[MARKET] 518 LODE Crypto at 68% off current exchange rate
MARKET 518 LODE tokens at 68% off current exchange rate for 1.20 grams Ag (regular rate is 3.80 grams Ag)
If interested to Buy Now with escrow: https://s.4bc.co/LODE-68off
Total For sale: 2,072 LODE Tokens
Available in block of 518, so perfect for those that want to get a smaller amount than the minimum of the Lode.one website.
A Lode.one account: https://members.lode.one/register
LODE Tokens currently reside in the Hyperledger, once the payment is completed we send an email including both parties to [email protected] instructing the LODE Community to transfer the transacted portion from the wallet of the seller to the one of the buyer.
Then you will start receiving AGXpay Micro-Payout rewards every 55 days.
Other Payment Methods: Contact Email [email protected]
Canadian Interac e-Transfer or Transferwise EUR IBAN and SWIFT/BIC or USD SWIFT/BIC
What is LODE?
LODE is constructing the world's first Digital Silver-Money System utilizing blockchain protocols to enable the creation of two tokenized utility assets, each representing a unique relationship with investment-grade silver.
More info at https://lode.one