Bilibit Revelation 2
Bilibit Revelation 2
"Wormwood Arrived!"
- Then suddenly a chaos named wormwood struck the earth surface the bodies of earth become bitter and the population become sick and withered then become so ill, one third of the earth population perished that day. Then I saw a river of blood where many cities of the earth has was laid and turned into a flat ground. I don't know what happened but it was clear that human has started to become greedy again alas! It has started a new great battle that affect all the continent of earth. 2) Humanity was turned into a turmoil of agony then suddenly a miracle happen the world awaited messiah has finally arrived with authority from his father and removed the sufferings of mankind for who is kind and generous enough like him or who has greater authority like him? Nonetheless to any power on earth he showed miracles and virtue that change the world that day. 3) For I tell you no one is greater than him nor had the tongue to argue with him on earth cause he is loved by humanity after all. Authority itself is with his every commands, when he whispers to the wind they obey his words, and at his disposal are the great codes and thrones of earth. 4) They believe in him just as the sheeps to their shepherd for no one is a victim of oppression anymore. That day is a glorious victory for humanity a Utopia achieved atlast. They glorify him like a god I have never seen like this and the authority he hold since the day Moses become like a god to Pharaoh. 5) Those that can't obey the new commandment are put to their abyss place for they have fallen to commit heinous acts and lawlessness spreading chaos itself. They are grinding their teeth on that dark abyss and gloomy place no human can leave that place. 6) The shepherd is just waiting for his father's kingdom to establish a New Earth with justice on his side to rule the World forever and ever.