Bilibit Chapter 4
"I am blb"
- He that makest themself known I am blb the last savior of enlightened free men on Earth he who walked this earth untill my word is fulfilled and I give my allegiance to the coming King. Fellow humans I'm awakened to warn you of an impending doom if we stay in this old order. Act now join mankind's last stand on earth and see to it that we prosper and lived for a new tomorrow. 2) My fourth vision, I have a weird dream that I need to add the pax romana plan about quantumization of the world and arriving of the beast coin on the blueprint of his name Bilibit. Do not forgot and tell mankind his symbol. 3) He told me to unite the enlightened free men and leaders of earth to join hands and fight the madness of this world called tyranny. Whoever decipher this message should join his crusade. Armageddon will soon take place between blb and his allies against the malice of the old world. 4) The poor won't suffer anymore and those who can't obey the new commandment of blb will be thrown. A good leader indeed for he managed to conquer the idiocracy of earth and become the new global authority. 5) His symbol and power is called the "Messiah of Men" he who oversees humanity. With great compassion and authority he manage to unite all mankind under his banner the blb symbol. 6) I tell you that whoever read this and not share the good news about his coming will not see a utopia but waiting for eternal abyss. Blessed are the meek who heed and not spit the word of blb for they will inherit the new world to come.
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