L-PESA KRIPTON Microloan and Finance Platform Part 3
A smart contract is a computer protocol intended to digitally facilitate verify or enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract.Smart contracts allow the performance of credible transactions without third parties.These transactions are trackable and irreversible.Proponents of smart contracts claim that many kinds of contractual clauses may be made partially or fully self-executing, self enforcing or both.The aim of smart contracts is to provide security that is superior to traditional contract law and to reduce other transaction costs associated with contracting.Various cryptocurrencies have implemented types of smart contracts.
With the present implementations based on blockchains,Smart contract is mostly used more specifically in the sense of general purpose computation that takes place on a blockchain or distributed ledger.In this interpretation,ussualy used for example by the Ethereum Foundation a smart contract is not necessarily related to the classical concept of a contract but can be any kind of computer program.
L-Pesa creates blockchain-based, smart contract loans enabling people across the internet to grow their businesses and become thriving entrepreneurs.Hopeful visionaries can take loans in Ether or Bitcoin and then participate in L-Pesa’s curated marketplace facilitating peer-to-peer lending the first crypto loan service in Africa.https://kriptonofafrica.com/
Token name : KRIPTON
Token ticker : LPK
Token owner : L-Pesa International Businesses ltd., Gibraltar.
Token type : Ethereum ERC20
Total Tokens issued : maximum total of 3,200,000,000.Final number of tokens created will be calculated according to final amount of contributions.The final number will be published by the end of the ICO.
BONUS : during the pre-sale term, participants will be eligible for the
following bonuses:
a. Tier1 - During first 4 days - 15%
b. Tier2 - During next 14 days - 10%
c. Tier3 - During next 28 days - 5%
d. Tier4 - During the last 14 days - 0%
Tokens distribution :
57% : Public (of all tokens created)
20% : Team and Advisors
1% : Bounties Program
22% : Reserves (airdrop)
If YOU want to participate in the investment of this project you can visit official website and register with CLICK 'GET WHITELISTED'
Whitepaper : https://kriptonofafrica.com/static/pdfs/L-Pesa_ICO_white_paper_Jan_7_2018.pdf
Twitter : https://twitter.com/LPesaMicrofin
Telegram : https://t.me/LpesaKriptonICO
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/lpesaglobal/
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