I discovered Cryptocurrencies about four years ago and even though I am not the inventor of any Cryptocurrency, I can boldly say that my discovery of it really changed my life and turned my perception from what I would have thought impossible to be possible, for example if you were told that you can stay in the comfort of your living room in Switzerland and send funds in the form of digital currencies to someone in Yemen, you would have instantly said that it was impossible but thanks to the invention of Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain technology, not only can you make such transactions, you can also trace your transactions from the origin in your wallet to it's final destination and to crown it all, you can make this transaction in seconds and they cost next to nothing in fees, everything is cheap, fast and transparent.
We have seen so much innovations in the cryptocurrency world ranging from the fact that when it was invented, it was worth next to nothing but as I am writing this article right now, Cryptocurrencies are worth a whooping $140 Billion Dollars and rising, apart from the monetary value, Cryptocurrency users worldwide is estimated to exceed 50 million and increasing every single day, even big names like Nasdaq, IBM and JP Morgan has recognised this,.
It is even rumoured that Facebook is developing it's own Cryptocurrencies and Samsung Phone makers has added a Cryptocurrency Wallet in it's latest offering which is the Samsung Galaxy S10. I could go on and on about big companies that are coming to realise lately that Cryptocurrencies are the future of money but it would take all day, even Kakao(One of the major social media apps in Korea) announced recently that it would be integrating a wallet in it's application, this has the potential to take expose Cryptocurrencies to an additional estimated 60 million users in that part of the world.
But with all this recent exposure that Cryptocurrencies are getting, it is quite disheartening to note that you cannot just go to an e-commerce website, browse through their offerings, select the products that you want to purchase and pay for them using Cryptocurrencies, if this has been the case, it would have given Cryptocurrencies a real world use cases which would have hastened it's worldwide adoption.
Today I am here to introduce you to a revolutionary project that would be changing all that, a platform that would develop a wallet that would serve as a crypto POS for e-commerce so that you can be able to pay for goods and services with crypto, the name of this platform is Chimpion.
Chimpion is much more than just a wallet, while you would be able to shop with Cryptocurrencies, you would also be able to swap your Cryptocurrencies, buy Cryptocurrencies and even store your Cryptocurrencies in the Chimpion wallet, learn more aboutt this in the Chimpion Whitepaper
There would always be problems in this world but only the truly exceptional people try to find solutions to those problems.
The problem of Cryptocurrency adoption in the real world has been a problem that has been lingering for years, infact since the invention of Cryptocurrencies and not the exceptional minds behind Chimpion has presented the perfect solution to killing several birds with a stone.
A single tree cannot make a forest and the Chimpion team knows this and that is why the Chimpion team is not doing it alone, they are doing some of it in conjuction with it's amazing partners pictured below;
There are thousands of Cryptocurrency projects out there but Chimpion is quite different from the rest, not only would it make online shopping more secure and convenient, it would also drive worldwide adoption for Cryptocurrencies in General, with Chimpion, there would be no more Credit card theft, no more middleman when paying for goods and services online and most importantly, Chimpion provides a way to store and swap your Cryptocurrencies seamlessly, with Chimpion, you can Store your crypto, Convert or swap it, shop online with Crypto and still drive worldwide adoption of Cryptocurrencies.
This is a simplified explanation of Chimpion, to.learn more about this Amazing project, read the Whitepaper or check out the links below for the latest announcements or the community.
My Bounty0x Username: Bravext