Statement from the @blockbrothers #3.
Regarding the recently posted We Need Your Help to Protect Steem - Softfork 0.22.888. We like to make the following statement.
It's basically the same statement we made on 1/18/2019 here and 2/23/2020 here
Any Hard (or Soft fork) that proposes to fork out any account or limit the actions of an account on the Steem blockchain we will oppose now and in the future and anyone on the Steem blockchain should be able to do with their stake whatever they want.
It's been blatantly clear that we didn't agree with the first Softfork that froze the stake of Steemit Inc. For us, that action directly violates the sanctity of ownership.
The Softfork was reversed and ownership was taken back.
Now a new soft fork is proposed that will once again take ownership of accounts.
We cannot support this. What goes for Steemit Inc goes for everybody.
Stop violating people's rights and taking their stuff on the Steem blockchain.
We will keep running at 22.5.
End of statement.

If you support us please vote here for @blockbrothers or set us as proxy.
Makers of Steemify. The dedicated notification app for anything happening on the Steem blockchain. Get our tools: Get in touch:
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Blockbrothers, you have made your choice. You stood for a principle, the sanctity of property.
You thought, if we protect property rights on a very debatable piece of stake, surely we will protect stake that is far less debatable.
The stake you protected is now being used to violate the principle you stand for. You were warned this would happen many times, but you chose your destiny.
And now, the person you protected on principle dumps his support for your witness, because the principle no longer suits him.
You were no1 witness yesterday. But not even in top20 today.
Some lessons are painful to learn.
This has turned into a real mess.
I love @exyle who is one of the partners in @blockbrothers he is one of the best Steemers of all time!
I'd love to see him posting again!
I disagree with your main ideology in how it is applied to the past context, but I do respect your strong-held stance. You aren't a lying hypocritical fraud like the others that claimed they were against freezing funds but are now doing the very same. Thanks for at least being honest.
Just move over to Hive, I still can't understand HOW a bunch of supposedly smart guys still see nothing wrong with this blockchain. Is it pride holding you back? SMFH!!
Pride comes before a fall, remember that.
lol Hey @elsiekjay
It surprises me that you do not realize that the people who fucked Steem now control hive! Hive was created because they did not want the competition and Ned didnt have the balls to step in. Steem has always been centralized and so is hive.
Hive is just run by a different set of oligarchs with the stake/money to do as they will. Steem is run by a set of 1 oligarch.
This is the only difference.
The problem is that massive stake/money is not a decentralizing metric. It is the opposite. DPoS cannot be decentralized unless some other means of influence is necessary to governance. Hive is being censored now, by a single individual who wields this power at his sole option, @themarkymark.
We who seek a decentralized blockchain will have to look beyond DPoS, because as Steem reveals all that is needed to completely centralize governance on DPoS platforms is a player(s) with enough money. All the capital of all cryptocurrencies is not a barrier to myriad parties should they seek control of governance of any platform.
Money is a shit decentralizer of governance. It is in fact a guarantee of plutocracy.
Please don't pretend that flags = censorship. Flags remove monetary reward. You can still read every single post and comment that has been flagged. I know you are not stupid but you surely come off that way if you are equating flagging with the actual and literal censorship of entire user histories by filtering them out of the Steemit API nodes so they don't appear on any Steem front end. Come on dude.
Go to github #irredeemables list and rethink your comment. The Steem API, and now the Hive API, do not pass the posts of people on that list to dapps, like Steempeak and Peakd, that use their APIs.
That isn't downvoting. That's completely eliminating the ability to speak on dapps almost everyone uses, and can't access the blockchain data without.
That is absolute and complete censorship, far more than just deleting a video on Youtube. It completely prevents you from speaking to anyone at all. As far as anyone knows, you never posted at all.
That's what's going on over at Hive right now. That #irredeemables list is administered by @themarkymark all by himself. AFAIK, no committee of witnesses has to sign off before he censors someone. There's no community vote, or involvement at all. One consensus witness controls who gets to speak on Hive, all by themselves. The fact is that list was made to silence @fulltimegeek, who was involved in a dispute with Bernie over a 60 Steem refund @themarkymark sent to @null instead.
Today @joe.public is on that list. Why? Because he replied to thousands of spam messages Bernie sent out through his iflagtrash bot.
I am exactly talking about censoring using API nodes. That's what I am talking about. That's on Hive right now.
It boggles my mind that anyone even attempts to argue "but, hive no censor".
lol yea right
Well stated.
Sun doesn't approve xD
Well no one can accuse you of not standing by your principles.
I believe 22.8888 is hypocritical based on the statements of the CEO of Steemit/Tron with regards to 22.2.
Also, it may be revenge for the Hive split not airdropping certain accounts. However, they have been pretty clear that accounts can ask for the airdrop soon when the drama dies down a little.
With @steemit voting on the SPS, there's no way anyone can get anything from SPS unless Sun lets them.
To clarify, the vote for Hive Airdrop is on Hive Proposal system, not the Steem Proposal system, so the Steemit accounts have close to 0 influence.
Yeah, I realized later you were talking about Hive, sorry. Sun said he'd have a vote on the SPS system for the accounts that were just locked
What Hive did with their blacklist is just as bad. I previously said it wasn't that bad, but since the witnesses of Hive are going around pulling the BCH move and telling everyone Hive is the "real Steem" then that blacklist, as far as I am concerned, is just as much theft as anything else. You can't have your cake and eat it too, either Hive is not Steem, or the blacklist stole people's "STEEM"
It's not the same.
Hive is legally considered a new asset according to a widely accepted definition by authorities including the IRS. It is fair tonl say they were not airdropped the new asset. This isn't theft by any common definition of theft. It's a privilege and not a right.
Steem is an existing asset. Freezing it or seizing it may be considered theft. Private property is definitely a right.
If people say Hive is the real contination, that is besides the point and a petty argument. Perhaps they can try to sue for this but it isn't really a winable case as the antics with btc and bch and bsv show us.
We have millions of cases of theft to review and compare for civil claims, but maybe kinda sorta one for a blockchain fork people don't like.
The fact that you think this is even says more about your logic and ethics than it does about anything else. They are separate cases.
You think it is fine for people to copy a entire network, selectively delete people's assets from that network with the intent on attacking and usurping the original, damaging the investment of those still holding the original asset all while claiming they are the "real" one now... Wow. Its hilarious that you think my logic and ethics are questionable.
Its also hilarious that anyone supporting Hive would dare say anything about digital theft in regard to freezing assets. After all, it was the Hive community behind doing the first round of asset forfeiture.
There is nothing stopping anyone from copying Hive or Steem and forking over and over.
It's allowed and perfectly legal. If you dispute this, go ahead and waste your time on a pointless legal case.
Hive is not claiming to be steem, you are basically saying they don't have a right to an opinion to think they are better so your argument is a non-starter.
Enjoy censorship on Steem. Hive will not tolerate it.
They are claiming to be Steem. That is the whole point of what I am saying. They are trying to say they are the "real Steem" not just better than Steem.
Anyway, there really is no point to continue the arguments. If you look at the data the evidence shows both blockchains are getting screwed in the deal. STEEM and HIVE are being powered down and sold for something else, most likely Bitcoin.
Some people on both chains are powering up, while many more are selling off. That indicates that both communities are shrinking. Its a lose-lose situation for both communities.
I’m gonna say. I am actually impressed by your conviction.
We stand by our values. Forking out accounts is non-negotiable.
Man I’m going to campaign to give you the airdrop, you should come ove
Edit: ah you got it? Anyways. I really think you should come over. I respect you for standing by your principals man, I will absolutely vote for you over there
Well, I admire that you stood by your principles, regardless of who was calling the shots.
Sad that it has all come to this...
Please provide more details, what accounts etc
These are the ones they're planning to lock atm
who is the they ?
who is for it and who is against. Can it be stopped?
And thanks for the reply
They is the majority of the top 20 witnesses atm. Everyone on this page that is running version 0.22.888
Thanks to your buddies the top twenty witness line up changes daily !
At least the insane changes in witness line up provides conclusive evidence the Sun is not controlling the top twenty witnesses selection as so many of you claim. Its funny to see people who don't even know they are in the top twenty : )
If you were Sun, being attacked by the original ninja miners, what would you do? Really, what would you do?
Lol, the lineup changed because top 20 witnesses didn't agree to this softfork so Sun voted them out.
its been changing from the time hive was created lol
Voting for witnesses then removing the votes and voting new ones. Just have a look on steemworld. I am sure you dont need me to tell you which accounts to look at : )
Some still creating many new accounts. to use for what I wonder : )
what is going on is obvious.
The risk of it backfiring and burning hive should be obvious as well. The actions are hardly positive PR
If I was Sun I would have left them to post. I mean come on, all that Trolling hardly said come to hive, we a so friendly, reasonable and well balanced. He did us a favor
Ah yes, I see all the votes changing Oh wait, that's Sun kicking out witnesses because they won't lie like he did
creating more accounts doesn't help your witness voting, you don't even know how Steem works, do you?
They switched to this
We don’t really know, because there was no official publication of the new code...
Does anyone know who wrote the code?
I haven’t seen any official publication or announcement on the code-part.