SyncFab: The Future of Hardware Manufacturing - part 2: Problems
The problems faced in the manufacturing industry and the syncfab solution
There is not a solution without an existing problem and several problems exist in the manufacturing industry that affects both the manufacturers and the suppliers.
The Problems:
The money and time expended in recruiting a broker:
Companies often rely on brokers to outsource manufacturing of their hardware’s but this can be a really tedious process as getting a reputable broker with fees within a budget is hard task as well a it is to recruit a procurement manager.
No platform in place to verify the capabilities of manufacturers:
The capabilities of manufacturers can seldom be verified and this may mostly lead to empty promises and disappointments as regards the delivery date of products or ability to deliver products of the desired quality.
No platform in place to verify supplier profiles:
Just has it’s a hassle and is difficult to verify the capabilities of the manufacturers it is likewise the same for the suppliers. Manufacturers generally will want to deal with serious suppliers who pay on time, shows up on time for recipient of their products. Also purchasers need a reputable supplier with a history of success in their field.
The problem of tracking the supply chain progress:
Tracking is a very important part of customer satisfaction either in the supply chain or delivery of a product, in the current systems tracking is limited and products may spend more time than is expected on the supply chain. This leads to valuable time being wasted in the manufacturing process and may have costly results on the suppliers side.
Security and protection of ideas and intellectual property:
From experience I believe not everyone is comfortable leaving their unique product designs in the hands of a manufacturer they don't know. This may however lead to leaks of the design or just low confidence in the manufacturing process.
Syncfab is providing a solution for all these problems. I will be explaining the solutions and giving a real life example of how Syncfab works in the next part of this series.
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