you wish to sell your domain, you can go to Open Sea, which is a marketplace designed for blockchain items.

Visit Open Sea Here: https://opensea.io/collection/unstoppable-domains


Unstoppable Domains lets us grant ownership complete ownership of our potential domains and wallet addresses, adding to the uncensorable alternatives out there, which is a great thing.
My favorite aspect is making wallet addresses far more user-friendly, which is important when it comes to mainstream adaptation. Even though I have been using crypto for a long time, I can't tell you how many times I double-check the address before sending a significant amount of cryptocurrency somewhere. By using easy to read addresses, the number of errors would significantly go down and use of cryptocurrency, in general, would be smoother and more beginner-friendly.

Visit Unstoppable Domains - Click here!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.15
TRX 0.23
JST 0.032
BTC 84250.69
ETH 2296.76
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.67