Washington State Representative Matt Shea Exposes Widespread Corruption Within BLM
Representative Sheas has come forward and made public claims by BLM Special Agent Larry Wooten hat there is widespread and rampant corruption within the BLM and possibly the US Attorney's office in Nevada.
I have written to Representative Shea thanking him for his courage and urge you all to call or email as well. http://mattshea.houserepublicans.wa.gov
Article from a local newspaper....... http://www.hcn.org/articles/cliven-bundy-leak-document-wooten-blm-interior-trial
Document was made public by the Oregonian...... http://www.oregonlive.com/oregon-standoff/2017/12/blm_investigator_alleges_misco.html#incart_river_home
Here's a link to the document sent from BLM Special Agent Wooten to Associate Deputy Attorney General Andrew Goldsmith ...... https://redoubtnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Larry-Wooten-Communication_77PI.pdf
I also urge you to share this information in every way possible including your federal law elected officials.
Furthermore I urged Representative Shea to move to shed more light on what I believe to be the planned execution of LaVoy Finnicum by FBI agents or assassins working with the FBI.
This is a must watch announcement by Representative Shea made on December 14, 2017
@titusfrost this is worthy of a video that includes calling on a full investigation of the FBI's assassination of LaVoy Finnicum