Burned tokens, rewards, and inflation summary July 9, 2022 - Estimated beneficiary burn since May 29: 22,185 STEEM

Steemit launched the #burnsteem25 initiative on May 22, and the corresponding rewards started being delivered to @null on May 29. Since then, I have been playing around with PowerBI and steemdb.io to put together some visualizations of some related blockchain numbers. Here is the next weekly update..

Slide 1: Burn amounts in beneficiary rewards and transfers to @null.


Top-left: This image shows the number of VESTS along with the estimated numbers of SP and ( SP + STEEM ) beneficiary rewards that have been burned since May 29. This is where the headline number comes from.

Top-right: This shows the VESTS and the estimated SP beneficiary rewards burned per month.

Middle: This shows the daily VESTS and the estimated SP beneficiary rewards that have been burned.

In all three of the above charts, VESTS are shown against the left axis, SP and STEEM are shown against the right.

Bottom: SBD transfers to @null. As readers are likely aware, SBD transfers to @null can get a post added to the /promoted page.

Slide 2: Rewards summary

Curator rewards use the scale on the right, author and beneficiary rewards use the scale on the left. Beneficiary rewards in this chart (red) have been adjusted in order to account for both SP and liquid rewards.


Slide 3: STEEM & SBD Supply as well as vested (i.e. staked or "powered up") STEEM


The top-left image provides a summary view of current and virtual STEEM supply, current SBD supply, liquid and vested STEEM, and the amount of STEEM reserved as collateral for paying off SBDs.

Collateralized STEEM and current SBD supply actually represent the same value expressed in terms of STEEM or SBDs, respectively. They're aligned differently on the graph because they use different axes.

The top-right graphic now contains a zoom-in on "virtual STEEM Supply" (left axis) and the ratio of liquid STEEM / virutal STEEM supply (right axis). As we learned, here, virtual STEEM supply is heavily influenced by price, so with STEEM prices down, it's not surprising to find the virtual STEEM supply increasing. The up-side of this is that it's now possible to burn more collateralized STEEM per SBD with post promotion.

The bottom-left visualization now contains the ratio of liquid STEEM / current STEEM supply (left axis) and a zoom-in on Current SBD supply (right axis)

The chart on the bottom right shows the value of SBDs in terms of STEEM, according to the blockchain conversion rate, not external markets. This is the inverse of the blockchain's: internal price (which is different from the actual feed median, for reasons that I don't currently understand).

Now, here are some more details about each of the values

ParameterAxis (left/right)MeaningComments
SBD SupplyrightNumber of SBDs in circulationEquivalent in value to collateralized STEEM
Collateralized STEEMleftNumber of STEEM needed to pay off all SBD debtEquivalent in value to SBD Supply
Vested STEEMleftNumber of STEEM staked as STEEMPOWER
Liquid STEEMleftNumber of STEEM that's not staked or needed for SBD collateralCalculated as (Current STEEM supply - Vested STEEM)
Current STEEM supplyleftNumber of STEEM in circulation
Virtual STEEM supplyleftNumber of STEEM in existence

Thanks for reading!

For previous updates, see:


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Visit the /promoted page and #burnsteem25 to support the inflation-fighters who are helping to enable decentralized regulation of Steem token supply growth.


Gracias por el buen informe, aun no logro comprender algunos términos a pesar de haberlo leído con detenimiento. Creo que estoy falta de practica con algunos términos en su publicación, aun así me anima saber que estamos haciendo un buen trabajo contrarrestando la inflación quemando steem, eso me llena mucho de emoción.


I wish the cremation thing had more support. Unfortunately, not enough attention has been paid. Managers should take this seriously and take the necessary steps.

When I read a graph showing the amount of burnt steem is increasing, I want to thank all of us for voluntarily pushing the price of steem for the better

Btw; when the steem exchange rate is what, we will receive payments in SBD again?

Btw; when the steem exchange rate is what, we will receive payments in SBD again?

I'm not exactly sure, but I think it needs to get into the range between about $0.25 and $0.30 and stay there for long enough to bring the blockchain's median price measurement up to that level.

I'll be honest, what I want most is that soon we will be rewarded with SBD

The burnsteem25 event is pretty cool. A swap between sbd and steem should be considered. Steem should be burned instead the system should give us sbd. so the supply of steem will decrease. this will lower the sbd price but not a big deal

It has been an effective work. Thank you. Although it may seem simple, it is actually quite a complex issue. We can ensure that our posts stay in the top zone by sending assets to @null.

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