The Blockchain Revolution: a New Dawn for the Retail Industry

in #blockchain6 years ago

What is blockchain?

Blockchain has been one of the top buzzwords of the year, however many still don’t understand the actual technology behind it. In layman terms, blockchain is a decentralized, transparent, distributed ledger, used to validate transactions between parties. Data can only be added in the blockchain with time-sequential order and there is no central authority the update, the ledger is rather updated via consensus. Once data is updated to the blockchain, it’s almost impossible to change, hence is considered practically immutable. Though we often tend to tie blockchain technology to cryptocurrency, the technology itself can be utilized to transfer of any form of data, and effectively cut costs while significantly improving efficiency.

One thing is certain, regardless if you’re a tech-geek or your run-of-the-mill consumer looking for the best way to shop, there’s no doubt that blockchain technology will become more and more prominent in your everyday life. Following are a few ways in which blockchain will revolutionize the face of e-commerce.

Authenticity Assurance

“Today’s retail customers are highly concerned about fair trade practices, and the truth about the claims that retailers make about their merchandise”.

Blockchain technology has the potential to transform the retail supply chain. By tracking and managing supply chain data and providing the end user with access to reliable and transparent information on the entire process, retailers can retain customers trust and assure products quality. Moreover, cases of forced labor or unfair trade practices will become more and more rare, as the companies will have no little place to hide their misdeeds.

Another use for smart labeling is fighting against counterfeiting, an issue mostly plaguing luxury goods. Companies, such as Blockverify, harness blockchain technology to improve anti-counterfeit measures and promote a positive social message. Using this technology will allow consumers to know not only if the product is counterfeited but also if it has been stolen, diverted from its original destination or had any history of fraudulent transactions.

The Delivery Conundrum

It’s no secret that delivery in the retail industry is a logistic nightmare, whether it is a shipment from the manufacturer to the retailer, or from the retailers to the end consumers, there are a million things that can go wrong and often do. A blockchain-based delivery platform will allow easy coordination of documents on a shared distributed ledger. Furthermore, by utilizing smart contracts, approvals and customs clearance can be quicker and more efficient, thus reducing processing time and minimizing delays. Finally, blockchain ensures trustworthy data across the transportation and logistics ecosystem, significantly reducing issues faced by retailers while preventing frustration on the consumers' side.

Let’s Talk About Money

The story of blockchains first originated from cryptocurrency, or more specifically from Bitcoin. Though the technology can be used in various ways as discussed above, money transfers are still the bread and butter of blockchain. Cryptocurrency represents a huge opportunity for new businesses looking to go across international borders and the limitations of traditional currencies, as it for one allows them to remove currency exchange rates and the expensive intermediates fees. In addition, cryptocurrency support microtransactions, something which was never available on the “standard” payment system, thus opening the door for new fiscal opportunities.

A Marketing Dream

The driving force of marketing has always been data, the more one knows about his potential consumer, the more likely he is to succeed and the less money he must spend to achieve this success. With the growing awareness regarding the issue of users’ privacy, the enactment of the GDPR, and the congressional hearing of Facebook’s Founder, Mark Zuckerberg, the question of data and data management has never been more critical than it is today. Blockchain may hold the key to the solution. New companies, such as WAAM , made it their mission to returns data ownership rights back to their original owners- the users. On WAAM users have the right to choose whether to share their personal data for rewards or keep it private. The platform utilizes blockchain to keep the user’s digital footprint and personal profile separated, thus able to share information with third parties such as retailers while keeping the user pseudo-anonymous. In conclusion, while blockchain, undoubtedly, will face many challenges before becoming a “mainstream technology”. There is little doubt in any one’s mind that this day will eventually come. Like any new technology it takes time to foster trust among companies, consumers, and other players; but the more evident the potential benefit of the technology is the faster the transition will be. Most certainly retailers insightful enough to adopt early will have a significant competitive edge over the other brands in the next decade.


Nice one! resteemed!

You're welcome, thank you!

I've been hearing about the blockchain revolution for 3 years now, but in reality, not much happens. Let's hope that this time something will be different.

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