Forex part 1

in #blockchain5 years ago (edited)


Hallo warga steemit,
masih ingat dengan iklan ini ?
7 juta umat manusia tidak menyadari bahwa mereka bisa menghasilkan 212 Dolar dalam sehari tanpa harus turun ke jalan. Wow. Seperti slogan kosong bukan, tapi bukan berarti tidak bisa. Yeepss.. Asal tahu caranya.

Hello Steemit Citizens,
Do you still remember this ad?
7 million human beings don't realize that they can make 212 dollars a day without having to take to the streets. Wow Such an empty slogan is not, but that does not mean it can not. Yeepss ... Just know how.

Baik untuk kesempatan kali ini saya akan membahas soal perkembangan market forex. Mungkin bagi teman-teman yang lahir sekitar diawal krisis moneter tahun 1998 pasti sempat nyicip betapa berharganya uang 200 perak saat itu, dan sudah tahu dengan isu krisis global yang menghantam Asia tenggara yang disebabkan oleh George Soros melalui perusahaannya Hedge Fund, dengan cara menjadi spekulan valuta asing (Forex) bahkan mantan PM Malaysia menyebut kegiatan ini sebagai “Tidak bermoral”. Bahkan Soros mampu merontokan arogansi Pounsterling (GBP) pada peristiwa Black Wednesday.

Good for the opportunity this time I will discuss about the development of the forex market. Maybe for friends who were born around the beginning of the 1998 monetary crisis, they must have tasted the value of 200 silver coins at the time, and already knew about the issue of the global crisis that hit Southeast Asia caused by George Soros through his Hedge Fund company, by becoming a currency speculator foreign (Forex) even the former Malaysian PM called this activity "immoral". Even Soros was able to knock down the arrogance of Pounsterling (GBP) on the Black Wednesday incident.

Dari kisah sukses Soros itulah akhirnya memotivasi banyak orang untuk belajar berspekulasi dimarket valuta asing (forex), meskipun sebenarnya tidak cuma forex saja yang ditransaksikan, ada Saham, dan aneka komoditas tambang lainnya. Dan untuk profesi seperti ini disebut sebagai Trader.

From the Soros success story that ultimately motivated many people to learn to speculate in the foreign exchange market (forex), even though it was not only forex that was traded, there were stocks, and various other mining commodities. And for a profession like this it is called a Trader.

Meskipun di Indonesia sendiri relatif “telat” karna baru sekitar tahun 2000-an bisnis ini marak, tapi cikal bakal sudah ada ditahun-tahun sebelumnya, yang mana saat itu masih menggunakan sistem Open Outcry, jadi kalau ada yang mau menanamkan uangnya harus datang ke Bursa Berjangka Jakarta (BBJ) untuk mendapatkan lembar saham. Dan faktanya saat ini sudah banyak perusahaan kriling di beberapa kota besar seperti Garuda Berjangka Semarang (GBS), Milenium Futures, Magda Dana Investama Berjangka, yang terkenal dengan istilah broker, dan saya tidak merekomendasikan untuk melakukan penitipan dana disana, karna alasan kurang aman.

Although in Indonesia itself is relatively "late" because only around the 2000s this business is rife, but the forerunner would have existed in previous years, which at that time was still using the Open Outcry system, so if anyone who wants to invest the money must come to the Exchange Jakarta Futures (BBJ) to get shares. And the fact is that currently there are many rolling companies in several big cities such as Garuda Berjangka Semarang (GBS), Millennium Futures, Magda Dana Investama Futures, which is well-known by the term broker, and I do not recommend depositing funds there, because of unsafe reasons.

Oke lanjut, berbekal dari sanalah market forex saat ini mulai digandrungi tidak hanya dari kalangan atas, menengah dan kebawah, bahkan banyak yang masih berstatus pelajar pun sudah mulai menyukai bisnis di bidang ini atau sekedar ingin belajar, termasuk saya yang mulai belajar forex dari usia kelas 2 SMA.

Okay further, armed from there the forex market is now beginning to be loved not only from the upper classes, middle and lower, even many who are still students have started to like business in this field or just want to learn, including me who started learning forex from class age 2 high schools.

Dari perkembangan penyediaan platform trading pun sudah mengalami perkembangan yaitu transaksi secara digital, dan tentunya hal ini akan sangat membantu trader dalam melakukan transaksi kapan saja dan dimana saja asal ada jaringan internet, untuk kali ini saya setuju dengan Lord Aris Setiawan, tanpa harus turun ke jalan kitapun bisa menghasilkan uang dengan catatan faham ilmunya dulu, jangan mikir untungnya. Jadi kalau tertarik usahakan matang dulu ilmunya, apa lagi disebagian besar planform memamg menyiadakan akun demo untuk belajar.
Dan saat ini sudah banyak pengembangan generasi platform digital yang menghubungkan trader ke market valas (Aplikasi Trading) disebut MT4. Contoh yang pernah saya pakai Insta Forex, Octa Forex, Giants Scoop. Nah untuk generasi terbaru yaitu MT5 biasa disebut dengan planform Binarry yang bisa menggandakan modal hanya dalam hitungan 1 menit. Contohnya Binomo, IQ Option, dll. Dan lagi-lagi saya sarankan jangan pakai disini kecuali untuk transaksi dalam batas aman.

From the development of trading platform provision, there has also been a development of digital transactions, and of course this will greatly help traders in making transactions anytime and anywhere as long as there is an internet network, this time I agree with Lord Aris Setiawan, without having to take to the streets we too can make money with a record of scientific understanding first, don't think about the benefits. So if you are interested in trying to mature the knowledge first, what's more in most planform memig memig set up a demo account for learning. And now there have been many developments in the generation of digital platforms that connect traders to the forex market (Trading Application) called MT4. Examples that I have used Insta Forex, Octa Forex, Giants Scoop. Now for the latest generation of MT5 which is usually called the Binarry planform which can double the capital in just 1 minute. For example Binomo, IQ Option, etc. And again I suggest not to use it here except for transactions within safe limits.

Sebagai mana prinsip ekonomi dasar “High risk high return”, setiap keuntungan besar seimbang dengan resiko besar, karna resiko grosir dengan pengecer jelas berbeda bukan?. Dan pengalaman adalah guru, benar adanya, tercatat saya diawal belajar karna masih rabun dalam belajar sempat menghilangkan uang 6 juta hanya dalam hitungan 30 menit.

As where is the basic economic principle of "High risk high return", every large profit is balanced by a large risk, because the risk of wholesale and retailers is clearly different, isn't it? And experience is a teacher, it is true, it was recorded at the beginning of my study because I was still farsighted in learning had to eliminate 6 million in just 30 minutes.

Nah sampai disini dulu, sambung di materi selanjutnya.

So until here first, connect in the next material.


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