Zockchain: The Winners of the NEO Blockchain Game Development Competition

in #blockchain6 years ago

Zockchain: The Winners of the NEO Blockchain Game Development Competition

On August 31, the winners of the Game Developer Competition were announced on the NEO platform in Shanghai. The Best Game prize went to CardMaker, a collectible card game. In other categories the jury voted on the games with the best integration of the blockchain, the best design, the highest turnover and the most creative concept.

When it comes to daddling as a use case for blockchain technology, Ethereum has so far been the platform of choice for game developers. CryptoKitties, the most prominent representative, even managed to block the Ethereum network with its high traffic. The kitties still romp at number one on the list of Ethereum dApps in the Games category.

The Winners

That there are also playful dApps beyond the Ethereum cosmos, one could convince oneself on 31 August in Shanghai. Prize money totaling 3,500,000 yuan (c.a. 442,000 euros) was distributed in the following eight categories. There were 258 game developers who submitted a total of 46 (valid) projects.

Best Game: CardMaker

Most of the pot was scented by the CardMaker trading card game. The jury around NEO founder Erik Zhang rewarded the developers with a prize money amounting to the equivalent of around 100,000 euros in the form of GAS, the "fuel" of the NEO platform. The TestNet version of the Collectible Card Games (also known as CCG) was particularly convincing in terms of content, gameplay, art design, blockchain integration and profitability, which is why the jury declared CardMaker the overall winner of the competition organized by NewEconoLabs (NEL).

Blockchain Price: BLOCKLORDS

BLOCKLORDS received the award for the best integration of Blockchain in terms of game design and user experience. At the beginning of the game, there are three randomly generated heroes to choose from. This choice will probably be considered: heroes and items are irrevocably stored on the blockchain. In the further course of the game, apart from fighting, aspects of a medieval economic simulation are in the focus of BLOCKLORDS. The goal is to prevail against all other "lords", to become king and defend his throne. The Blockchain Award was endowed with around 500,000 yuan (about 63,000 euros).

Best Art Design: NEO.Girl

In Neo Girl, the player has the opportunity to equip his protagonist with new fashion. This increases the well-being of the character, which unlocks growing interaction possibilities. The fashion can be traded in so-called department stores. It is also possible to develop your own fashion. This allows, after official examination, to earn additional GAS through an own department store. NEO.Girl was awarded the Art Award for the greatest artistic value in terms of design, animation and narrative structure. The developers also received prize money totaling around 63,000 euros.

Most creative: Cell Evolution

The prize for the most creative game design endowed with 25,000 euros could claim Cell Evolution for itself. The sandbox game is about driving the evolution of cells. In doing so, the aspects of adaptability, survivability and reproduction must be balanced. When the cell population gets out of hand, all participants are denied evolution. Incidentally, Cell Evolution was able to collect investor funds amounting to the equivalent of 645,000 euros as early as June of this year. The victory in the category Game Creativity brought the developers now an additional 25,000 euros.

Most profitable: Best Eleven

The dApp Best Eleven received the award for the most profitable game among the competitors. The player assumes the role of a football manager and thus has the opportunity to build their own club and help them succeed. Again, the Neo-Blockhchain is used. By participating in the business, Best Eleven players can earn crypto.

Best visual effects: Armed Girls Matrix

The most beautiful visual effects were attested by the jury Armed Girls Matrix. Like CardMaker, Armed Girls Matrix is ​​a Collectible Card Game. The game makes it possible to "mine" with fights and set up a community on the Blockchain. The armed girls are held in the typical anime look and move hard on the border with hentai. A rogue who thinks evil. The jury was pleased: Also Armed Girls Matrix was rewarded with GAS worth 25,000 euros.

Best Game Design: Sky of Mine

Sky of Mine received the award for Best Game Design without Blockchain Integration. The game has the style of a classic, vertically scrolling shoot'em-up in 3D optics. Players can earn upgrades by shooting enemies on the NEO Blockchain.

Best technical implementation: Carry Battle

Meanwhile, it's pretty nerdig at Carry Battle: The developers have tried to develop a kind of playable consensus mechanism. Specifically, it is the simulation of the Byzantine error. This describes in computer science a difficult to detect error that can occur in decentralized systems. Put simply, this is a problem in consensus finding. The jurors also rewarded the original idea and the creative implementation of Blockchain with 20,000 euros.

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