The Bright star has fallen!
Date published March 14, 2018
original source
“Humanity may have lost one of the enlightened men this world has ever seen, but the legacy remained in their hearts and will continue forever and ever.”
- blb
#alpha #btc #eth #blb #ebtc #faith #pbit #cr7 #ntwk #tag #stc #cryptocurrency #bilibitfoundation #decentralization #hodl #crypto #blockchainrevolution #changetheworld #finance #iamblb #facebook #twitter #instagram #cnn #yahoo #bbc #coindesk #blbmessiah #bitcoin #bilibit #believeit #crusade #freedom #beastcoin #caesar #markofblb #blbeast #newtomorrow #brightworld #justorder #propheticblb #utopia #armageddon #omega
For future viewers: price of bitcoin at the moment of posting is 8324.80USD