AERGO | A Blockchain Protocol for Enterprises

in #blockchain6 years ago


The drive by enterprises with respect to integrating the blockchain is not unconnected with beliefs that the technology would replicate same feat as Bitcoin. The technology had ushered in cryptographic currencies that aimed at fostering peer transactions without financial intermediaries. The success rate had gone to buoy the use of the blockchain in many scenarios with recent input being its adoption in a hitherto untapped physical environment.

There is now swift move towards a computing model where distributed systems would be basis for value creation. The blockchain that fit into this permutation is sadly, not living up to expectations. Though saddled with scalability downsides, the greater challenge with respect to latest move for distributed value creation lies in inability of the technology to cater for developers and enterprises’ needs.

In the light of this malaise, AERGO, a protocol that would bring revolution to enterprise needs was developed. The project hopes to become standard for blockchain protocol development and added boost to enterprise improvement.

History – Why AERGO came to be

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AERGO is a decentralized input to already-existing architecture on the internet. The internet was first on the premise of Web 1.0 that was responsible for basic mobile devices and other miniature web architecture such as dial-up modems. There came Web 2.0 that birthed smartphones and social networking. This outlook fully entrusted control to centralized parties and had succeeded in taking users off the scheme of things.
It was on the premise of Web 2.0 that new formations were invented on the internet with advertising and e-commerce rearing up their hands. Encomiums must be showered on it for opening many business models but its centralization and financial consumption by few persons must be discouraged.

Web 3.0 didn’t fare any better but deepened the trend and now, there are talks of launching Web 4.0. The latter would be premise for rapid adoption of Internet of Things (IoT); a revolution that would shape the destiny of the web.

It was these downsides that buoyed AERGO’s move to create a platform that would not only curtail this malaise but would also open pathways for blockchain’s inputs to enterprises. AERGO came at a time when IT was undergoing serial changes especially in integration of cloud and open-source platforms.

AERGO’s Solutions

The project perfectly meets existing pain points and is making moves towards creating products that would be low-cost IT architectures. The platform runs along with three products that are in line with much needed server-less architecture. By this, focus would be shifted from comprehending blockchain programming languages to one where services rendered by IT architectures will be priority. In a nutshell, AERGO is perfect solution for blockchain protocol and application development.

Piloting New Ecosystem

In the light of current architectures’ inability to provide open-source technologies for enterprise and blockchain protocol development without threatening the security of platforms that demand them, AERGO posits that a total overhaul will be perfect. Hence, the project developed a new protocol that would help enterprise access open-source technologies for their development. The protocol would map IT software to server-less environments they are needed.


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AERGO is working with three elements that it believes meets existing pain points. This is just as the platform had leveraged open-source technology in offering users access to cloud architectures that would be essential to their blockchain needs. The platform also empowers businesses and developers to create blockchain platform that are tailored towards their needs.


download (3).png The chain is the first product from AERGO’s stable and is positioned to be the open-source blockchain protocol that would solve downsides in existing chains. The chain is in layman’s language, the operating system that would pilot protocols developed on the platform.
AERGO Chain supports plugged-in smart contracts infrastructure. The AERGO SQL smart contract infrastructure facilitates data storage using SQL-patterned scripting language. There would also be revolution in governance as the Delegated Proof of Stake consensus that allows users chose a mechanism that would be vital towards meeting their pain points.


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This was meant to offer cloud services to protocols created on AERGO. Similar to the cloud service offered by Amazon AWS, AERGO Hub is meant to be physical infrastructure that connects users to the AERGO Chain. Through this medium, available decentralized applications would be incorporated into the platform. These dApps are meant to be stored in the private repository that ensures such applications meet requirements for IT needs. The public repository would be responsible for decentralizing and providing cloud computation for these applications.

AERGO Marketplace
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On the final list of products delegated by AERGO is the decentralized retail store where services tailored after the AERGO Chain would be offered. Third-parties are welcome to showcase their cloud services to AERGO users who might be interested to make a purchase. Services offered in the marketplace would be under the management of AERGO Horde; the framework that screens infrastructure and cloud service providers that would like to offer their services on the platform.

Use Cases

As the world is anticipating the next-generation chain network that would move for industrialization, searches should literally be halted because what is anticipated from Blockchain 4.0 had to greater extent, been unveiled on AERGO. The platform prides itself as one that would offer IT architecture and user-oriented blockchain protocol tailored to meet enterprise needs in accordance with dictates of Blockchain 4.0.

Hence, AERGO will take root in various scenarios such as businesses seeking to adopt the blockchain. Also, there would be extension of its functionality to cloud service providers and through its marketplace under the stiff regulation of AERGO Horde, successful businesses that want to offer their services will distribute same to users and enterprises that need it.


download (7).png The milestone poised to be scaled is not fully detailed. Though few technologically-savvy persons might be in tune with this, laymen and ICO-naïve investors might find the non-detailed roadmap confusing. It is therefore suggested that details should be added to clear the air on strides expected from the project.

A Look at AERGO’s Team

The team behind the project is quite exceptional. With feelers from their professional networks, they are grounded with developers who worth their onion in IT infrastructures and blockchain development.

However, for a project that wants to meet pain points in fiat businesses, insignificant number of investors and technocrats in the sector does not really augur well. In addition, boosting its team with earlier members of ICOs would go the extra mile in helping the project scale the stunts that comes with pre and post-crowd sales.
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Token Information

Ticker: AERGO
Token Type: Utility
Platform: Ethereum
Token Supply: 500 million AERGO

Backers & Supporters

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From indications, AERGO is poised to become the next-generation blockchain that is moving towards fiat adoption. Its tailored solutions to enterprise downsides will in no small measure facilitate widespread adoption and in near future, the platform might become basis for businesses seeking decentralized solutions.

To learn more about Aergo, kindly visit the links below:



Business Whitepaper | Technical whitepaper | Smart Contract

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Writer's Info

Name: Collinberg
Email: [email protected]

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