GigTrick Market Place For The Global Community

in #blockchain7 years ago

GigTricks is a victory to progress gigtricks 360 ecosystem. A blockchain based ecosystem, slanted on amplifying trust in the on-request network.

In GigTricks, see the independent and on-request economy are the standards of confiding in business relations amongst customers and freelancers. To take care of this issue, GigTricks will look for fabricate a blockchain-based ecosystem to expand straightforwardness, trust, and unwavering quality among the platform members. Each activity, including surveys and works out, will be checked by the stage members inside the permanent blockchain.

In that capacity, nothing can be fashioned inside the ecosystem. GigTricks objective is to make the universes initial 3G independent and on-request economic community which will be trusted by a network of millions. Eventually, the GigTricks platform expects to help in the battle against worldwide retreat by making broad open doors for gifted people so they can just discover the gigs, telecommute, produce wage and spend on their shopper needs bringing about a genuine financial development

GigTricks is seeking to incorporate unique functionalities, such as a blockchain–based Point of Sale (PoS) device, which enables freelancers to conduct their business ouline. Additionally, GigTricks Pro aims to empower talented individuals by showcasing their verified online profiles. Existing GigTricks marketplace allows both startups and established enterprises access to top talent who have authenticated credentials and can be hired in a matter of seconds. Each component of our ecosystem,..., the CigTricks Marketplace, Pro, Social, Learning, and PoS, aims to leverage each other to provide maximum integrated benefit to the global communities.

GigTricks Social aims to allow users to earn GigBit Tokens by publishing and/or viewing social content. The GigBit tokens can be used as a means of payment for additional skill tests in GigTricks Pro or to access premium services like GigTricks Learning which will seek to enable the user to learn additional skills.

Users will be able to view both the freelancers overall profile rating, their specific skill ratings, and reviews; this decreases the communication time between clients and freelancers by over. Moreover, if any dispute arises, GigTricks has implemented an incentivized voting system which increases trust and engagement. The global markets are expanding, and now businesses throughout the world are able to build, grow and scale their business in a much faster way.

Consume GigBit Tokens

The GBTC can be consumed in a number of methods within the ecosystem by members of the community. Some of these are listed below to help you get started with your GigTricks account and the tokens you acquire throughout your GigTricks experience.

GigTricks Marketplace

It is a platform bringing the freelance community together; here GigTricks virtual tokens can be used to trade services among members at GigTricks Marketplace. Moreover, clients can make payments using GBTC.

GigTricks Learning

At GigTricks Learning, you can find various courses that may help you polish your skills further. You can use GBTC to get access to these courses. Here, institutions globally can decide their curriculum and post courses and student can sign up for these courses using GigBit tokens.

GigTricks Pro

At GigTricks Pro, you can show off your profile and individual skills but in order for a particular skill to appear, taking skill tests is mandatory since GigTricks is building on core values to offer authenticity and verification under blockchain whatever tasks the community members perform. The skill test charges only a minimal fee and you can pay it via GBTC using PoS device.


Additionally, the GigBit token can also be consumed for advertisement. Through advertisement, sellers can market their products to reach more potential buyers, whereas freelancers can use advertisement to boost their profile and attract more clients or entrepreneurs to their profile.

As a whole, the GBT is the utility token to be used by the ecosystem participants of GigTricks and can be consumed anywhere within GigTricks Ecosystem. You can either buy services, create trust by tipping freelancers for their services, make in-app purchases, take video courses, access to subscription models, place ads or simply make payments using it.

Global Market Size

At present, industry sources are unable to give a definitive size of the global gig economy. As explained by the Brookings institution, "the sector²s size and growth have been diuicult to clarify and challenging to measure". The major reason behind the shortcoming is that Covernment data–gathering is not positioned euiciently to capture the gig economy, in part because it is conceptually complex and in part because the US government stopped counting "contingent workplace" arrangements aLer 2005. As a result, no comprehensive database exists on either employment in the gig economy or its geography.

A US congressional study faced similar hurdles. It stated that "characterizing the gig economy challenging along several fronts. To date, no large–scale ouicial data²G have been collected; and there remains considerable uncertainty about how to best measure this segment of the labor force…"

The GIGTRICKS ecosystem archtecture

The GigTricks ecosystem architecture has been designed to be highly scalable to ensure its flexibility. This simply means that the freelancers will be able to sell/market their products and/or services online or offline as a part of the ecosystem.

For example, a digital marketer could develop and also offer a course or sell a product or service on the GigTricks platform either online or offline (that is, in person). The freelancer can then recieve payment via the GigTricks crypto tokens named as the GigBit token (GBTC).

The GigTricks platform aims to make global adoption an effortless process.


GigTricks Marketplace

The existing CigTricks Marketplace connects entrepreneurs with freelancers across the globe. The buyers can hire professional freelancers for big or small projects. The CigTricks Marketplace will act as the mechanism to connect worldwide professionals to trade services between each other by using CigBit token.

GigTricks Learning

CigTricks Learning is intended to become the global online center of excellence where entrepreneurs and freelancers can acquire the best skills to enhance their business and professional expertise for greater success. CigTricks Learning will form part of the CigTricks ecosystem. CigTricks Learning aims to be an open platform where mentors, instructors, teachers or experienced professionals can upload their course products which will be visible to a community of millions. Users can gain access to these courses using CigBit tokens. Whenever any user attends an online course, they will need to pass the exam in order in order to earn skills points which will be added to their CigTricks Pro profile.

GigTricks Pro

CigTricks Pro is intending to become a global platform for professionals to showcase their professional profiles/resumes verified under the CigTricks blockchain. CigTricks Pro will form part of the CigTricks ecosystem. This means that the professionals can showcase their profile and the details will be verified by CigTricks blockchain technology. In addition to this, clients can see the skills ratings that will later help them in their hiring process.

Currently, the other professional profile platforms have no verification mechanism which truly validates the skill mentioned in any profile.

In our view, CigTricks Pro opens a world of opportunities for many freelancers who may not have acquired an institutional degree from a verifiable university or college. However, this does not mean that they do not possess a top–rated skillset. CigTricks helps to solve this dilemma through the testing process.

Each time a professional add a skill to their CigTricks Pro profile, they will pay a small skill fee using CigBit Tokens. The fees per skill are kept to a minimum in order to encourage people to build their online blockchain based profiles. However, using a fee structure will strongly deter any spam or non–serious persons, thus drastically reducing the likelihood of onboarding low–quality freelancers.

GigTricks Point of Sale (PoS)

We aim to partner with institutions across 18◇ countries so that, for example, a student will be able to pay for their education via CigBit Tokens and by using the CigTricks Point of Sale (PoS) devices which are connected directly with CigTricks blockchain. ¦n principle, this means that every training institute in any country has the ability to run their curriculum on our platform with the course fees being paid via CigBit Tokens. This will give all training providers a chance to increase their sales revenue on a large scale.

We hope to be able to integrate the Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash, etc a form of payment using CigTricks PoS device. The CigTricks PoS will automatically convert these currencies, by using 3rd party exchanges, into CigBit tokens.

Why Review System In Blockchain

The most transparent product or service reviews are a global challenge as this has been manipulated in diuerent ways to the benefit of the product owners. Consequently, the buyer may struggle to find the best products or services and may have ended up with low–quality product or service with wasted time and money.

GigTricks authenticated review system will be based on the Hyperledger Fabric in which the review data will be stored within the permissioned blockchain which is immutable and through the use of technologies like IBM Watson and machine learning. CigTricks blockchain will seek to store and moderate all reviews in the most transparent way.


Token name: GIgBit token

Token symbol: GBTC

Total supply: 1,000,000,000

Token type: erc20 token

Mincap: 5 million USD

Hardcap: 50 million USD

Token price: 1 GBTC = 0.24800 USD

Unsold tokens: will be destroyed

Key benefits: tradable utility tokens

Token distribution: immediately available

The GIgBit token (GBTC) is based on ER20 format and it works in the Ethereum nettwork because it will make it easily adoptable by the community and by the market. The Ethereum based token is a good solution for regular payments that are above small amounts such as $0.0001. GigTicks will utilize GigBit credits for micropayments to make them more cost-effective. The Gigbit credits are not tradable. They will be issued by the platform and can be converted to GigBit tokens only. The GigBit credits cannot be sent from one user to another, otr outside the platform.

This crypto token (GBTC) is intended to enable a means of payment across the ecosystem for its participants globally. The token can be used for: In-app transaction for unlocking products or services, Users subscriptions, Community rewards, Advertising, Royalty payments, and Freelancer tipping.

The token will also serve to equalize the playing field and set a benchmark for the services which will be provided.

GigTricks Bonus Scale!

These crypto utility tokens are put up for sale at a discounted rate during Private Sale, Pre-ITO, and ITO (Initial Token Offering). The Private Sale is LIVE and the GigBit Tokens (GBTC) are available at an unbeatable rate i.e. 1 GBTC with 75% discount is equivalent to $0.062.

Here’s the breakdown of the GBTC discount event and important date you must note down:

Private Sale-15th April to 15th May.

Pre-ITO-1st June to 30th June.

ITO-1st July to 30th August.

The token distribution will take place 21 days after ITO ends.

During the three phases of the special discount period. The discount throughout the sale period until the end of ITO on 30th August 2018 will keep changing. So let’s get started and see the discounted rates of GBTC so that you could leverage the most out of this sale period.

Private Sale-GBTC will available for sale for $0.062 i.e. 75% discount will be active throughout this one-month period.

Pre-ITO Power Hour-After Private Sale ends on 15th May, people will have another golden chance to avail 65% discount on GBTC during Pre-ITO Power Hour, as soon as Pre-ITO will start the power will be active and just as its name suggests it will remain active until one hour exactly. All requests will be entertained on first come first served basis. (1 GBTC = $0.08680)

Pre-ITO-Once Power Hour is ended, the normal pre-ITO will be live. On Day 1, the discount will be as high as 60% on GBTCs tokens i.e. 1 GBTC will be equivalent to $0.09920. On Day 2, 1 GBTC will be equivalent to $0.10664 and on Day 3, the discount active will be 55% i.e. 1 GBTC will be available for $0.11160. On Day 4 and onwards of Pre-ITO, GBTC will be available at $0.12400 i.e. 50% discount.

ITO-Here, Pre-ITO will end on 30th June 2018 and ITO will be live on 1st July 2018. The active discount will be 25%, 15%, 10%, 6%, 4% and 2% during week one through week 6. However, on week 7 and 8, the GBTC can only be purchased at the standard rate i.e. 1 GBTC will be equal to $0.24800.

So, that was all you need to know about the bonus scale of GigTricks ITO. Now be wise and contribute to have the most benefit out of this sale period.

How GigTricks Work


When a user has diuerent roles across CigTricks multiple platforms, then the user will have access across the ecosystem as per the certificate authority which is saved in Hyperledger Fabric.

Access control

A user will be able to subscribe to one or more services within the CigTricks product or service ouerings. This system will enable users to initiate, renew, or cancel their subscriptions. Users can upgrade or downgrade their subscriptions at any time.


A user can subscribe to one or more services within the GigTricks product or service ouerings. This system will enable users to initiate, renew, or cancel their subscriptions. Users can upgrade or downgrade their subscriptions at any time

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Publisher: 9jaflick;u=889431


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