100 Articles About Tether, Cryptocurrency, and Blockchain Technology, Curated Publications List

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

One of the use cases of blockchain technology is that of representing another asset. This can be done simply by stating it is redeemable for another asset at a one to one ratio. This has been done as an additional layer on top of a blockchain by using concepts such as "colored coins". The most popular (so far) approach has been done by Omni Layer for which Tether (USDT) runs on and which is pegged to the US Dollar.

Other pegs have been created for any number of commodities such as oil (the Petro), gold, precious metals, Burger King Whoppers, and even non-fungible assets such as real estate and artwork. This is a selection of the most cited articles that include the concept of tether in the writing itself. Related topics to this are stablecoins, tokenized assets, and fungibility, which will be covered in another set of articles.

  1. "Design for Trust: An exploration of the challenges and opportunities of bitcoin users". C Sas, IE Khairuddin. 2017. dl.acm.org Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on …. 18 cites.
  2. "Fedcoin: a central bank-issued cryptocurrency". JP Koning. 2016. r3cev.com R3 Report. 18 cites.
  3. "The Cross-Section of Crypto-Currencies as Financial Assets: Investing in Crypto-Currencies Beyond Bitcoin". H Elendner, S Trimborn, B Ong, TM Lee. 2017. Elsevier … Blockchain, Digital Finance, and …. 14 cites.
  4. "Building Blockchain Projects". N Prusty. 2017. books.google.com . 13 cites.
  5. "The cross-section of crypto-currencies as financial assets: An overview". H Elendner, S Trimborn, B Ong, TM Lee. 2016. econstor.eu . 13 cites.
  6. "A model of cryptocurrencies". M Sockin, W Xiong. 2018. wxiong.mycpanel.princeton.edu . 12 cites.
  7. "Vol. 4". HBBDW Insights. 1999. huobiblog.com . 9 cites.
  8. "A first econometric analysis of the CRIX family". S Chen, C Chen, WK Härdle, TM Lee, B Ong. 2016. papers.ssrn.com . 9 cites.
  9. "Is Bitcoin Really Un-Tethered?". JM Griffin, A Shams. 2018. papers.ssrn.com . 8 cites.
  10. "A programmer's guide to ethereum and serpent". K Delmolino, M Arnett, A Kosba…. 2015. mc2-umd.github.io URL: https://mc2-umd. 8 cites.
  11. "Distributed Earth satellite systems: What is needed to move forward?". D Selva, A Golkar, O Korobova, IL Cruz…. 2017. arc.aiaa.org Journal of Aerospace …. 8 cites.
  12. "A beginners guide to Bitcoin and Austrian Economics". A Koenig. 2015. books.google.com . 7 cites.
  13. "Technological Public–Private Innovation Networks: A Conceptual Framework Describing Their Structure and Mechanism of Interaction". R Morrar. 2015. timreview.ca Technology Innovation Management Review. 6 cites.
  14. "The law of bitcoin". J Brito. 2015. books.google.com . 6 cites.
  15. "Tesseract: Real-Time Cryptocurrency Exchange using Trusted Hardware.". I Bentov, Y Ji, F Zhang, Y Li, X Zhao…. 2017. allquantor.at IACR Cryptology …. 5 cites.
  16. "Analysis of Cryptocurrencies Price Development". J Lansky. 2016. ceeol.com Acta Informatica Pragensia. 5 cites.
  17. "Trading and Arbitrage in Cryptocurrency Markets". I Makarov, A Schoar. 2018. papers.ssrn.com . 5 cites.
  18. "The Art of Invisibility: The World's Most Famous Hacker Teaches You How to Be Safe in the Age of Big Brother and Big Data". K Mitnick. 2017. Hachette UK . 5 cites.
  19. "Cryptocurrency reaction to fomc announcements: Evidence of heterogeneity based on blockchain stack position". S Corbet, C Larkin, B Lucey, A Meegan, L Yarovaya. 2017. papers.ssrn.com . 4 cites.
  20. "Blockchain technology, bitcoin, and Ethereum: A brief overview". D Vujičić, D Jagodić, S Ranđić. 2018. ieeexplore.ieee.org … -JAHORINA (INFOTEH), 2018 …. 4 cites.
  21. "Terminating currency options for distressed economies". S Turnbull. 2016. papers.ssrn.com . 4 cites.
  22. "Developing an Ethereum blockchain application". NP Triantafyllidis, TNO Oskar van Deventer. 2016. ext.delaat.net . 3 cites.
  23. "Consensus methods in blockchain systems". J Debus. 2017. explore-ip.com … Finance & Management, Blockchain Center, Tech. Rep. 3 cites.
  24. "Disintermediating Electronic Payments: Digital Cash and Virtual Currencies". B Geva. 2017. papers.ssrn.com . 3 cites.
  25. "Might Supplementary Tethered Currencies Reduce Financial System Risks?". S Turnbull. 2015. papers.ssrn.com . 3 cites.
  26. "The Anthropocene, resilience and post-colonial computation". D McQuillan. 2017. Taylor & Francis Resilience. 3 cites.
  27. "Russian S&T Foresight 2030: identifying new drivers of growth". L Gokhberg, A Sokolov, A Chulok. 2017. emeraldinsight.com foresight. 3 cites.
  28. "Podstawy korzystania z walut cyfrowych". K Piech. 2017. gov.pl . 3 cites.
  29. "Currency stability using blockchain technology". B Routledge, A Zetlin-Jones. 2018. andrew.cmu.edu Society for Economic Dynamics …. 2 cites.
  30. "Blockchain and cryptocurrencies: Model, techniques, and applications". Y Yuan, FY Wang. 2018. ieeexplore.ieee.org IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and …. 2 cites.
  31. "The Impact of Blockchain Technology and Finance: A Catalyst for Change". M Casey, J Crane, G Gensler, S Johnson…. 2018. cimb.ch Geneva Report on the …. 2 cites.
  32. "Central Banking in a Digital Age: Stock-Taking and Preliminary Thoughts". E Prasad. 2018. iepecdg.com.br Brookings Institution. 2 cites.
  33. "Econometric Analysis of a Cryptocurrency Index for Portfolio Investment". S Chen, CYH Chen, WK Härdle, TM Lee…. 2017. Elsevier Handbook of Blockchain …. 2 cites.
  34. "ICO-новые экономико-правовые формы секьюритизации на базе технологии блокчейн". АС ГЕНКИН, АА МИХЕЕВ. 2017. rimuniver.ru Современный юрист. 2 cites.
  35. "Impact by design: evaluating knowledge exchange as a lens for evaluating the wider impacts of a design-led business support programme.". C Fremantle, MN Gulari, SM Fairburn, LA Hepburn…. 2016. openair.rgu.ac.uk . 2 cites.
  36. "Introduzione agli smart contract (Introduction to smart contract)". ML Perugini, P Dal Checco. 2015. papers.ssrn.com . 2 cites.
  37. "Cryptocurrencies and monetary policy". G Claeys, M Demertzis, K Efstathiou. 2018. sipotra.it Policy Contribution. 2 cites.
  38. "Cryptocurrencies: Stylized Facts on a New Investible Instrument". A Hu, CA Parlour, U Rajan. 2018. papers.ssrn.com . 2 cites.
  39. "A Social-Network-Based Cryptocurrency Wallet-Management Scheme". S He, Q Wu, X Luo, Z Liang, D Li, H Feng…. 2018. ieeexplore.ieee.org IEEE …. 2 cites.
  40. "The UK contract catering sector of the hospitality industry". MDJ Wilson, AE Murray, MA Black, DA McDowell. 1997. emeraldinsight.com Facilities. 2 cites.
  41. "Structural Foundations of Monetary Policy". M Bordo, J Cochrane, A Seru. 2018. books.google.com . 2 cites.
  42. "Tethering Cryptocurrencies to Fiat Currencies Without Transparency: A Case Study". U Chohan. 2018. papers.ssrn.com . 1 cites.
  43. "Blockchain Cryptocurrency Backed with Full Faith and Credit". JP Conley. 2017. accessecon.com . 1 cites.
  44. "A Primer on Blockchain Technology and its Potential for Financial Inclusion". J Ohnesorge. 2018. die-gdi.de . 1 cites.
  45. "Blockchain and IoT Integration: A Systematic Survey". A Panarello, N Tapas, G Merlino, F Longo, A Puliafito. 2018. mdpi.com Sensors. 1 cites.
  46. "Use case of linking a managed basket of fiat currencies to crypto-tokens". JM Seigneur, H D'Hautefort…. 2017. archive-ouverte.unige.ch First Meeting of the ITU …. 1 cites.
  47. "Regulation of Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technologies: National and International Perspectives". R Girasa. 2018. Springer . 1 cites.
  48. "From Hype to Reality: A Taxonomy of Blockchain Applications". O Labazova, T Dehling, A Sunyaev. . researchgate.net 52th Hawaii International …. 1 cites.
  49. "To What Extent Can Blockchain Be Used as a Tool for Community Guidance". J Khan. 2016. HeinOnline Edinburgh Student L. Rev.. 1 cites.
  50. "BLOCKCHAIN SMART CONTRACTS IN MEGACITY LOGISTICS". L Wu. 2018. faculty.ist.psu.edu . 1 cites.
  51. "Portfolio diversification across cryptocurrencies". W Liu. 2018. Elsevier Finance Research Letters. 1 cites.
  52. "Methods and systems for operating secure digital management aware applications". VK Madisetti, A Bahga, M Richter. 2018. Google Patents US Patent 9,935,772. 1 cites.
  53. "The State of the Art and Trend of Cashless Society in Thailand". SG Gohwong. 2017. papers.ssrn.com . 1 cites.
  54. "Bitcoin i inne kryptowaluty–dokąd zmierzają?". J Kubasik. 2017. ceeol.com Ekonomiczne Problemy Usług. 1 cites.
  55. "Smart Contracts: A Preliminary Evaluation". ML Perugini, P Dal Checco. 2015. papers.ssrn.com . 1 cites.
  56. "Sustainable Value Money: Why It's Needed, How to Get It?". S Turnbull. 2017. papers.ssrn.com . 1 cites.
  57. "The disenchantment of Bitcoin: unveiling the myth of a digital currency". F Corradi, P Höfner. 2018. Taylor & Francis International Review of Sociology. 1 cites.
  58. "Machine Learning the Cryptocurrency Market". L Alessandretti, A ElBahrawy, LM Aiello…. 2018. arxiv.org arXiv preprint arXiv …. 1 cites.
  59. "Сложная криптовалюта или инновационная технология". ДК Измайлова, ВС Козырицкий. 2017. naukaip.ru Экономист года 2017. 1 cites.
  60. "Cryptocurrency: A New Investment Opportunity? An Investigation of the Hedging Capability of Cryptocurrencies and Their Influence on Stock, Bond and Gold Portfolios". WS Wong, D Saerback, D Delgado Silva. 2018. papers.ssrn.com . 1 cites.
  61. "Cryptomarket Discounts". N Borri, K Shakhnov. 2018. papers.ssrn.com . 1 cites.
  62. "Renewable Energy: Stabilising Money and Society". S Turnbull. 2018. Elsevier Urban Energy Transition. 1 cites.
  63. "Digitalisation–The Next Frontier for the Offshore Industry". M Dekker, A Thakkar. 2018. onepetro.org Offshore Technology Conference. 1 cites.
  64. "Bitcoin Magnet". S Aggarwal. 2017. books.google.com . 1 cites.
  65. "Blockchain Technology Explained: The Simplified Guide On Blockchain Technology (2018) Blockchain Wallet, Blockchain Explained". M Atwood, A Yonis. 2018. dl.acm.org . 0 cites.
  66. "Blockchain Technology Explained:(2018)". M Atwood. 2018. dl.acm.org . 0 cites.
  67. "The State of the Art of Top 20 Cryptocurrencies". SG Gohwong. 2018. papers.ssrn.com . 0 cites.
  68. "Tether Trading Strategy–Bottom Rotation Trading". TS Guides. 2018. tradingstrategyguides.com . 0 cites.
  69. "The Application of Blockchain Technology in Norwegian Fish Supply Chains-A Case Study". M Mathisen. 2018. brage.bibsys.no . 0 cites.
  70. "Revenue registration and automatic taxation for platform businesses on blockchain". J Warnez. . researchgate.net. 0 cites.
  71. "INPUT DOCUMENT". JM Seigneur, MH d'Hautefort, OI GLOBCOIN…. . . 0 cites.
  72. "Using analytics to gain insights into the cryptocurrency market". X Wang, H Schneider. 2018. aisel.aisnet.org . 0 cites.
  73. "Blockchain and the state: Vehicle or vice?". Z Rogers. 2018. search.informit.com.au AQ-Australian Quarterly. 0 cites.
  74. "US Regulation of Blockchain Currencies: A Policy Overview". A Brookes. 2018. HeinOnline Am. U. Intell. Prop. Brief. 0 cites.
  75. "Security of Distributed Ledger Solutions Based on Blockchain Technologies". MR Ogiela, M Majcher. 2018. ieeexplore.ieee.org 2018 IEEE 32nd International …. 0 cites.
  76. "Bitcoin Investing--An Ethical and Regulatory Quandary.". J Pasztor. 2018. search.ebscohost.com Journal of Financial Service Professionals. 0 cites.
  77. "Blockchain and Antitrust: New Tech Meets Old Regs". B Finney. 2017. HeinOnline Transactions: Tenn. J. Bus. L.. 0 cites.
  78. "USDX: A Decentralized Monetary Policy System". R Tiutiun, L Porco, M Gord, DS Lee. . longcatchain.com. 0 cites.
  79. "Crypto-currency and blockchain: the revolution of the world economic system and digital identities". V Decaro. 2017. tesi.cab.unipd.it . 0 cites.
  80. "A Comprehensive Study on the Scalability Challenges of the Blockchain Technology". E Ademi. 2018. muep.mau.se . 0 cites.
  81. "Deep Learning Algorithms Applied to Blockchain-Based Financial Time Series". T Hollis. 2018. researchgate.net . 0 cites.
  82. "Silver Bullet Talks with Nick Weaver". G McGraw. 2018. computer.org IEEE Security & Privacy. 0 cites.
  83. "Developing a Cryptocurrency Assessment Framework: Function over Form". A Burnie, J Burnie, A Henderson. 2018. ledger.pitt.edu Ledger. 0 cites.
  84. "JIBREL NETWORK". Y BARGHUTHI, V MEZRIN. 2017. boxil.jp . 0 cites.
  85. "Cryptocurrencies most mentioned in Social media at the moment". BTC Price. . . 0 cites.
  86. "Blockchain et cryptomonnaies:«Que sais-je?» n° 4141". P de Filippi. 2018. Presses Universitaires de France . 0 cites.
  87. "Exploring the Interconnectedness of Cryptocurrencies using Correlation Networks". A Burnie. 2018. arxiv.org arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.06632. 0 cites.
  88. "Leadership Skills Needed For Success As An Accountant: An Examination Of The Data By Career Levels For Career Levels". BW Carpenter, D Boyle, J Boyle…. . cluteinstitute.com Author Name Paper# Title …. 0 cites.
  89. "Потенциал цифровой технологии blockchain". З Арсаханова. 2018. internetnauka.com Экономика. Бизнес. Информатика. 0 cites.
  90. "Blockchain. Technologien, Innovationen und Anwendungen". T Zepf. 2016. Frankfurt School of Finance & … . 0 cites.
  91. "Audit Services on the ICO Market: Opportunities and Prospects". KІ Redchenko. 2018. su-journal.com.ua Statistics of Ukraine. 0 cites.
  92. "Beyond Games: Blockchain Platform with Self-Stabilizing Property Governance". S Kim. . orichalcos.io. 0 cites.
  93. "Crypto mania: the Shariah verdict". Z Mahomed, S Mohamad. 2017. . 0 cites.
  94. "Whitepaper, version 1.1". C Georgen. 2017. icorating.com . 0 cites.
  95. "Initial Coin Offering Studie zu Kryptowährungen und der Blockchain-Technologie". M Hönig. . frankfurt-university.de. 0 cites.
  96. "Live aus dem Krypto-Valley: Blockchain, Krypto und die neuen Business Ökosysteme". M Lewrick, C Giorgio. 2018. Vahlen . 0 cites.
  97. "Désintermédiation des données critiques et décentralisation des organisations. Le cas de la blockchain.". J Delva. 2017. matheo.uliege.be . 0 cites.
  98. "Smart Contract-based Car Insurance Policies". L Bader, JC Bürger, R Matzutt, K Wehrle. 2018. comsys.rwth-aachen.de . 0 cites.
  99. "Blockchain for e-voting in the Netherlands". M ROFMAN, D DE HOOGE, K VOS. . justinverhulst.nl. 0 cites.
  100. "In the Shadow of Banking: Oversight of Fintechs and Their Service Companies". D Bunge. 2017. Springer New Technology, Big Data and the Law. 0 cites.

Republished with permission from https://blockchainlibrary.org/2018/10/most-cited-articles-for-tether-blockchain-and-cryptocurrency/.


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