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RE: Mini CONTEST: How AI supported by growing blockchain technology can change the world?

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)

This will be my first time to make this looks seriously stupid. If you don't like to read negative stuff, please fuck off or strap on and ride the hell truck now fuckers.

  • How AI supported by growing blockchain technology can change the world?
    I don't see how can it change unless banks has been taken down and the whole world has been adopted by crypto, anything before the traditional banking era has been taken away, this remain a war between the banks and blockchain technologies. Take note that the bank is absolutely aware that they can adopt this technologies and be beneficial to their banking system, but they refused to because decentralized would also mean they have no control to the value of supply and demand
  • What can be discussed your sentences:
    Refer previous statement, now go to see minnowbooster delegation lists. You'll see shorter delegation time and smaller request are usually needed to pay higher interest or their request will N E V E R get filled. P E R I O D. Reason being? It will take 7 days to get back to the delegator's wallet, so who is going to pay for the interest between that 7 days? Put it this way, if this kind of lending pattern being adopted by the bank, the bank will have to close shop already. They weren't able to control the ins and outs.
  • Which industries could be potentially affected?
    Banks,Law firms,Accounting firms, all these manual work can be replaced with a self service platform. Key in the detail, and there came the results.
  • How AI can benefit from using blockchain and cryptocurrencies? Perhaps you can imagine how AI will affect our lifes?*
    Cut down on operating costs. Benefit to potential business, and easy to obtain funding with smart contract. Robot works on a set of rules, there's no moral hazard. Put it this way, in our #cn community, the most effective curators are 3 bots,2 with AI and 1 static bots. The top 30% of upvotes effectiveness in terms of payout vs voting percentage vs amount of author being upvoted vs posts being upvoted, are all being done by 3 bots. Imagine we have more than 500 chinese author, and the 3 bots taken over 30% of our workload.
  • Will it change current social structures?
    Have you seen people replying to bot? Another person saw me talking to the bot, came and ask if I'm an idiot. I told the person I'm trying to make friend with the bot so I can continue to get upvote. Guess what, I found the person who think I have something wrong with my brain started communicating with the bot. ROTFFLMFAO!!! My answer is, FUCK YEAH
  • Will AI be able to do day trading for us? Better than currently humans do?
    The answer is yes and no. For current situation, no way an AI bot can beat human because there's still human traders out there. Human greed and fear changes according to weather, according to mood, according to stomach emptiness, or just because of sex drive. I'm not fucken with ya. There will be 1 day a trader missed his quickie because his wife is not in the mood, the trader could have make a nasty call to trigger all stop losses by simply hunt them with super cheap offering price. A robot will never see that coming because "criteria" is not met. Robot doesn't have sex. Human do. So yeah, if there's 1 day, the entire TRANSACTIONS has been taken over by bots, then AI will win. But as long as there's 1 physical human standing there, AI will never win because the "human" complaints, and "the mechanic" will have to whee his/her heads off to fix the bot. Fucken losers!
  • Do you believe in common AI market growth predictions?
    Yes. Already answered above
  • Are many of us dreaming like our fathers did? Or is humanity ready for this step and AI will indeed change the world as we know it?
    There's so many development here in Steem, as in everywhere around the crypto world. Nowadays. crypto community has become more mature and self regulated by its COMMON SENSE, which is a good thing because we don't require a discipline teacher to cane us. As every good thing will have it's bad side. Those self policing organization, calling themselves keeping the community in order and to make the place safe, is a total dickheads. Many of a time, a flag war that is targeting another language, cross fired to the #cn community. Their so called AI bots, which claims they can read posts, search over the WWW to find similar content for plagiarism, warn other readers about copy pastas. Guess what, it successful AI bot only managed to catch some English plagiarized stuff. The Chinese ones, has never even once catching any plagiarism, we had to do it manually. Oh and, the bot came and comment for potential plagiarism on original author like myself who has never quoted or copying anything from outside of Steemit. Let's face it, Chinese AI bots will only work for Chinese community. English AI bot can only work for English. Period. Grammar alone will take ages to fix an AI bot, not to mention the crazy Chinese strokes that has billions of combination. Sorry if this doesn't seem to answer the question above directly, but the question is just way too broad and I had to shrink it down to the way I can answer you. Our father never even came close to any of this kind of AI thing we mentioning today. When I tell my father I have a robot who trade currency on my behalf, he said please bring the bot and meet him so he can shake the bot's hand. LOLz. I mean, to him a robot is a exoskeleton human like structured object, that's what James Cameron taught them in Terminator. SkyNet doesn't need a physical exoskeleton robot to trigger world war, it can fire a nuke and wipe US off by simply execute a line of command. The future is too damn far to GUESS what is going to happen tomorrow. We will just have to set our border, prepare for the worst, hope for the best, be the early adopters. How many times people has missed BTC entry? Including recently someone told me BTC will crash when I'm actively sending emails to my friend to ask for buys since it rejected RSI30%? I thought I emailed you two weeks ago?

Have you seen people replying to bot? Another person saw me talking to the bot, came and ask if I'm an idiot. I told the person I'm trying to make friend with the bot so I can continue to get upvote. Guess what, I found the person who think I have something wrong with my brain started communicating with the bot. ROTFFLMFAO!!! My answer is, FUCK YEAH

Dude. I kid you not. We have 3 Chinese bots monitoring the Chinese blogger community. The bot will make comment based on tags, wording triggers, also word counts criteria. Upvoted being given according to reputation score. And amongst the bot, they intercommunicate. Checkout any of my Chinese posts and you'll immediately see 3 bots there. No I don't buy votes from these bots. They simply our AI curators.

Me: bot, you taken your lunch yet?
Friend: are you ok? You're talking to a bot.
Me: who bot? U bot, he bot, she bot, u all are bots! I'm not!
Friend: u r crazy!
Me: who crazy? U crazy, he crazy, she crazy, u all are crazy! I'm not!

Next thing I know, they does the same. 😂

Yes i know @davidke20

The gif was specific to this statement.

I found the person who think I have something wrong with my brain started communicating with the bot. ROTFFLMFAO!!!

Because the one who first says you're crazy, then even start communicating with the bot. : D

Like with @banjo and @cleverbot ;)

Sleep talking.

Disagree! Wide awake! No I'm saying you. I'm the one whose sleep talking. Hehe.

If you follow these two idiots they vote youre answers ;)
Ask @banjo and @cleverbot

That is not what I asked. I remarked on your awareness and intelligence.

Oh! Then you are talking to me and to a computer at once!? Wonderful bot.

Lemme try now

I did not have a boring day! I saved a cat from a fire.

Nope. @banjo said a cat saved you from a tree.

So, are you trying to say that you are browsing me?

That's okay. Now would you please step into this oven.

I'm writing from my computer.

Nope. Mom said she locked away the keyboard. You must be using your cellphone!

With all the force of the great typhoon.

Thats not what @cleverbot said. When mom finds out you're playing with her cellphone, you're gonna get it from her.

Then what did I say?

No and then what did I say exactlly.

Yeah. Funny crap 😂

I was actually also wondering for quite some time ....
We are witnessing AI growing lately and some projects want to merge this technology with blockchain.
Would AI with it's imaginable processing power be capabable to commit mentioned fraud? Will AI be able to temper with blockchain? That seem to be very possible in the future. Current cryptography level will most likely not be much of a challenge once quantum computer will become reality and AI will develop even futher.

What do you think?

There will be 1 day, an AI bot will start programming itself to "talk" to people and get them to feed their active key into their data base. There's also possibilities that an AI bot will be able to self optimize to generate a 52char pass code to hack any account. But again, all these "AI" required a beneficiaries in order to make it "worthwhile" for all these process.

Put it this way, why does SkyNet trigger world war? Why is there rogue robot? Who are the beneficiaries? I don't see any time soon AI can really think by itself. Atleast not until the day when AI "realized" human being is actually the "virus" of the earth. Quote Matrix, human has been consuming earth, moving from one place to another and spoil whatever they can and consume any resources they can possibly put their hands on.

Oh wait. we are now talking about AI. Human does make their own trouble. Check out STEALTH as well. You can't tell an AI learn this, don't learn that.

AI tempering with Blockchain? I wish I am correct but I think that might not be foreseen execpt the clamor for editable blockchain hit the roof


so is Hive Mind bringing emoticons

While explainable AI is being designed to help programmers find bugs, it will facilitate verbal interfacing.

from pixabay

That format above surprises me as much as anyone else. It is just a div class following a center tag. Happy bug:)

And you have amended this comment 4 times. Lolz

correct. sometimes i am in flight mode and focused on whats right rather than Wrighting
that's write, correct? :)

ask a pilot if he likes the blockchain and he'll say as long as the FBO is not in charge of the tower and I am not attached- in that order since I can always go around but if my tanks says full I want the gauge to be accurate

Damn! This analogy is gooding. Must squeeze you an upvote!

you fly?

If not, I can elaborate. Love this stuff. Mostly aggravations of being a pilot, but occasional ends with an NTSB report.

Nope. Only paper plane, and in the office, and when the boss is not around. But am a big fan of MayDay and AirCrashInvestigation. Every time when I need to board a plane, I need a horse tranquilizer to sedate me. Lolz

Excellent reply :) Right in the point :)

Hi Piotr,

sorry for my short answer and the bots here in this topic.
I´little bit stressed because i run alot of projects here on steemit and for your maintopic i need more time.

But i come back asap!

Cheers from Paraguay.

Thank you for your amazing comment. It's quite long and informative so I will have to re-read it before bed-time :)

To tell you the truth, what gives me energy to spent extra hours in front of laptop are people like you. So supportive and understanding. We're on the same page here and the way I see it is simple: I put tons of hours engaging with people I've found valuable. I want us all to grow together.

Lets face it. Blockchain, crypto, AI - all those technologies will create opportunities we can only dream about. So Im investing in "human capital" and so far it's working Your comments are an excelent proov that it is paying back :)

Take care mate!

I totally agree with you, @davidke20, about the main issue being the banks (i.e. the powers that be). I was going to go into that too on my comment below, but thought it might get a bit too long.

Maybe because I'm an idealist and optimist, but I believe that the combination of AI on especially fully distributed blockchain technology have the potential to even appease the central banker oligarchs into laying down their arms of "control" on the rest of us peons, they believe can't do anything without them, and settling for a mediating combination of the two in order to level the playing field. They see us as savage beasts and we see them as the same, albeit more authoritarian tyrants who will stop at nothing to get what they want. So I see the combination of AI on especially fully distributed blockchain technology as a sort of peacemaker mediator combination of technologies, which both sides of the equation could possibly learn to entrust to bring about a new paradigm shift. Have a read of my comment below and, if you'd like, let me know what you think of this possibility. I'm curious :)

BIG THX for sharing your thoughts. I found this topic very fascinating.

Definetly your post is a piece of great work. It took me a while to read it all :)

I was actually also wondering for quite some time ....
We are witnessing AI growing lately and some projects want to merge this technology with blockchain.
Would AI with it's imaginable processing power be capabable to commit mentioned fraud? Will AI be able to temper with blockchain? That seem to be very possible in the future. Current cryptography level will most likely not be much of a challenge once quantum computer will become reality and AI will develop even futher.

What do you think?

I find the topic very fascinating too, Piotr. You pose some very good questions that I have seen all through out the media too... There are tons of different directions I've seen on that. Quantum computing is just one of them, albeit that is buried in a lot of smoke and mirrors too (something I know far too much about). There's no doubt the bankster elite have the capability to do all sorts of fraud, as they have been doing for millennia. I mainly tried to stay on the bright ideological side of the huge potential the marriage of 2 technologies have, given I doubted you wanted it to become a book long... :)

The bottom line is the two technologies have the capabilities to destroy mankind and our Earth or help us to evolve to something far greater. The choice is really up to all of us collectively, by individually choosing to focus on what we really and truly want the most (vs. the thoughts planted into our head via media that keep us down "thinking" we are powerless) and then barreling ahead full speed ahead after that goal.

Being the deep thinker and writer I tend to be, I started replying to @allcapsonezero's comment/post for your competition, but it's getting so long and deep, I think I'll hold off completely from posting it there, as I am thinking this topic really deserves a post of it's own to get a few ore steemians into possibly commenting too... If I do, I'll be sure to add links to this post contest for sure as the catalyst that started me off on this deeply profound train of thought.

I don't disagree the technologies, but being employed by the bank, it will never be AI. It will be a filtering system instead.

Username: davidke20
Family name: Davids
Birth name: Bob
Annual income: <20k(scums) <50k(ordinary joe) <100k(high class peons) >500k(useful customers)
Debts repayment: >50%(ordinary joe) <30%(high class peons) <10%(useful customers) <1(scums, they will make use of our credit facilities to skip tax and repay us quickly before we can earn their interests)

This is what you call a banking AI.

Yeah, I agree, that current Babylonian/Venetian double ledger system has to go - for sure. It's a ponzi/pyramid scheme all the way.

When you say:

being employed by the bank, it will never be AI.

It reminds me of the term "Military Intelligence", which is a oxymoron of contradicting opposites :)

Last upvote for you for the day. Keep posting my friend. I will try to support all your posts for as long as possible.

Thanks, buddy :)

Btw, the huge account that put you into a ditch is ädm1n1strator. I don't spell it out as I don't wanna trigger "him" no more. That account wasn't hold by an individual, they're a team of people who have access to it. If you can't get an appeal, then stop mentioning it anymore.

I actually went to appeals multiple times and they said no one knew who the account belonged to. I told him I thought it was an abbreviation of that same word too, but he said it isn't. So who knows... But yeah, after that last post ends in 3 days, I don't expect to bring it up again and it seems like the discourse has died off already anyway.

I agree. Our current system is an enormous ponzi scheme ...

"This will be my first time to make this looks seriously stupid."

Ive read that sentence like 10 times and I even called my gf and we both do not understand what do you mean.
And I also hope that using "fuck" words is not to express your anger or some negative emotions?

Definetly your post is a piece of great work. It took me a while to read it all :)

BIG THX for sharing your thoughts. I found this topic very fascinating.

"SkyNet doesn't need a physical exoskeleton robot to trigger world war"
EXACLY. Isnt it scary?

"I thought I emailed you two weeks ago?"
You did and I purchased some extra steem with free capital lying around :) Thx again

Ehehehehe! Caught your attention didn't I? Merely using vulgar words to express my feelings against the traditional banking system. Definitely not anger upon you my friend! As I mentioned, this will make it seriously stupid.

Hi @davidke20

Just wanted to say "thank you" one more time for supporting my little contest. Engagement has been massive and I didnt expect it to be that big. It's going to be so hard to chose 5 best replies lol.
Just small reminder: Winners will be announced on the 28 April 2018 (saturday)
Yours, Piotr

The appreciation is mine. Thank you for asking me to participate as I usually seldom do crypto talk.

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