Recovering from severe bloating and constipation (Usually After Antibiotics)
Antibiotics – especially an overdose of – may cure your immediate bacterial infection. However, it will leave you without any friendly bacteria (in your digestive tract – starting from your mouth – all the way to your gut).
As you know, the gut is the most important brain in your body. Without it, even the brain up there doesn’t get the nutrients it needs. Hence, a compromised gut, leads to various symptoms including brain fog and lethargy.
These symptoms (for me) began a week or so AFTER the antibiotic treatment was over. They lasted well over a month (about 6 weeks) – and here is what I did to get around them (and restore my gut flora).
Severe Severe Bloating – like stomach and abdomen feel ROCK solid. Absolutely no movement in stomach.
Loss of any movement in the stomach (no bacteria means the intestinal contractions slow down/stop). Bacteria help with peristalsis – in the absence of beneficial bacteria, the gut doesn’t MOVE!
No gurgling sounds in stomach (these sounds are actually a good thing). Again, this was due to:
a) lack of peristalsis
b) lack of acid production
Constipation ( Severe) – Since there is little or no intestinal movement.
Loss of appetite
Aversion to Hot Liquids, Sore burning feeling in stomach (this is NOT acidity – but an allergic reaction to foods that are not properly digested – due to lack of beneficial bacteria).
Lack of ANY digestive juices – including saliva.
Several MOOD, energy and respiratory related symptoms can be part of this stage..
Low beneficial bacteria (top cause)
Slow gut movements (slow peristalsis, a side effect of low good bacteria)
Yeast Overgrowth – also due to antibiotics use
Low Acid Production
A single probiotic, no matter how good, is not as effective as a few spread out probiotics. It is better to rotate and consume different probiotics, instead of sticking with one.
Foods – Sauerkraut (one of the fastest working probiotics) instantly brought some gurgling sounds back. Sauerkraut, apart from providing good bacteria, also manages to restore stomach acid levels (if they are low). This post has a lot more to say about which foods to try.
VSL3 – This is an ‘industrial strength’ probiotic – and one that I found much more effective than regular brands.
Coconut Water
VSL 3 High Potency Probiotic Capsules for Ulcerative Colitis – 60 ea: Health & Personal Care
Supplementing with good probiotics is only part of the equation for restoring beneficial bacteria. One needs to also curtain the overgrowth of yeast (candida) that flourishes in the aftermath of an antibiotic treatment. These are some TOP destroyers of candida – and good at restoring the yeast balance as well. Keep rotating these – as Candida can adapt to any single anti-fungal.
S. BoullardiiSaccharomyces Boulardii Saccharomyces Boulardii – This is a GOOD yeast – one that takes over from the bad overgrowth of candida.
Garlic – This is (one of) the strongest enemies of yeast. A good way to test if you are suffering from yeast overgrowth is to see if raw garlic relieves your bloating any.
Oregano Oil – While this is very effective, I am wary of using this regularly – since it also destroys good fungus along with bad fungus.
Coconut Oil – Never tried this – but heard from people that it is a strong anti-candida agent.
Flucanazole – A very strong anti fungal – and usually one feels relief within 24 hrs. By prescription only. Again, in my experience, S. Boullardii and Garlic are very effective
After all, the gurgling sounds were supposed to be acid in the stomach – and I had NO gurgling sounds whatsoever. Once again, Sauerkraut provides a quick fix. However, if low acid IS the culprit, there’s an easier way to tell.
Simply have a BETAINE HCL (with PEPSIN) capsule with your meal – and see how NORMAL you feel for the next couple of hours. If there is no bloating / discomfort, you have low acid production. You were low in acid to begin with. In my case, not only did I feel normal after the Betaine capsule, it also restored my appetite, the gurgling sounds (which is just acid swooshing around).
Here is a post that lets you determine whether your stomach has low levels of acid.
While restoring good bacteria restores some of the intestinal movement as well, there is a quicker way to restore this. HOT WATER – Sipped slowly. Read my patented hot water remedy. DGL (DeGlycerized Licorice) helps with a variety of digestive ailments – and I added it to my daily pre-meal ritual to overcome my complete loss of appetite. It seemed to really help.
In the morning, I took Betaine HCL 500 mg (with Pepsin) on an empty stomach. This got my digestive juices flowing. I could hear gurgling sounds again – which was a HUGE relief.
After about an hour, I took the probiotics of choice (VSL 3 or coconut kefir). Also , took one dose of Saccharomyces Boulardii about this time.
20 minutes prior to each meal, I would chew 2 DGL (DeGlyccerized Licorice) tablets
With each meal, I would take an additional Betaine HCL (with pepsin)
These 4 are the top recommendations for getting somewhat instant relief – so you can regain some appetite . At the same time, the probiotics and S Boullardi and DGL are also providing long term healing.
When your gut flora is messed up, you are not eating well or digesting well. This has an effect on your entire body and mind. You are unable to even think clearly (brain fog). This makes it even harder to decipher the underlying causes of your symptoms. It is all too easy , for example, to believe that you are having a bronchitis attack – when, in reality, you are experiencing an allergic reaction to certain foods (because of your gut imbalance).
Because you are not really thinking clearly, you may very easily attribute your symptoms to something other than digestion – and start taking inhalers etc. (as I did). However, as I realized, when my gut flora returned, so did my mental clarity. As did my (up) moods. It takes 4-6 weeks for the balance to be fully restored. However, with a severe yeast overgrowth, there may be additional dietary considerations to keep in mind. Generally though, with a few yeast killers and a few good probiotics, you can be well on your way to a full recovery.
The four top supplements that got me over the most difficult hump were
Betaine HCL (with Pepsin)
VSL3 Probiotic
Saccharomyces Boulardii
Nux Vomica – A homeopathic medicine – especially suited for restoring appetites that have been ruined by abuse (too much rich foods, too much caffeine etc.)
Swedish Bitters – Good for stimulating digestion.
Sauerkraut – for me – started working right away at restoring the good bacteria. I also had some coconut kefir probiotics, but sauerkraut worked faster. In addition, I tried my patented ‘reduced’ hot water remedy. Within two days, I heard the gurgling sounds in my stomach again.
In the past, whenever I was bloated or constipated, I would run. A 30 minute run would fix me. This is what happens in a case of ‘normal’ bloating or indigestion. With a severe imbalance of gut flora, the situation is different. Exercise makes little, or no difference. I remember running for an hour non-stop – in the end, I was still bloated, and still had NO appetite. This happened day after day. This was very confusing – since ANY exercise would typically stimulate my appetite. However, in my experience, this condition is not helped particularly by exercise.
I am of the conviction that almost ALL moods are related to the state of your digestive health. At least for me, that seems to hold true. Moods are not these mysterious things that appear and disappear after a few hours. For me, there seems to be a strong correlation between my digestive health and my moods.
You will experience allergic reaction to various foods – when you lack the bacteria to digest those foods. It will seem like allergies – and even cause respiratory symptoms. For me, there were severe breathing issues – including inability to inhale fully or exhale fully. These ranged from mild to severe. These were not my typical asthma attacks (I had acute asthma as a teenager – so am aware of what that sounds like).
This is one of THE most disabling symptoms of dysbiosis (imbalance of gut bacteria). One cannot think clearly – and this makes it even harder to decipher the underlying causes of your symptoms. It is all too easy , for example, to believe that you are having a bronchitis attack – when, in reality, you are experiencing an allergic reaction to certain foods (because of your gut imbalance).
Because you are not really thinking clearly, you may very easily attribute your symptoms to something other than digestion – and start taking inhalers etc. (as I did). However, as I realized, when my gut flora returned, so did my mental clarity. As did my (up) moods.