MoFAS is the world's first block-chain platform that provides the best security solution.
MoFAS Blockchain!!!(
MoFAS is the world's first block-chain platform that provides the best security solution.
Double Linked Blockchain!!!
The most secure and fastest security solution!!!
HFT Blockchain : Hyper-Frequency Transaction based Blockchain
A blockchain platform based on hyper-speed node and a efficient consensus / verification protocol
Hyper DPOS
Hyper DPOS is a blockchain consensus algorithm with hardware reliability, verification of sequential theta rate and Steganos hash rate based on the DPOS consensus algorithm. It enables effective block management through parallel and concurrent transaction responses. In the existing DPOS, nodes are weighted due to equity volume, but MoFAS guarantees exhaustive security by using its own algorithm that uses various indicators to conduct evaluation.
Double Linked Blockchain
MoFAS dualizes a chain structure to increase of consensus speed and to distribute information processing to improve efficiency. The blockchain contains transactions like any other blockchain. The white chain contains the value of smart contract information, etc. It forms a combined chain during the connection route verification and consensus processes to increase the blockchain’s reliability.
Fast Hardware
MoFAS has solved a speed problem of blockchain by using hardware improvement approach as well as software interpretation. Blazing Accelerator network card and SSD Raid are used for improving a slow transmission speed in a dramatical way. MoFAS’ transaction processing speed, a million transactions per second, overwhelms the EOS’ ( 10,000 transactions per second), which is one of the fastest transaction speed blockchain among existing blockchains.
We are overcoming the limitations of existing security models.
An ecosystem that increases security economic feasibility through compensation for successive defences.
MoFAS’ core of sharing economic model is a reward system to all contributors. It constitutes 7 step reward programs to detectors who reports attacks and to responders who defence attacks.
Our Goal
1 Innovation through fundamental approaches to solve security problems
2 It provides an ecosystem to share benefit to all participants
3 Provision of new applicable blockchain infrastructure to payment market
OUR Ideology
To suggest the future of evolved blockchain.
To create sustainable and value-orientated ecosystem
MoFAS analyzes an existing security problems from economic view to present a new business model.
From user centeredness to humanity centeredness
From reputation centeredness to AI centeredness
From the action point of view to the entity point of view
From the control point of view to the event point of view
MoFAS’ Double Linked Blockchain and KCE(Kill Chain Ecosystem) suggest a fundamental approach that makes evolved blockchian to build sustanable and value-oriented ecosystem.