Understanding The Business Model Of Jesus

in #blockchain-blogger7 years ago (edited)


Jesus was one of the greatest Men who ever lived and even though he lived for only 33 years, he was the Bible character who achieved the most things while alive

Now as a christian if someone told you that Jesus was a business man you may not understood where the person is coming from. But the truth is that even if we don't know Jesus as a business man, he still used business principles to achieve a lot of things during his earthly ministry

I talked about the Importace of attention in my post yesterday, and it was one of the things that palyed a vital role for Jesus.

For example, we all know that the Internet is filled with lots of content, but like I always ask, how many of those content are actually worth reading ?. We are in a period where people are actually hungry for good content, and the amount of people who can actually give that are becoming lesser by the day

Wisdom is the ability to discern difference

Most people pray for wisdom and understanding without actually knowing the deeper meaning of It. Wisdom is not just something you have, it is something your apply. Wisdom is the ability to take decisions, understanding is needed to endure the consequences of decisions

So what do you think are the business secrets of Jesus, how could he have achieved all he did within three and half years of ministry, the following are the business secrets of Jesus



Apart from his teachings, the miracles of Jesus was another thing that enabled him get the attention of many Israelites,and among those Miracles, feeding the five thousand was one that I am sure will pull crowds wherever he went

His content was very good, but when people also knew that there was a chance they will get physical food in addition to spiritual food, they had more reasons to go and listen to him talk

We all know that he fed the five thousand out of compassion, but it was an added bonus to his attention grabbing effort.

This does not take away the fact that his teachings were very refreshing and live changing to the jews who were already over burdned by the Law of Moses

Come unto me all you that are heavy laden and i will give you rest (Matthew 11:28)

Ask and you shall recieve (Matthew 7:7)

His revelation of a new dimension in people's walk with God, gained him attention. prior to his arrival people did not believe that they could have a personal relationship with God, they have always gone through the Priest

For your business to prosper you have to gain the attention of people



Jesus knew the problems of the people he was trying to reach. if you don't know the problems of the people that you are trying to reach, then you don't know why they need you in the first place

Knowledge in this aspect is the seed of attention. You must first research and know the problem that people are facing. You have to master the art of listenting.

When Jesus sat by the jacob well (John 4:6). He must have listened to the complaints of the women that came there to fetch water of how far the well was from the city. So when the samaritan women came, He told her

All who drink will be thirsty again. But whosoever drinks of the water that i give, will never be thirsty again

Even though the water he was talking about was not physical water, he succeeded in gaining the attention of the woman, who did not want to take the daily trip to the well

So for you to succeed in whatever you are doing, find the problems of people and solve them



Another thing that made Jesus stand out was that he remain in his area of expertise, he did not branch out to teach the law of Moses because it was trending

Even when the pharisees constantly accused him of blasphemy he still remained true to his message.

I will use Steemit as an example. There are a lot of people writing posts on topics that they are not familiar with, and this is rampant in the Cryptocurrency tag. People who write these posts feel that it is a way of achieving high earnings

They end up shooting themsevels in the foot, because what builds a blog is engagement, and that cannot be achieved if you constantly put yourself in unfamiliar territory

You have to test yourself and check your strenghts and weaknesses. When you discover them, double down on your strenght and eliminate your weaknesses



This principle is more applicable in the business world. You have to equip those who are working under you

Jesus equipped and trained his disciples before sending them out to towns and villages to preach the gospel. There are some business people who fail to train their staff out of the fear that they will leave

What they fail to realize is that everyone single one of their workers represents the business, and the public perception of them will be the public perception of the business

Thanks For Reading

Image Source: Pixabay

Follow @ogochukwu


we appreciate your effort so far, for bringing the news of our lord jesus to steemians.

you have our resteem on post like this. continue you good work.

Thanks for the houour @voiceforchrist

It's true. You've said it all. The comments I could have made is written in the post is self.
A word is enough for the wise.

Thanks for sharing @ogochukwu

Find a problem and provide a solution to it and not a complain.

This model of getting reward can't be over emphasesed. There are examples of it everyday, for instance, bitcoin was created, thus a nees for miners arose and people solved the problem and are geeting a reward for it, steemit came up, but people saw an additional problem to solve, thus the creation of esteem, @steemgiggs, @bluewaves etc, someone saw that people needs a place to trade their coins, thus luno, bitrex etc came about.

What we need to understand is that once we solve a problem, we have created another one, even Jesus understood this when he gathered the five thouasand, he first solved their spiritual problem and by so doing, created another one (hunger) unknowinly.

Its very nice of you to reflect on such topic @ogochukwu.


Thanks for the added Wisdom @arinzechukwu.

What we need to know that Life has problems and It is the people who solve them that gains relevance.

Even when the pharisees constantly accused him of blasphemy he still remained true to his message.

Staying true to yourself irrespective of what the negative Criticisms might be is a major key to success.

Very true @molokwu. We must learn to remain where we have been planted

Makes you wonder if Jesus low key wanted us to realise this "business model" @ogochukwu 😁

I love the parts about figuring out the problemw and making sure you have the expertise. I feel those are the most important things, and they work concurrently. You can't have one without the other, otherwise you'll still be building a mansion with sand.

I wonder what kind of daily devotion you were doing that led to this revelation, lol.

Well done.


Lolz @barrister-batman. This post came as a result of constant study of the Bible and business books

@ogochukwu, i love the way you used Jesus' to teach us the basics of business. Thanks for sharing

Thanks for reading @nmalove

The truth is that you just did a super piece here. I love this

Thanks for reading @geekis

In addition I like Jesus Christ marketing model, he started with few disciples and by sending them to preach from door to door millions today became converts. We can also leverage this strategy to help this platform grow.

Thats very true @the heralds. Thanks for stopping by

The business of Jesus was believe. He didn't failed to ask do you believe which is as a result of haven faith.

Thanks for reading @varrow

a very good post @ogochukwu

Thanks for reading @mardha

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