Has BLM actually helped with legal fees representing black people wrongly convicted?
It can be acknowledged that $90 million in a year isn't a massive income for an internationally known organization; but, I think that number should tell us that Black Lives Matter is a garbage organization.
To any person of conscience, the three words "black lives matter" are so obvious that they're rather banal. No decent person would say otherwise. That's the great lie of the organization. It's the same thing as Antifa - they take a verbal ejaculation that every good person has to agree with and they use that to build support while otherwise causing more harm than good.
The fact that the founders of the organization have been buying several, multi-million dollar houses in upscale, mostly white neighborhoods on that budget tells you where most of the hard-earned jingle that people have been giving to BLM is going. Kinda a funny use of resources by "trained Marxists".
For an organization that's supposed to have its roots in criminal justice and policing reform, can you point to a damn thing that BLM has actually done? Has BLM helped with the legal fees of a single black man being railroaded by the system? Has BLM helped with legal representation of a single black man who was wrongly convicted?
Is $90 million a year not enough to make a difference? The Innocence Project is working with a third of that and they manage to get an innocent man out of prison every other week.
Even if you're going to argue that BLM doesn't have the resources to help people legally, they certainly have the money to make press releases. They made a public statement in slavish defense of Jussie Smollett even though everybody with a brain knew that he was guilty from the get go. Somehow they couldn't be bothered to issue a statement about Anthony Broadwater, a black man who spent a decade and a half in prison and nearly four decades on the sex offender registry for a rape that he didn't commit. They issued no statement about Ledell Lee, a black man executed in Arkansas for a murder that he probably didn't commit.
Their history of apathy about black lives has been consistent enough that I'd bet the house that they won't even mention Edward Taylor, a black man who spent 33 years in prison for the rape of a four year-old that he didn't commit.
How do any of you give this organization any credibility?